Switch Buying Guide

Started by cavalcade

Mr Party Hat

Tap your icon in the top left, on the home screen. There's a Friend Code in that menu. Post it here, and everyone will add you.

I can't remember whether you also have to add OUR codes. You probably do, because Nintendo are crap at this stuff. I'll post mine when I'm near my Switch.



I don't think you do both need to accept, this time around. It's Nintendo's one single concession to modernity (and oh how I wish that had been Bluetooth headphones support rather than a minor QOL improvement to the stupid friends codes system).

However if you are already friends with anyone on the Wii U, the 3DS, Twitter or Facebook, there are options for each of those and you can automatically fire out friends requests, that's usually the quickest way of doing it.



How do we all become friends on Switch? I don't have anyone on my friends list.

My friend code is SW-5777-5207-6399.

Yes, Nintendo are still doing friend codes.



Felt - these muggles are winding you up. You put in a 24 digit Friends code you can get from a website only accessible from a secret nintendo.com subdomain that you'll have to ask mart about access to.



12 quid for Bulletstorm on Switch at the mo. Great conversion. Remains gaming's greatest guilty pleasure.



Quick reminder that if anyone here needs a subscription to Switch Online, I have a family sub with a few spare slots - drop me a message if you want in.


Brian Bloodaxe


We have two Switches, we want to play Animal Crossing together, what is the best way to game the system?




We have two Switches, we want to play Animal Crossing together, what is the best way to game the system?

You'd need to explain the setup to me. Do they belong to different people? Would said people be adverse to a little switcheroo? I can see a way of playing one copy of the game on two different systems, but it'd require a little fiddling first.



Quick reminder that if anyone here needs a subscription to Switch Online, I have a family sub with a few spare slots - drop me a message if you want in.

I too have four open slots on a profile that has NSO until mid-July (after which it won't be renewed). Happy to share until then.


Brian Bloodaxe

So there is my Switch and my wife's Switch, I guess it would be possible to make them both mine if that helps, but not if it would mean wiping out and losing her saves.



Right, so here's how I understand it: the first Switch that you link your Nintendo Account to is deemed your 'primary'. This isn't a choice like on PS4 where you can activate/deactivate it manually, it's automatic the first time you do it. Therefore, I can guess from here that your Switch is your primary and your wife's Switch is hers.

If I'm doing it in my head right, then you can play New Horizons together from one copy of the game by:

a) buying it digitally (€41.13, cough cough)
b) having your primary account on your wife's Switch
c) having a second profile linked to your Nintendo Account on your Switch

You can have a user account linked to your Nintendo Account on multiple devices and download/play your games on all of them. The only difference is that on devices that aren't your primary, the Switch needs to connect to the internet first to see if the game is playable. When the Switch connects to the internet, it's checking the status of your primary device: if your primary device isn't showing that the user linked to your Nintendo Account is playing on it, then you can play. If it is, then play on the primary Switch will be suspended and play on the other will begin. I'm not sure if you have to be playing the same game or ANY game for the suspension to happen but, basically, you can't be logged into two places at the same time. However, software downloaded through your Nintendo Account on your primary Switch can be played by ANY user registered to the Switch… this doesn't count as you being logged in.

Transferring the primary from one Switch to another is NOT the same process as transferring your user profile from one Switch to another. This deregistering process doesn't move your user data or saves over as the proper transfer process does. But if you've got NSO and you make sure all your saves are backed up onto it, that's not an issue (and also, there's no reason to put your saves on the other Switch as you'll see below).

Now, to the point: I think this is doable. For New Horizons multiplayer, there's the obvious 'Both play on one Switch, live on the same island' option, but I'm guessing you want your own individual islands. For that, you need to play on two different Switches, which you have. In my head then, the following SHOULD work (though I can't confirm until it's out and we can test it!):

  • Follow the instructions on this page to deregister your primary console. Your user profile and Nintendo Account will still be on your Switch, along with all your saves (but make sure they're backed up to NSO cloud, just to be safe)
  • Create a new user profile (it can have the same name as your original profile) on your wife's Switch and link your Nintendo Account to it when prompted
  • Use your wife's Switch to log into Nintendo eShop with this new user profile. This then registers your wife's Switch as your primary console.
  • Buy and download New Horizons from eShop through your account onto your wife's Switch. Since it's your primary Switch, she can play the game through her profile without the system running any checks.
    (At this point, you can also use your cloud saves to download your saves to her Switch, but I don't know why you'd want to…)
  • Go back to your Switch, go to the end of the HOME screen and click the circle with boxes in to see your whole library. At the bottom, select Redownload Software and then download New Horizons onto your Switch. Now you can also play New Horizons, but only when connected to the internet (as the Switch needs to check first if you're allowed to play… if the check fails, it'll fail your attempt to load the game)

Because your Switch is no longer your primary, there's another catch on top of the 'checking the internet' thing: only your profile can play games you own. If a game is multiplayer, others can play with you locally providing the game is first booted up through your profile. However, no games you own can be loaded directly by another user profile on that Switch.

