There's something pleasingly disconnected about the Nintendo Japan team. It's all a bit Severance. "Please enjoy these next three trailers equally."
The Directs are so wonderfully low-key, like an anti Geoff Keighley.
I'm excited to use Metroid Prime 4's revolutionary new 'press button to open door' mechanic. And I can't wait for next week's Direct. Switch 2 is a day-one purchase no matter what they show. The original Switch has been one of (or perhaps THE?) best consoles ever. An embarrassment of riches, especially in the first half of its life.
Things have settled down now I think. They've upped the capacity too, there are currently nearly 2000 people online on my server (Orcrist). That's a huge number, more than used to be on my WoW server at max capacity. Although, the game itself is obviously nowhere near as popular. WoW has dozens of servers.
I'm going to hit level 95 soon, and the end of the free content. I can't decide whether to sub, or buy quest packs. I'm leaning towards quest packs because I play quite slowly, and 5 levels equates to around £6. Then I can play at my own pace. Although the 'unlock everything' approach of VIP is tempting.
Not particularly looking forward to Mordor. From what I can tell, it's 25 levels of dark, boring, barren wasteland. Which fits with the story, of course, but I'm not sure it'll make for great gaming.
It's Spring Festival at the minute, and there's an excellent stag mount for 30 spring leaves (the festival currency). There's also a lovely quest chain that starts at Arn Bulrush, a quest giver in the Bree festival grounds, that I'd never done.
It's pure story, zero combat, but thoroughly recommended. Plus it gives you 18 spring leaves, so gets you most of the way towards that fancy mount.
I did exactly the same as Al, only I was thinking about Legend. Thought that came out 10 years ago. Nope, 19. 🫠
Took 4 days, but yes they emailed eventually.