
Started by Mr Party Hat

Mr Party Hat

The early access is out now on the PSN Store, costs 25 quid.

Anyone getting it? The main story isn't there, but you get access to all the creation tools as well as everyone else's creations. And when the full game launches you'll get that too.

I still don't really know what to expect, but I can't wait to dive in.



I'm really curious about this, but Little Big Planet never clicked with me so I'm hesitant to jump into this one without getting some hands-on time first. It might be an easier sell if I had VR and the Move wands – I just cannot figure out how (or even if) it'll work with a pad.

In the event of a demo (or, inevitably, PS+) I'd definitely love to try it, but I know too well from past experience with these kinds of tools that I'd fumble around with it for half an hour, once, and then put it away forever.



You all beat me to it.

I'm really, really thinking about getting it. Whereas other stuff - like LittleBigPlanet - has left me cold because you're limited by the restrictions of what it is, Dreams seems to be… well, everything. It's not just 'Hey, this is a platform game, make your own platform game!', but rather you can do almost anything you can think of. That's incredible to me, if it works.

I suspect I'll have cracked by the end of the week.


Mr Party Hat

The initial lot of Dreams (which I assume come from the Beta) are a mixture of incredible jank and surprisingly impressive snippets.

Snippets is the key word though. With the odd exception, they're all mere seconds long. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, and it suits the idea of 'dream surfing' quite well (basically a random playlist). And there's enough good in there to prove the whole thing works. There's a version of Mario 1-1 that looks and plays like Mario 1-1, pixels and all. It's not a LittleBigPlanet version where everything is recognisably anchored in that game's systems. There's a 3D space shooter with genuinely satisfying mechanics. People are (slowly) creating experiences that stand alone, not as "vague approximation given the tools available".

I'd say it's worth your 25 quid, even now, on the promise of what's to come. And it's all done with that characteristic Media Molecule loveliness and polish.


Mr Party Hat

I've gone back to this on PS5, and in the last 18 months it's transformed into a brilliant toybox.

There's an excellent level of curation, so finding the quality is easy. (/Glares at Super Mario Maker.) A lot of it harks back to the early days of indie games, before indie meant Double-A experiences.

That's not to say it's crap; far from it. There's everything here from animated music videos to ten-hour adventure games, and a whole lot in-between.