Insanely hard videogames quiz

Started by Garwoofoo


Think you know a lot about games? Try this.

It's a 200-question quiz where you have to identify a game by means of three minor characters that it features. It's ludicrously hard, but fun.

You get 20 minutes and it gives you the answers at the end, so no cheating. For what it's worth, I scored a grand total of 8. And then found out I'd actually played a lot of the games in question.

I'd be interested to see how people do. For some reason I reckon aniki is going to trounce the lot of us.




I managed 10. Missed quite a few obvious ones (including a game I am currently playing). Still, 5% isn't bad, right..?



I got fifteen and the are some that I am kicking myself for missing.

Spoiler - click to showI missed both Shenmues and Skies of Arcadia??? Not recognising Frank Fontaine is a crime, too.

The are some names that my brain didn't even seem to register at all until the thing ended and the game titles appeared.



I've actually only played 50, at least enough to feel like I should have recognised at least one name enough to guess.



13 / 200. And most of those were fighting games. Some in there I definitely should have got, but I don't feel bad for missing most of them. Oh well. :D