Marvel Snap!

Started by BeanyFGC


Unfortunately, the coward ran on the final turn.

I'm encountering more people that retreat too. Good! Folk are finally learning.



I much prefer when they Snap on turn one, get overconfident even when I Snap on turn 5, and then lose 8 points when I pull some bullshit to take the game by a tiny margin.



Is it just me or is Angela one of the best cards in the game? I'm pretty sure out of all the decks I've made she's in all of them.

I'm kinda hoping they clean up on some rules like cards in your hand and the order from left to right. Like can we not have a set rule that cards in your hand from the left side start with the smaller cost in order to the higher cost cards. Sounds a bit silly but its little things like planning moon girl copying your hand and knowing beforehand which cards will be copied. It will help a tiny bit with Devil Dinosaur since he's cost 5 so he'll be closer to the right side more likely. So if he's card number 4 or more he will loose out on getting a copy. Also I'm not too sure on this one because maybe it will break the game or something. Do you think the cards should be revealed at the same time in a turn. A few games I've lost on round 6 because I'm first and Shang chi needs to play second. I know the deck he's playing, the location and the turn 6 card he's going play to win like with Hulk and Devil Dinosaur, but I can't do anything because my cards are revealed first.



Is it just me or is Angela one of the best cards in the game? I'm pretty sure out of all the decks I've made she's in all of them.

Not tried her, might look into it. She's cost-1 though, so pure Killmonger fodder.

Isn't she a Spawn universe character? Didn't realise Marvel bought these from Image Comics…

I'm kinda hoping they clean up on some rules like cards in your hand and the order from left to right. Like can we not have a set rule that cards in your hand from the left side start with the smaller cost in order to the higher cost cards.

That doesn't work for a card like Nakia, which gives the two leftmost cards in your hand 2+ power. You'd only ever be buffing low cost, low power cards, so the strategy becomes useless. It needs to stay in drawn card order.



You could adjust Nakia to buff two random cards instead, but since you can only ever have seven cards in your hand, it's not like there's a whole ton to look through.



Isn't [Angela] a Spawn universe character? Didn't realise Marvel bought these from Image Comics…

Time to get my nerd on:

Todd McFarlane partnered with Neil Gaiman to write some limited Spawn stuff (as well as some other creators like Moore and (I think) Dave Sim? Anyway, Gaiman created Angela for this under the impression that he retained (at least) part ownership of the character. Anyway, McFarlane's view was different - that it was work for hire and Gaiman's creations were wholly owned by McFarlane and he continued to use / license them. Gaiman found out; there was a big legal fight and Gaiman got a comprehensive judgment in his favour. McFarlane settled by giving over Angela to Gaiman outright (probably in exchange for the Gaiman's share of Cogliostro and the Medieval version of Spawn). This was in the early 2000s; in the early 2010s Gaiman 'returned' to Marvel and as part of all that Marvel ended up buying the rights to Angela from Gaiman. She was retconned as Odin and Freya's firstborn who had lived in exile in 'Heven'; some comic bullshit happened and she was in Guardians of the Galaxy for a bit, then other stuff IDFK…

Anyway, from what I've seen of her in the Marvel Universe she isn't used tremendously well and (as Odin's 'proper' first born) can be awfully OP. Might explain why she has decent utility here.



Pulled Venom from Pool 3 today, which compliments my Destroy deck perfectly… like Carnage, he destroys all cards at a location but unlike Carnage (who gains 2 Power for each card destroyed), he simply adds the power of the destroyed cards to his own. Good if you've got buffed cards without ongoing effects, since it's all gain and no loss (especially if the cards then come back, like Wolverine, Sabertooth or Bucky Barnes).

I also got Crossbones, who's a cost-4 card with 8 Power. The catch? You can only play him to locations where you're winning. I threw together a second variation of the Destroy deck with him in it, and it's worked quite well so far.

Had a run of losses while using that Annoyance deck, so I've moved away from that for now… It's still strong, but the numbers always end up quite low and Sandman has done me just as much harm as the opponent on a few occasions.



Cleared Rank 40! Truly, it is a great day. :laughing:

Today's featured location? Death's Domain, where all cards played there immediately get destroyed.