Sounds complicated, but it's not. I'd be interested to see if this works… it should!


Brian Bloodaxe

Ok so here's the plan.

Seonaid leaves her primary as the old Switch on the TV and buys AC there. Now everyone can play on the TV. Also she can download it to her Switch lite and then she can play there.

This should allow me and the kids to play co-op with Seonaid.

I mean we almost certainly can't play me and a kid on the TV and Seonaid joining in through her Switch, but we could play three player on just the TV Switch or Two player on two Switches over WiFi. Right.



Seonaid leaves her primary as the old Switch on the TV and buys AC there. Now everyone can play on the TV. Also she can download it to her Switch lite and then she can play there.

I did the opposite - my flagship Switch became exclusively an at-home, on TV device so that it was always connected to the internet for checking permission to play. I moved my primary to my Switch Lite, so that it could be played anywhere, no need to be online.

(It's moot now, because I've since wiped my flagship and set it up for my daughter, so I can give it to her for her birthday in a few weeks. That said, when Debs moves over here in June, her Switch has my secondary profile on it as well, so we're back to the same situation)

I mean we almost certainly can't play me and a kid on the TV and Seonaid joining in through her Switch

Right, but not for the reasons you think. If the TV device is the primary, then you and a child can play because the game can be played by anyone on the primary device. She can then play it on her Lite separately, because it'll check if she's playing it on the primary (which she wouldn't be). She could also travel to your island via local wireless when one person is playing, or one of the players on the primary could travel to hers (you can't do local multiplayer Party Play AND local wireless at the same time, that's not allowed). She could also play on the primary with you locally with the kids, as that's up for four at once. But no-one else could play on the copy on her Lite… she couldn't give the Lite to one of the kids and let them play unless they were on her profile. And as I said, she could never play it unless she was online, which kind of defeats the point of the Lite.

As a means of the kids being able to play on the TV without your wife's account being active, that's the way to go. It does hobble Seonaid's ability to play on her Lite a little though.

Either way, this situation has an additional caveat for New Horizons ONLY: saves and islands are locked to each individual device. That means Seonaid could essentially have two Island homes, one on her Lite and one on the flagship. The two can never interact. You could, however, travel to her Lite island as you, have her give you items/clothes/stuff to take home and then she can take them from you on the flagship for her own needs. Bit fiddly, but hey, it means she's not making zero progress when playing with the kids. She would be experiencing the game's events twice though.

On the flagship, make sure you're the one who starts the game and plays first, does the tutorial! Although it's not like New Leaf in that one person is the mayor and everyone else just lives there, the first person to play does do more than those that follow. She'll do all that on her Lite - don't let her do it on the flagship too or things might get odd.



I added a guy I met on Monster Hunter on the Switch and literally can not interact him with him at all, what's the point?



I’m glad Animal Crossing is a game for kids because there’s literally no chance of any adult understanding that lot at all.


Mr Party Hat

Animal Crossing's release has timed itself quite well with the whole 'trapped in the house fearing for your life' period of history.



Animal Crossing's release has timed itself quite well with the whole 'trapped in the house fearing for your life' period of history.

I don't like the suggestion that we might have had something to do wiTHEY'RE ONTO US BOYS, SHUT THE LAB DOWN.


Brian Bloodaxe

My friend code is 5473 0539 6501. We should play some Mario Kart or Splatoon.

Seonaid has been sending out invites too.

Also if anyone has kids who would like to friend Robin(8) that's doable too.



Yeah, that would be fine. In fact, if you see me online it's more likely to be my kid than me, to be honest! He's a big Splatoon 2 fan. He's actually desperate to try the League Battles, where you team up with a friend for a series of games. I think it requires quite the time commitment though. It's such a weird game mode to put at the top of the tree, something you only unlock after hours of effort. You unlock it, and it's something that is essentially gated by real-world constraints. Gabe tried really hard to get his rank up to B- and when he managed it, the fact that he still won't be able to play the mode he unlocked was really disappointing for him. I'm trying to figure out a way for him to try it. Recruiting you guys to play it with him is not the plan, incidentally!



My youngest is a huge Splatoon fan too - I'll see if he wants to share his code. He don't play with no scrubs though - so Gabe'll need to bring his A game.



My boy also loves Splatoon though he hasn’t played it for a while, he got up to some silly high rank (S+2 I think, in at least a couple of the modes) then got progressively more annoyed with all the randoms it kept pairing him with (a common complaint, the same thing happened with Rocket League). I’m sure he’d love to play as part of a team and tackle the one mode he’s not been able to play. Is that the mode they’ve added all the old Splatfest stages to?



It would be a bit humiliating if The Society: The Next Generation immediately arranges a successful online play session when we haven't managed it once in over fifteen years.



