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Posted in Switch 2

If Nintendo could see the difference in Switch piracy and "piracy" (preservation) of ancient consoles then it'd be fine. I know they put their old games on their own stores, but don't people lose access to those when a console gets old enough? And they don't make them available outside of Nintendo consoles.

I absolutely support them shutting down Switch piracy and hopefully Switch2 piracy won't be a big thing. Just leave me alone and let me play Super Mario Bros. 3 on RetroArch.

Posted in Switch 2

Yeah, sorry, just had to rant, I'm sure it'll all be great. I had another huge rant typed up here but deleted it because … well, too many words for you :)

New thought: how long before the Switch 2 is emulated? Given the current track record of emulators for Nintendo consoles, I would say probably tomorrow. I don't like the idea of emulating something so recent and didn't really like the idea that the Switch was emulated so early and easily, but damn, Nintendo has to be doing something that makes emulation of their hardware a breeze given that every single piece of hardware in recent memory has been emulated very quickly, easily, and accurately. I remember seeing a working Gameboy Advance emulator that worked 100% with the launch titles before the hardware was out here in the USA. Ugh.

Maybe that's why they're making a new console and upping the specs… "I dare you to emulate THIS even with your supercomputers!"

Posted in Switch 2

We had the oomph to do large gaming arenas eons ago back when we cared about simplifying everything else and optimizing games. Now games take up 200TB (an exaggeration, but not by much) and aren't any better except graphically.

Hell, the absolutely massive, incredibly detailed original release of Skyrim for PC took up less than 6GB, a size I've seen laughably simple games eclipse now.

And I don't care how long it's been out. Technology doesn't have to expire, especially when there's no point. Guarantee Nintendo can keep making Switch games and still have room to improve. And Switch owners – the most important part here – can keep buying games without having to update. If I owned a Switch (or any other console), I would be insulted and angry that they want to make a new one that isn't any better than the last. Back in the old days, the gap between the Atari VCS, the NES, and the SNES was astronomical and 100% worth the update, regardless of how much time passed. Tell me we even have close to that big of a gap now. Technology for gaming is basically at a standstill and any "updates" are tiny.

Psh. Whatever. Not my concern because I don't own a Switch, but I am concerned that it will frustrate and alienate so many casual players who bought into the Switch hoping it would last longer than it's going to and any update would be actually substantial. Gaming is for more than the rich, elite ultra-gamers who can buy a new $1000+ graphics card every six months and whatever console update they bring about. That's why my PC is very low end and I refuse to care about any "games" that exceed its capabilities, not that most of them are good games anyway. If gaming companies cared about gaming in general, there would be a very low entry price, and systems and games wouldn't be astronomical in price.

Posted in Switch 2

But that's the thing, "games to talk about" could have been easily done on the Switch and every single person who owns a Switch could have access to those games. It really feels dirty to force people to "upgrade" to something that isn't going to be much of an upgrade to play new games. It's like requiring thousands of dollars of computer hardware just to play a damn game. It's laughably ridiculous, and should be illegal. You can call me a miserable old cunt if you want, but there's something to be said about fighting for people who already own a piece of hardware and expect support for it. Sure, it's "old" now, technically, but really, it's still relevant. It's still a good, modern piece of hardware that works just fine for everything that's been thrown at it to a reasonable degree. Why bother with something new when you have something that is still absolutely printing money for your company? Why risk alienating tons of people who don't want to buy anything new?

When you have niche hardware that caters to a small audience that will upgrade whenever you tell them to, it's fine. But when you have hardware that has become so incredibly popular that it's really in nearly everyone's hands these days, from children to the elderly, just like the Wii, don't mess with it. You didn't learn your lesson from WiiU, Nintendo?

If having that opinion makes me a miserable old cunt, then change my forum name to Miserable Old Cunt. Go right ahead. I'd rather be a miserable old cunt than supporting a company ready to leave behind a massive installed user base for MOAR GRAFX.

Posted in Switch 2

"Hey, all you Switch owners! People want slightly better graphics, so you're not going to get any more games for your incredibly popular system now." In the past there was at least some room for improvement but now? Pfft.

Will we ever just admit graphics are good enough and keep things on the same hardware while making that hardware cheaper with some revisions that have better build quality or aesthetics or so on instead of making CONSOLE 2: WE CATER TO GRAPHICS SNOBS?