Fallout 76

Started by Minx


What happened the other 71 games..?

The same thing that happened to everyone else that made this joke. They got put in the sea. >:I



The general flavour of rumours swirling around this - that it's an online game, that it focuses on base-building or resource management - is putting me off. Kotaku's sources (which seem to be what everybody else's reporting is based on) make it sound like an Ark or Rust-type survival thing which is pretty unappealing.

Originally prototyped as a multiplayer version of Fallout 4 with the goal of envisioning what an online Fallout game might look like, Fallout 76 has evolved quite a bit over the past few years, those sources said. It will have quests and a story, like any other game from Bethesda Game Studios, a developer known for meaty RPGs like Skyrim. It will also feature base-building—just like 2015's Fallout 4—and other survival-based and multiplayer mechanics, according to those sources. One source cautioned that the gameplay is rapidly changing, like it does in many online “service” games, but that’s the core outline.