Nintendo Direct - September 2018

Started by aniki


This had quite a lot of stuff.


  • Kirby's Extra Epic Yarn
  • Bowser’s Inside Story


There was also some stuff about the Online Pass, the NES game service that isn't going to shift half as many consoles as Nintendo think it will, and some new NES-style joycon things. Splatoon 2 and Mario Tennis are getting more updates.



At what point is a game a "port" rather than just multiplatform? Yeah there are a bunch of remasters, but the first Katamari never got a UK release before. The Final Fantasies are going to be on everything else (so the Switch would be missing titles if it didn't), except Crystal Chronicles which nobody played on GameCube because the GBA gimmick was such a hurdle.

It's not like Mario Bros U had a massive audience, so much like Mario Kart 8 it's going to be new to most Switch owners.



Fair enough, I guess, there just wasn’t much in there I hadn’t already played ages ago on other platforms.

That said, if Civ VI is a good version then I can definitely get on board with that.


Brian Bloodaxe

Animal Crossing maybe? I'm not sure.

She might just be looking for some large scale retail therapy after we had to put our 18 year old cat down the other day.