/looks at deck themed entirely around destroying cards

Well now. :smile:



Saw Cheddar has fallen. RIP brother. :laughing:

Marching towards rank 50 and I feel good, my Destroy decks are beasts. Made a strategic swap and dropped Jessica Jones (I know!), putting Rescue from Pool 3 in her place. It's the same only reversed - you have to play a card in the same location next turn, rather than anywhere but - and gives +5 power rather than +4, for a 4-cost. Opens you up to an easy prediction of future plays BUT also works as a distraction. I'm in for it.



Saw Cheddar has fallen. RIP brother. :laughing:

:skull: :ghost:

The fundamentals are sound, the locations are a great addition to the genre, but realistically I'm never going to play/pay enough to keep the sweet sweet new cards flowing so will always be behind the meta. Had the same realisation with Hearthstone many moons ago too. When the fun stops, stop… :laughing: Will play vicariously through this thread instead.



Next season is looking really good. 16 new cards with Silver Surfer being the battle pass one. Some of them looks really cool too like She Hulk. A new token system is being added that you get as you upgrade your cards. In the shop a new card will appear every 8 hours and if you have enough tokens you can get it even if your not at that pool level. If you don't have enough but still want that card. You can put a pin in it to keep that card in the shop until you have enough. Looks like online play with friends isn't ready just yet tho.



Been meaning to watch that - I need to know how the Thanos card works. But confused about Galactus being a new Pool 5 card though… I DEFINITELY had that played against me earlier this week.

Cruised past rank 50 the other day, so I reckon I might hit 60 before the end? Maybe? We'll see.

Mysterio is my favourite new card to fuck with people. I wish I had an auto 'record the last minute' video option on my phone too, I've pulled out a bunch of last turn wins that had me grinning like a loon. :laughing:



Been meaning to watch that - I need to know how the Thanos card works. But confused about Galactus being a new Pool 5 card though… I DEFINITELY had that played against me earlier this week.

He was only playable if you pulled him with a cards effect. Like "draw a random card" or something. Maybe They were giving us a preview of what's to come. Thanos looks so fun to play with. I think he'll be hard to make a deck around because you'll have 5 plus stones in you deck. Some of them looks decent too.



That video implies he's not in the game yet, but I've had a couple of opponents drop a Galactus on me already in the last couple of weeks… 🤔



He was only playable if you pulled him with a cards effect. Like "draw a random card" or something. Maybe They were giving us a preview of what's to come.

That would still suggest he isn't new though. Oh well. He's a beast and ruins the entire game. :laughing:

(For reference: he was played against me and I still won…)



Having a bit of fun with this one at the moment:

  • (1) Ant Man
  • (1) Sunspot
  • (1) Agent 13
  • (1) Quinjet
  • (2) Forge
  • (2) Okoye
  • (2) Colossus
  • (3) Bishop
  • (3) Nakia
  • (3) Lockjaw
  • (4) Ka-Zar
  • (6) America Chavez

Spoiler - click to showeyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiT2tveWUifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik5ha2lhIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJMb2NramF3In0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJLYVphciJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQmlzaG9wIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJGb3JnZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQ29sb3NzdXMifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlF1aW5qZXQifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkFtZXJpY2FDaGF2ZXoifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlN1bnNwb3QifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkFudE1hbiJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQWdlbnQxMyJ9XX0=

It's a little sensitive to Killmonger, but with the Vibranium Mine location that's active at the moment, it is a lot of fun.



Awwww… I don't have Quinjet yet. I've dropped in The Hood (cost-1, power -2 but puts a cost-1, power 6 Demon in your hand immediately) in the meantime and we'll see how that works.

EDIT: No, wait… Is this the Collector deck we've all wanted??

That man in the video is much too excited about Marvel Snap.

You would be too if you had just created the biggest mobile card game around, having already been responsible for creating Hearthstone.



Awwww… I don't have Quinjet yet. I've dropped in The Hood (cost-1, power -2 but puts a cost-1, power 6 Demon in your hand immediately) in the meantime and we'll see how that works.

Oh don't sleep on The Hood. I've been using a destroy deck and I honestly think The Hood is my favorite card in the game, or at the very least the best in a destroy deck for me. As long as you play him in a location you don't think you'll win, or more easily have over cards eat or destroy him. He's very strong card.

I've mainly only been playing one deck this season, but adding cards alone the way to help it flow better. It seems to be in a decent place now I feel and it's got me to 60 plus and still doing well.

