F2da1fde4198a198a7bf28a0bb9e4924?s=156&d=identicon Ninchilla

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Posted in +1 Thread of Tabletop Roleplaying

Ah. The alpha already had pretty major DDB integration (you can't create a character in the app, just build a mini and assign a DDB character to it). I honsetly didn't realise they were looking at it as anything other than an extension of DDB…

Posted in +1 Thread of Tabletop Roleplaying

I mean… I'm a bit surprised. They just launched the public preview last month, didn't they? I haven't played around with it much, but while it was a little thin on content, it didn't seem so bad that they'd just unceremoniously can it.

A quick Google suggests they've laid off most of the team, but I can't find any official word (yet) that the project is scrapped. Maybe that'll be later today…

Posted in PWB March 2025

I liked the 2014 Tomb Raider but I liked each successive sequel (Rise then Shadow) slightly more.

I really liked Rise, but never quite mustered the enthusiasm to finish Shadow. It's still on my SSD, though, so maybe I'll bump it up the pile.

Posted in PWB March 2025

2014 is the "Survivor" reboot. You're maybe thinking of Anniversary, which came out in 2007?

I always hated St. Francis' Folly. The number of times I plummeted to my death in that bastard place…

Posted in Your Games Completed of 2025

Do big DLCs count for this? I mean, if it's good enough for Geoff Keighley…

Finally went back and finished off Horizon Forbidden West: The Burning Shore. It's mostly just more Horizon, so how much that excites you will depend on your tolerance for the series. I think Forbidden West generally overcomplicated things a bit, adding too many new machines and weapons and damage types and status effects and potions and traps and so on, but The Burning Shore is a little more focused. The last hour or so is some of the best the series has to offer, culminating in a boss sequence that (pretty successfully) blends together basically every part of the game to that point. The villain is fantastically hateable, too, just a real piece of shit.