I'll give it another go.
I managed 4 hours or so, then got stuck in a lab doing god knows what for a hologram of the dead guy from The Wire.
It's rare that I truly dislike a game these days. Most of these AAA blockbusters are too big to be properly shit, there's always going to be a spark somewhere. But I haven't found anything to love in Forbidden West (so far).
Did you play the original? I think I cut Forbidden West a lot of slack because of how much I liked Zero Dawn, but I do recognise that it suffers quite badly from triple-A sequelitis and RPG-ification (if I never see another badly-implemented gear crafting system again, it'll be too soon), and despite the scale of both the environment and some of the enemies, there isn't quite the same sense of awe, surprise, or wonder to be found in it.
It's rare that I truly dislike a game these days. Most of these AAA blockbusters are too big to be properly shit, there's always going to be a spark somewhere.
/pulls Skull & Bones from under jacket
sir, have i got the game for you
The most enjoyment I had with Horizon 2 was the photo mode. The world is reflected in Aloy's corneas.
I found that a little unsettlingly real, and became further convinced we're in a simulation.
There's a bit in Spider-Man 2 where because Reasons you end up posing as a waiter, and the reflection of Peter's face in the embossed silver serving dish is insane.
I gave up on the original after about 2 hours because I felt it controlled awful and the combat in particular was already boring me, so some of MPH comments ring true with me.
PS Plus subscribers, Evil West (this month's free game) is worth a download. It's a double-A God of War (2018) rip off, full of vampires, werewolves and cowboys. It's exactly as schlocky as it sounds, but the moment-to-moment gameplay absolutely flies by.
PS Plus subscribers, Evil West (this month's free game) is worth a download. It's a double-A God of War (2018) rip off, full of vampires, werewolves and cowboys. It's exactly as schlocky as it sounds, but the moment-to-moment gameplay absolutely flies by.
I was really enjoying this but lost 2 hours of progress from it not saving and absolutely binned it off. The whole double A feel of it shouldn't extend to not saving.
PS Plus subscribers, Evil West (this month's free game) is worth a download. It's a double-A God of War (2018) rip off, full of vampires, werewolves and cowboys. It's exactly as schlocky as it sounds, but the moment-to-moment gameplay absolutely flies by.
I found the colour palette so hideous, I managed about 5 minutes of it and switched it off.
Is anyone going to be fussed if all the MS exclusives being touted as going to Playstation actually happen? Might be nice for those who resolutely stick to the Sony brand, I guess, but it's not going to make me pick up a PS5 any time soon. It'll probably just end up being used as ammunition by all the Sony dicks to say Xbox is dead, etc. Ho hum.
I think it's potentially quite bad news. It's long been suspected that this was their end goal, to drop hardware and become a Game Pass company. But if they actually do it, Sony will have an absolute monopoly on next-gen hardware, which is bound to stifle innovation.
I don't see this making a huge splash either way? I'd have thought anyone with a burning desire to play exclusives would already have gone for an Xbox (or a gaming PC).
As one of the folks here with only a PS5 this gen, I'm not sure I could tell you what the big-name Xbox exclusives even are beyond Halo Infinite (which I have played on PC, though almost exclusively multiplayer) and Starfield (which I've seen as much of as I want to via YouTube).
There are two things I'd be likely to pick up if they landed on PlayStation, though, which coincidentally are the most-rumoured - Sea of Thieves (if only so Sarah doesn't have to stick with her Cursed-level PC settings any more) and Hi-Fi Rush, which I thought was cool - though not enough to keep GamePass for.
EDIT: To be clear, I think Mart is right in that it'll be a big banner thing for the Console Warriors to crow about, but as far as business impact, it's only going to make both sides a bit more money. I guess if you've still not bought a console this generation, it potentially suddenly makes more sense to go PlayStation? I'm curious to see how things like Friends lists and cross-play would (or not).
MPH: How much hardware innovation is there, really, beyond "number go up"? Microsoft's last hardware innovation was Kinect, and maybe Sony has some interesting haptic stuff going on in the DualSense, but A. I don't know how much of a purchasing influence that is (I turn half of it off if I can), and B. they seem to do a lot of that stuff because the people making it think it's cool?
I'd say the likes of Forza and Gears of War rank up there quite highly on the Xbox exclusive list. Maybe the Fable franchise?
