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Posted in PWB July 2024

But surely all you need to avoid that is for a group of French politicians to put aside their differences and work together…

Yeah, I see what you mean.

Posted in PWB July 2024


Extraordinarily the UK is only like the third most catastrophic shitshow of a Western democracy right now. Hoping the Tories get a SUPERBEATING on Thursday but hoping even more that France and especially the US wake the fuck up.

Imagine if you had three kids in France! It's an absolute shitshow. While my youngest you couldn't really tell from a French person in an administrative sense (he was born there, has no accent, has a social security number of a French national) my eldest two I think may have a rude awakening to the outsider status they actually have if Le Pen gets in. Again, both speak fluent French and have integrated completely into the country, but there are enough markers that a full fascist state will put blocks in place to them doing particular jobs/using particular services. They also live in the Sarthe, which is tolerant in bits, but the rural areas are a nationalist cess pit.

I am prepping in a way, ala the 1930s that for at least one of them they might eventually make the switch back to the blasted wasteland that is the UK (but it'll just be moderate right wing under labour, not full fascism, I hope).

Next week I get to experience my first marching season in NI too, so it's going to be a brilliant two weeks for me politically.

You've got to be relieved today, right? It's not clear exactly what is going to happen now, but the worst case scenario has been avoided. Kudos to the French people for (just about) rejecting the far right.

Posted in The retro thread

Their guide is a bit vague in parts. Plus a few of the steps they mention are in my opinion unnecessary, not to mention extremely difficult to achieve without extensive practice and lots of lube.

It's probably worth mentioning that the set-up process is pretty time-consuming. You're essentially getting an Android tablet with a game controller built-it, and it's up to you to install all the emulators and roms yourself.

Posted in The retro thread

Retro Game Corps

Get a room.

I know, right? 😂

Did you like how I mentioned another youtuber in a transparent attempt to appear less obsessed? As if that chump is fit to lick the shoes of my beloved Russ.

@martTM if you do order an Odin 2, let me know, because I've got a great setup video for you. Guess what channel it's from…