I think theres a few of you who like Drive to Survive? New season, covering the stupidly dramatic 2021 season, is up on Netflix as of today.
Also, from Monday Amazon will have a MotoGP one, which will cover just as many big events within the sport, including the final season of one Valentino Rossi.
Everyone overlooking Klonoa ☹️
I've been using Combat Clinic as a reset, it allows me to get the opponent to focus on Fang whilst I get Lightning and Vanille back in the fight, then its shift back to Diversity then Relentless Assault, I've been finding that the battle system really rewards going on the offensive and whilst buffs are very powerful, it often results in the fight taking longer and leading to you being more likely to land in trouble, especially with the Behemoths as they have a fucking annoying habit of both healing and becoming stronger if you don't manage to Stagger them before they get to half health.
I found Hope to be woeful when I reached that stage, Gar. I've been using Lightning, Fang and Vanille as my main party. Fang's not as good at the Sentinel role as Snow, but she's more balanced. I start fights with whatever Paradigm has Lightning as Ravager, Fang as Commando, Vanille as Medic and switch to/between that and Relentless Assault, Combat Clinic and one that allows me to take advantage of Saboteur.
Behemoths in the Steppe, summoned or otherwise, are really hard unless you can catch them by surprise.
We've watched Encanto twice now, you can definitely tell it's Lin Manuel Miranda, but it's still a really nice movie and "Two Oruguitas" has had me crying both times we've seen it