PS+ May 2018

Started by Garwoofoo


Looks like we're getting:

Beyond: Two Souls (PS4)
Rayman Legends (PS4)
Risen 3: Titan Lords (PS3)
Eat Them (PS3)
King Oddball (PS Vita) (Cross Buy with PS3 and PS4)
Furmins (PS Vita)

Don't know too much about Beyond: Two Souls - is it worth playing?

Rayman Legends is fantastic but the Wii U version is the best one.

Never heard of those last three.



Beyond is a Daivid Caige game, so it's probably steaming garbage.

I think I played Rayman Legends at some point on something, but I don't remember on what or when.

Some of the others I recognise the name, but I can't say I can picture any of them.



It's Ellen Page and William Dafoe in a film with just enough QTE sequences to try to pass it off as a game.



Jimbob's on the mark. I really rather enjoyed it, though. Back on PS3 it was super gorgeous, but I imagine that won't stand the test of time.