The big problem with innovation, true innovation rather than just the usual horsepower increase, is that no fucker uses it beyond the hardware creator in the launch window. Kinect died on its arse, despite being genuinely good in some examples (I enjoyed the dancing game Harmonix did). No one's used HD Rumble on the Switch, not even us, even though it's surprisingly good in the right situations. Outside of a few applications, who's doing anything with the DualSense haptic triggers that makes you go 'Shit, that's impressive'? None of these gimmicks - and they are gimmicks, not core parts of a system's toolset - are system sellers. I can't even think of the last time that was the case since the DS* (and that's because you couldn't avoid it), but even then there's a big difference between filling a second screen with pointless info because you have to and genuinely making use of the dual screen format to create something unique.
(* I wouldn't say 3DS because the 3D thing stop being fun for most people after about ten minutes… the fact there was a 3D-less 3DS speaks volumes)
I can't see Microsoft giving Sony the opportunity to say "Now we want 30% of all your digital console sales."
Genuine Xbox exclusives are essentially non-existent but Xbox/PC games (i.e. those that don't appear on the PS5) are more numerous than folk give credit for. Palworld, for instance, has been absolutely huge over the last month or so. Lamplighters League is decent. Pentiment. Planet of Lana. Flight Simulator. Age of Empires (various flavours). Hi-Fi Rush. Slime Rancher 2. Once you start digging into the Game Pass catalogue you find all sorts of indie games that people traditionally associate with PC but which get very good Xbox conversions too.
Personally I couldn't give a toss about Halo, Forza or Gears of War these days (and it's definitely a problem for Microsoft that these ageing, far past their best franchises are what people still associate with the platform) but I really enjoy the diverse Game Pass catalogue and I value that more than I would the small handful of AAA exclusives that everyone associates with the Sony consoles.
Personally I couldn't give a toss about Halo, Forza or Gears of War these days (and it's definitely a problem for Microsoft that these ageing, far past their best franchises are what people still associate with the platform)
I suspect that's part of the logic behind their acquisitions of companies like Bethesda and Activision (get broader IP) but it does kinda feel like Xbox is missing any real big-ticket must-haves – and that's likely to continue for a while, until the newly-purchased studios get up to speed.
But the existence of GamePass' all-you-can-eat approach is ludicrously valuable to me. I don't keep up with a lot of games press these days – if there's not a Soc thread about a game, I basically don't know about it – but the ability to just try stuff out on a whim from a frankly overwhelming catalogue is fantastic. Especially when it comes to stuff for the kid; dropping money on something that might keep his interest for a couple weeks (or might not be totally appropriate) is not an appealing prospect.
Gar hit the nail on the head for me - it’s the indies, and more of the ones that looked interesting but only made their way to Xbox, that I’ll be curious to see the approach on.
Beyond that I am, or at least was, fairly indifferent, and that’s as one of the few people on here who are on the (Switch and) PS5-only side of the forum. I’m idly curious as to how it plays out, I suppose, and upon further consideration it does increase my chances of playing the next Doom game. Marit would be pleased if she gets to play Fable without having to buy an Xbox too. The main other one was Ori, and that already made it to Switch.
Otherwise, I’d never remotely regretted opting for the PS5 anyway, as I like the Sony-exclusive games just fine, and there’s already plenty to play without having access to all of the console exclusives. Hell, I’ve probably already got more games than I could finish if I retired tomorrow, so I’ll manage either way.
Is the Xbox Game Pass ultimate loop hole still open? Now expired and on monthly rolling, as paid up my Xbox all access now. Would likely yo ultimately get the series S via that so it can go in our room for streaming and gaming up here, combined with taking when we go away; but the black model is out of stock everywhere on that option and I don't want the white due to the hard drive being half the size.
People are aware the PS+ options include a huge streaming library, monthly games and a big downloadable catalogue? There's not a huge difference between the two in terms of finding something interesting to play.
I'd say the ideal this gen is a gaming PC with Steam and PC Gamepass and a PS5 with PS+. All major exclusives. PC also gives you access to a plethora of mouse-driven games, niche games and competitive FPSes and the like (e.g. CS2, Valorant etc…). PC games are often pennies from key sites.
And then you can add a Switch to taste.
