Until the price announcement I was at least passingly interested in this - I don’t have a PS5, there are several exclusives I want to play now, and I very much like shiny graphics. I bought a PS4 Pro last gen and (barring the horrendous fan noise) was generally very happy with it.
Obviously at £800 plus the cost of games they can fuck right off. My main concern is now that this normalises super-expensive consoles without disc drives, and next gen is hobbled before it even begins.
Of course there’s always a chance that it tanks completely and gets a rapid price cut, like the original Xbox or the 3DS did; but that doesn’t seem to be Sony’s style somehow.
It's going to be an interesting test to see what people actually want though. Because the price point is so high, it really does split the market and I suspect the result will be that Sony quickly learns that very few people (at least in the console space) are prepared to pay such a premium for some ray tracing features and a better framerate. Like MPH says, it'll probably just drive development on the regular consoles and the current split between quality and performance modes that seem to keep most people happy.
Furthermore, assuming the Switch 2 comes out soon and as expected is an underpowered hunk of junk a modestly specced games machine, that's another differentiator and I expect it'll be very much at the expense of Sony's Pro model too.
He’ll be first in line for the PS5 Pro, then, which has just been announced at £699. Without a disk drive. Or a stand. It’s nearly £825 all in if you want the set.
I think any interest I may have had just evaporated.
The increasingly deranged Eurogamer have done another mental list, in this instance the "best 100 games to play right now".
If it's meant to be in order then it's ridiculous; if it's a list of 100 pretty good games then it's OK I guess but there are some very weird omissions, as well as a preference for quirky indie games from the last couple of years over established classics. Anyway it's interesting.