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Posted in PWB February 2024

Because modern web developers feel they have to utilize the 500TB of Javascript framework they include with every single website so you get all this overdone layering and effects and fancy stuff that actually makes navigating a website worse. Dunno what happened to, you know, just writing a tiny bit of needed JS here and there for your specific site and doing any needed actual coding in the back end?

So out of the loop on web design and development. It's all beyond me now. If it doesn't look like a site from the 90s, count me out. What I described is how we used to do it and we liked it like that, consarn it and other old person swear words.

Also Want one of those retro handhelds. Considering.

Posted in Should you remember 10 Dreamcast games - you can vote on the top DC games here

Surely Outrigger was a better shooter on the Dreamcast than either Quake or Unreal Tourny?

Yeah, I never played that. Missed that one, I suppose. One to add to the pile. Thing is, Quake Arena and UT99 are absolute PC classics and worked great on DC with a proper control scheme so they are high on my list. Rez and maybe MSR would be there in an expanded (top 15/20) list.

Posted in Should you remember 10 Dreamcast games - you can vote on the top DC games here

DC Sonic and Shenmue were low points for me. This is from the person who believes the DC was the last good console.

No particular order:

Chu Chu Rocket
Crazy Taxi
Power Stone (1/2)
The Typing of the Dead
Soul Calibur
NFL Blitz 2000 (the only way American Handegg is good is to dumb it down to an arcade-style game, like NBA Jam to basketball)
Marvel vs. Capcom 2
Quake Arena
Unreal Tournament

Last two are best with the broadband adapter, which I was probably one of maybe four people that owned one. Guess most people still had the beep beep boop dialup internet back then that I knew of.

Posted in PWB November

Risk of Rain Returns is my game of the year right now. I'm in the vast minority who despised Risk of Rain 2. Hated the 3d, hated the controls, hated the gameplay, hated the overall cheapness of the entire thing. The original was far and away better and Returns is more of that.

Posted in PWB October 2023

this game will always be designed around mouse and keyboard controls, I maintain it's still surprisingly fun on Xbox and holds up way better than I thought it would

I mean, you're right, Quake will still be awesome no matter what even if the controls will lean toward mouse+keyboard being vastly superior. I remember playing the Saturn version back in its day and still being impressed that even that controller allowed for a lot of fun.

But damn, quick rocket jumping and all the little things mouse and keyboard can do for you in Quake games is so intensely satisfying.

Yes, mentioning original Doom or Quake will always summon me. Magic. waves arms around

wondering if it was covid

There are no other diseases or maladies any more. It's all covid.

I think it's obvious what I've been Playing, but I definitely Binned XBox (On PC) Live this month (I only dip into it every once in a while for one or two months, I don't keep a subscription active) with a bunch of games that is not my style and/or way beyond the capacity of this machine. Not that I didn't try a couple of games like Pikuniku – it seemed nice but at a point everything was just too "hey, we're going to be incredibly, laughably obtuse about what you should do next, good luck", so I abandoned it. Maybe I'll come back to it and try again. As for the other thing – Starfield, for example – my machine trembles at the prospect of having to run something like that. Slight advantage console, I suppose, but meh. Still rather have my PC.