Just owning an Xbox feels like driving a Mondeo. It'll get you there no trouble, but it won't be all that exciting.
Yeah I think Sony must be doing a crap job of pushing the new PS Plus, because it really is just Game Pass. Except it's Game Pass with a couple of actually banging exclusives.
The two services even tend to get the same third-party games at the same time now. It's all much of a muchness. If Xbox were releasing great exclusives then Game Pass would have the upper hand, because Sony Studio games don't get added Day One. But, y'know… /pokes Starfield's corpse with foot
One big negative of both services for me is that they've devalued games massively. (Says the guy who's just bought a Miyoo Mini, I know.) I still haven't played God of War: Ragnarok yet, because I'm convinced the moment I buy it, it'll pop up on PS Plus.
Wait, does PS+ have a download library like GamePass? If it does, I wasn't aware of this change and the website doesn't want to make it easy to find out the difference between that and the streaming stuff.
I'm sure if I was just coming into the current generation now I'd be seriously considering a PS5, but with a Series X already under the TV (thanks only to the credit plan that meant I didn't need to drop the cash all at once), I'm a long way from picking up Sony's machine.
Even if they've got equivalent third-party game libraries, I don't feel like the PS5's crop of exclusives is all that tempting to me, though.
I can't tell what's going to get its hooks in me, or for how long (it's one of the reasons I like the low-remorse option of GamePass) but another Horizon game, the grim-as-fuck-looking Last of Us 2 and Sad Dad of War just don't interest me.
(And for the back compatibility libraries, I have a lot more nostalgia for Xbox 360 games than anything on the PS3 or 4.)
Yup, it has two levels. PS Plus Extra, which is basically identical to Game Pass. You download the games, no streaming. When a big third party game pops up on Game Pass, it'll generally pop up on PS Plus too.
And PS Plus Premium, which is the previous tier plus streaming PS1, 2 and 3 games.
This is the list of every game currently available to download on PS Plus Extra:
But yes, if you're happy with your Xbox there's not much reason to switch, aside from the sad dad games. (Which I do love.)
Sad Dad games are a bit of a busman's holiday, really.
I am secretly the Greek god of war. Was it the biceps that tipped you off?
People are aware the PS+ options include a huge streaming library, monthly games and a big downloadable catalogue? There's not a huge difference between the two in terms of finding something interesting to play.
I'd say the ideal this gen is a gaming PC with Steam and PC Gamepass and a PS5 with PS+. All major exclusives. PC also gives you access to a plethora of mouse-driven games, niche games and competitive FPSes and the like (e.g. CS2, Valorant etc…). PC games are often pennies from key sites.
And then you can add a Switch to taste.
Just owning an Xbox feels like driving a Mondeo. It'll get you there no trouble, but it won't be all that exciting.
I have a PC, but I push back on the Mondeo comment as that doesn't fit everyone. I had a huge library of downloaded and purchased games from the prior three generations on Xbox that mostly still work or could be redownload for the Series X, plus add in my achievements and profile tie in and controller preference, and know others who think similar.
The PS5 is a visually ugly device too!
I've warmed to the PS5 design somewhat, but fortunately I don't have to look at it to use it. 
I am still surprised by how big the PS5 is whenever I see one.
Yeah that's my issue. The Series X is in the bottom ikea Kallax cube system that we have around the TV so it's mostly harmless as you can't see it. The PS5 wouldn't fit in those cubes, in the TV stand, on the end of the TV stand or anywhere you'd want a device to actually go other than just being out next to the TV.
That would be very frowned upon.
It is a very silly looking thing. Even the newer Slim model isn’t much smaller. The Series X is positively minimalist in comparison.
I’m finding Xbox/Steam Deck to be the ideal combo for me right now, although any gaming PC could be substituted for the latter if you’re not fussed about portability. Xbox remains my primary gaming platform while PC provides a greater range of indie titles, mouse control games and most of the Sony exclusives. I’m genuinely not that fussed about the PS5 unless they pull something really surprising out of the bag with the rumoured Pro model.
Xbox and Switch for me, though 'in front of the TV' gaming has less of a draw for me in recent years due purely to the amount of time I have and not wishing to play games that don't involve playing with my partner. Never been one for PC gaming, too many moving parts to keeping a machine that doesn't fuck up in some way going… I just want stuff to work. That and I'm just not a keyboard/mouse person.