As we're all likely to be quarantined this is possibly our moment to rectify that.

What game do we all have?

One last chorus together. As the world burns.



I think my sum total of games played against Society members in the last two decades are:

  • a few games of Team Fortress 2, in the 3-week window in which the 360 version was actually supported and before Valve entirely transformed the game into a hat-based economy;
  • maybe one game of Halo with Ninchilla once
  • I think perhaps an attempt at WipeOut where we spent more time waiting in the lobby than racing, possibly Brian was involved
  • an evening getting battered by JDub at Street Fighter 4
  • the above-mentioned Tekken Tag Tournament 2 evening in which I also got battered repeatedly
  • the occasional interaction with Wev in FFXIV

That's probably it. Pitiful.



We played a handful of one of the Gearses of War, I think. I have a distinct memory of charging across the map to chainsaw cav(?) while he tried to get a lock with the Hammer of Dawn.

And I definitely angrily told Brian that "I know where [he] live[s]" when he shunted me out of first place right before the line in a game of Blur.

There was a bunch of Catan on 360 at one point as well, and maybe some Texas Hold 'Em?



The most successful thing we ever had, I think, was a series of games in Rainbow Six Vegas.

If we ever get the opportunity, we're going to be back on Sea of Thieves with some regularity. This will require children to sleep, however, so…



Some of us definitely played some Burnout Paradise with one or two of the old Gamesblog crew, because I think one of those was how I found my way here in the first place.

There are also definitely a few more instances where several Societoids ended up in games with either old Gamesblog or rllmuk alums, or people who don’t show up here much anymore, especially on the 360. I played a lot of TF2 and Halo 3 custom games with a mix of guys including Prole, Zombies and co, and there was definitely a co-op game of Halo 3 once where we we kept on spawning miles back when we died, because Swallow had gone to sleep facing a wall, and was gently snoring down his mic.

As far as another game we could attempt during quarantine, how about Titanfall 2? It’s been on Plus recently, so most of us have it, and it’s absolutely fantastic fun.


Brian Bloodaxe

Wow, I'm surprised how many of these I was involved in. I remember Gears because it was pretty much the first time I played the game and I couldn't tell the two sides apart so I ended up taking cover with the wrong team and throwing smoke grenades and wondering why no-one was dying.

Wipeout HD was fun.

I played Crackdown a couple times. I remember helping Ninchilla find an oil rig.



As far as another game we could attempt during quarantine, how about Titanfall 2? It’s been on Plus recently, so most of us have it, and it’s absolutely fantastic fun.

It is! I've got a Society Network already, so if anyone wants an invite (even if only for a more UK-friendly Happy Hour), let me know. I even usually get to play a round or two of an evening, so I'm online most nights.



I thought we all stopped paying for PS+

There was that game played on Vita fairly recently (like 5 years ago). The one I can't remember the name of, but was like a hack and slashy version of Monster Hunter. A few Societyoids played that didn't we?



I thought we all stopped paying for PS+

There was that game played on Vita fairly recently (like 5 years ago). The one I can't remember the name of, but was like a hack and slashy version of Monster Hunter. A few Societyoids played that didn't we?

Shonky Hunter! Aka Ragnarok… Something. Odyssey?



Firstly, the idea of a Society TNG meet is a wonderful one. Cav, what's your friend code so I can add you. I can understand why you might be reluctant, but rest assured Gabe doesn't ask so many existential questions these days, and is unlikely to demand to know why you are here, or why you have a beard.

Secondly, Ragnarok Odyssey rings a bell. The highlight was the time we fought a huge king kong beast, and all spent the entire battle leaping into the air and hitting the ape in the groin.

Thirdly, I officially add my support to the naked Uno suggestion.



As far as another game we could attempt during quarantine, how about Titanfall 2? It’s been on Plus recently, so most of us have it, and it’s absolutely fantastic fun.

It is! I've got a Society Network already, so if anyone wants an invite (even if only for a more UK-friendly Happy Hour), let me know. I even usually get to play a round or two of an evening, so I'm online most nights.

Yup, sounds good. Just downloaded it again, will be playing a fair bit again I imagine.



Capital! Now, I suggest we move any further Titanfall discussion to a dedicated thread instead of cluttering up Switch recommendations any further…


Brian Bloodaxe

I'd be up for some Mario Kart Multiplayer if Nintendo Online can hold out a little longer.

Or we could build Mario Maker maps for each other?



I'm in for Mario Kart or, god forbid, Smash. Also, my Animal Crossing: New Horizons island is accepting visitors online from today. :smile:



I’d definitely be up for some Mario Kart - you’ve all got the Wii U version right??

Smash would be good and I promise not to let my son on with his terrifyingly unstoppable Bowser.



Also, my Animal Crossing: New Horizons island is accepting visitors online from today. :smile:
