
Started by Ninchilla


Anyone else crack on this yet? I managed to play about 8 minutes before work this morning, which was long enough to do a bit of web-swinging and a bit of combat. Both seem pretty good!

Disordered thoughts:

  • The difficulty settings are Friendly, Amazing, and Spectacular, which I like.
  • The opening sees you follow a helicopter across Manhattan to get to a situation at Fisk Tower, but try as I might, I couldn't web into it and let it ferry me there.
  • Combat is Arkham-esque, if a little bit more acrobatic; Triangle lets you leap towards an enemy, Circle is your dodge, Square is attack, and X is jump; you can aerial juggle villains, flip around the room, web them to the walls, and snack them with manhole covers and even other goons. I'm not great at it.
  • Spider-Man makes quips mid-fight, which is great.

Overall, the briefest of first impressions are good! It looks really nice, too, even on a non-pro PS4.



  • The difficulty settings are Friendly, Amazing, and Spectacular, which I like.

I can't believe they stole my increasing levels of sexual prowess.

I want this. It'll be nominated for a BAFTA, so I'm not cracking and buying it. But I very, very want it.



This is one of those games that I would love to borrow a friend's copy of and rattle through 70% of the campaign before dropping it forever, but I'm too cognisant of my own mindset around AAA games these days to spend £50-odd on it.



Alright. Another couple of hours in, and I'm starting to get the hang of things a little better, but I still keep dropping out of web swings by pressing X at the wrong point in the arc, and getting the dodge button wrong on combat by forgetting I'm Spider-Man and not Batman. The PS4 sounds like it's going to take off at times, mainly in cutscenes.

Still very early in the plot, but a couple of side mission types and collectibles have started popping up, which distracted me a bit as I zipped around collecting Peter's old backpacks and interrupting muggings. I've unlocked the new suit (you start out in the classic comic suit, and upgrade to the white-logo suit on the box a couple of missions in), and I also have the three preorder ones available, but I'm sticking to the "canon" stuff for now.

I think the next mission I have to do is going to be the E3 one with the controversial puddles.



It wasn't the E3 mission.

I'm doing that thing where I'm mainly doing side crap at the moment, and ignoring the story; what usually happens, then, is that I run out of side crap and have nothing left but story, with nothing to break it up and then I struggle to finish it. So I'm going to try and get back to missions soon…ish. I mean, there's another collectible right there



There's a trophy for using it 5 times, and the loading screens are pretty funny. I've used it now and again, but it's so fast to get around webswinging, there's not a whole lot of incentive.



Anyone else started the taskmaster challenges. I keep waiting for Tiny Alex Horne to appear.
These will be what stop me getting platinum. I can occasionally get two stars, but three is well out of my reach.
Plus I've yet to complete a stealth challenge. Any tips on taking out the guards on the ground stealthily?



Any tips on taking out the guards on the ground stealthily?

Patience. Shoot webs to distract single guys away from groups - into trip mines, if you can. Take out the guys at the top first, press R3 to scan and Spidey-sense will tell you if it's safe to take them out. Use the Square takedown, rather than Triangle, where possible. You can do that from the edge of any roof, but you might have to L3-perch there first.



Yeah sod patience. Just had a quick look at the walkthrough and I'm only half way through of the 2nd act (though I've been getting everything as I go through). This game is massive.



Started this last night, only played the opening mission but it's pretty, erm, Spectacular.

I'm not sure I've ever played anything that throws so many button combos at you in quick succession so early though. I think I'm using every button on the pad and I've only been playing it for half an hour. I mustn't leave it for more than a day or two because I'll just forget all the controls.


big mean bunny

I similarly started this during the last week and died during the opening tutorial. Which would never usually happen to me. Part of that was the amount that it throws at you early. Not returned to it yet as Sat night I was on Apex with a mate, but looking forward to Wednesday evening as that's my 'big gaming' night.



Played a bit more of this, I'm torn.

On the one hand it's an immensely likeable game. They've really nailed the character, the constant quips are very funny, the city is great and it's huge fun just to swing around. Also I really like the combat system, it's a bit overwhelming to start with but once you start to string some moves together it really looks quite impressive. The whole thing looks and sounds great. It's a fun game.

But it's very… bitty. In many ways it reminds me of a last-gen Ubigame, an AC3-style icon-fest where you spend more time looking at the map than playing the game. Select an icon, go beat up some thugs, and it's back to the map to find another icon. There's also a huge difference in quality between the main missions (which are excellent) and the side missions and collectibles (which are often very basic). It's very much at odds with the way open-world games have gone lately: Assassin's Creed Odyssey's side quests are as good as, if not better than its main quests, God of War tries to provide a seamless experience, and even Arkham Knight tries to keep you focused on the city rather than the map.

I'm still early in the game (just met the Mayor for the first time) so maybe it changes as it progresses, or maybe I should stop being ungrateful and just enjoy my fun Grand Theft Spidey game.


Mr Party Hat

I completely ignored the sidequests, there's no incentive to do them really. None of the upgrades are essential – in fact most make the fighting worse by adding unneeded complexity – and the quests themselves are very repetitive.

I gave up on the main story too, having said that.



I don't think I ever got bored of any of it, except trawling the city for random crimes at the end for the platinum. The side activities are of… varying quality, sure, but there are a whole bunch of different types, and not so many of each that they really became tedious (for me). They continually unlock new activities as you progress the plot, too.



I think perhaps the main problem is that the story is just sort of meandering at the moment. It's kind of progressing but even several hours in there's no main antagonist and no real purpose to it all. Presumably it'll all kick in at some point but it's very different to, say, God of War which sets out your objective in the very first cutscene.



All the above faults noted, however can I point out -
You are mother fucking Spider-Man.

That doesn't really roll of the tongue as well as 'The Amazing Spider-Man' tbh



From the PWB thread:

(My girlfriend's already on the verge of quitting it though, since she's not enjoying it at all… if she does, this goes on hold since I said we'd move on together)

We gave up tonight. Both of us realised we weren't having much fun, so we're ditching this. I suspect I'll come back to it at some point and try again, but this just didn't click with me at all. It's too messy, too overly fluid, too flimsy. Oh well.