Why is the top of the PS5 a slope?!?! I can't put anything on it without it sliding off!!!!!!
The PS5 can sit in both orientations, it fits in a standard TV cabinet. On its side I'd hazard a guess it's thinner than the Xbox on its side, or at least there can't be much in it. It's a statement design, for sure. But I can't say I notice it much either way as it just sits under my TV. It has a strong visual theme, the Xbox doesn't. I wouldn't say it was any more ugly than any lump of consumer electronics - I think the fact it looks space age and a bit different is a good thing.
The PS5 is by and large quieter than the Series X. It has a better pad, with better haptics. A better UI (it's elegant). And it still has little bits and bobs of Japanese quirkyness through it - which are charming, rather than the dull corporate uniformity of any MS OS. And there seems to be mass confusion that PS+ is nearly identical to Gamepass - the libraries are similar. Back compat for PS4 and 3 also give you more or less the same library as Xbox One and 360. The entire Xbox library of exclusives is also on PC where they play or look better, and only a subset of Sony exclusives are.
I dunno, Xbox is just a bit dull - so much so it looks like MS are seriously considering just moving to a services company going forwards in the console space.
Phil says they're still committed to consoles - for now, anyway. I imagine there's a certain amount of question mark over that based on how successful the multiplatform releases are…
I do actually quite like the way the PS5 looks. It’s a bit daft, but it has character, as it looks like they actually tried for something interesting, even if I’m not entirely sure what that was. It’s huge but sleek, quiet, and in a weird way was easier to accommodate in my setup than the Switch (with the stupidly short wires, and fact you need to be able to get at the top).
I have considered going back to the way of X on occasion, but I just can’t generate the enthusiasm; since the very beginning of them both being in the space, it’s been apparent what kind of thing you’re more likely to get with each, partially because of the territories they’re more popular in, and barring some momentous development or paradigm shift it just seems that I’m always more likely to find the PlayStation offering more appealing.
Also, just to make the Xboxes even less appealing to me personally, I STILL can’t get access to my old Gamertag; the email I used to signup is long since defunct, which apparently makes getting it back/transferred borderline impossible.
Well, that was pointless. So glad all the Xbox fanboys threw their toys out the pram for that.
I know it was a "business update" , but it was very business-y. The word "invest" started to lose all meaning within five minutes.
Diablo 4 on Game Pass in March though, that’s the start of the Activision stuff coming through.
Also new hardware at the end of the year, presumably just a redesign but if Sony are releasing a Pro model this year then it might be something more interesting.
Maybe some kind of GamePass streaming handheld?
It'll be that cylindrical Series X that was doing the rounds a while back. If it's increased power, it won't be anything that's worth bothering with… people aren't even pushing the limit of the current hardware yet.
It would be extremely annoying if they brought out something with more horsepower when there's already the Series S/X split.
As long as it's adorably all digital.
They're gonna do Kinect again. It'll work this time, I swear!
Oh God, they might do some VR thing.
There’s supposed to be a controller redesign on the way, that wouldn’t be a bad thing - the reliability on the current pads (especially the Elites) is shocking and some gyro controls and haptics wouldn’t go amiss. The pad’s been essentially the same for over ten years now and it’s well overdue a refresh.
some gyro controls and haptics wouldn’t go amiss
Are you sure? Haptics are, by all accounts, under-utilised on both PS5 and Switch, and motion controls are almost never worth it.
For me, the Xbox pad is the pinnacle. Never go changin', sweetness. I have no idea what you'd use motion controls or haptics on an Xbox for.
"I love these motion controls!"
– Nobody, ever.
I dunno, the Switch uses motion controls quite well sometimes (Splatoon and Breath of the Wild spring to mind). It's a nice feature to have.
It'd be nice if they made back paddles standard, it's amazing that hasn't happened yet (apart from the Steam Deck I guess) but I guess they need to keep selling those Elite controllers at a high price.
For me, the Xbox pad is the pinnacle. Never go changin', sweetness. I have no idea what you'd use motion controls or haptics on an Xbox for.
Agreed. It's sheer perfection. The PS5 pad is very good, but mainly because they made it more like the Xbox pad.