(1) The Hood
(1) Nova
(2) Bucky Barnes
(2) Carnage
(2) Armor
(2) Colossus
(2) Lizard
(3) Sabretooth
(3) Deathlok
(5) Professor X
(6) America Chavez
(6) Destroyer

Thought it was a bit gimmicky at first, but it's one of the most fun decks I've played. You just want to play on two locations and use the third as extra for cards like The Hood and Nova. Lock off a location with Professor X and finish with Destroyer for a 16 power play on turn 6. I try and use a 0 cost Sabertooth and 1 cost Demon to help get quick burst power before locking it safely away from the Destroyer with Professor X. Armor can do it similar too. The Hood, Bucky and Nova getting by the destroyer is a nice bonus too.

Spoiler - click to showeyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSG9vZCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTm92YSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQ2FybmFnZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQXJtb3IifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkRlYXRobG9rIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJQcm9mZXNzb3JYIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJEZXN0cm95ZXIifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkFtZXJpY2FDaGF2ZXoifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlNhYnJldG9vdGgifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkJ1Y2t5QmFybmVzIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJMaXphcmQifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkNvbG9zc3VzIn1dfQ==



Saw my first titled player today, so maybe Collection Level doesn't have as much of a bearing on who you face off against as I'd assumed.

I'm hovering around Rank 40 - popping up to 41, 42 on occasion before a run of Snap-fuelled hubris drops me back down to 39 again - but I've just hit Season Pass level 50.



I can't share the image, but my first titled player the other day had 'I whine on the internet'. Subtle.

I'm 52 ranked, but went on a losing streak yesterday after trying out those shared decks. I blame all of you. :laughing:



This game is a pain in the arse today. The hot location seems to be one that swaps your hand with your opponent on turn 6, and I've also had a load of instances of the one that makes you draw from your opponent's deck. I've spent more time this morning playing other people's shitty hands than I have my own. Going to sack it off for today I think and come back tomorrow, this is no fun at all.



Played someone called Mart earlier. No idea if it was Mart Mart, but I did the Spider-man pointing emote and they reciprocated. My deck was crap, though, and I had to flee.



Unless it was martTM, it wasn't me. :laughing:

I have had a huge amount of wins in the last two days from people retreating. Not a terrible thing, but it does make moving up the ranking that much slower. I'm within touching distance of 60 right now, so I want to cross that before the end of the season.



I've also had a load of instances of the one that makes you draw from your opponent's deck

I've seen both of these and played a game earlier with the "swap both decks with ten random cards".

With a Quinjet and Collector in the starting hand, it worked out okay for me, but it was still a frustrating experience.



I pulled that on someone earlier, and I have to admit it's an especially smug last-ditch turnaround.



I pulled a Thanos from the Raft earlier, which was unexpected.

The zero cost was more useful than anything else, because it let me drop him next to an Okoye-boosted America Chavez for an 18-point final turn.



Yeah, I got him from a 'Fill hand with random cards' location yesterday! Didn't get to play him though, the opponent retreated. Booooo.



Today's new season pass mission is 'Discard 10 cards' and now I have to build a whole new deck that lets me do that. Any thoughts on the best ways to do that which aren't obvious Sword Master/Lady Sif things? I'd like something that actually gives me a chance to win, not just play to do the mission.



I’ve had some success with this:
(1) Nova
(1) Blade
(2) Morbius
(2) Bucky Barnes
(2) Carnage
(2) Swarm
(3) Gambit
(3) Lady Sif
(3) Deathlok
(3) Sword Master
(6) Apocalypse
(6) America Chavez


Bit of a hybrid discard & destroy deck but you're aiming to use Blade, Sif and Sword Master to repeatedly buff Apocalypse; and Carnage or Deathlok to destroy Nova and Bucky. Gambit's a great card if you've got it, and Swarm can surprise people.

It's nothing innovative but it gets the job done.



Update is live, new token shop is up (along with some ridiculous pushes to make you buy gold, no thanks). Got 3k tokens for my efforts getting up to 800+ collection level. No cards I want yet though, even if Baron Mordo is one I don't have.



No, game, I'm not spending all 3,000 of my tokens on Phil Coulson.

(Had Rogue up earlier for 1k, but didn't get her either.)



Only one on offer for me - Bast - who costs twice as many tokens as I actually have. Pool 5 though. Five hours before I get a new option.



They're kidding themselves with that 7500-gold "offer", right? That's like £90 of in-app purchases.



They're kidding themselves with that 7500-gold "offer", right? That's like £90 of in-app purchases.

You forgot the golden rule: people are fucking idiots.



They're rewards in the Collection Level track; they gave everybody over 500 (I think) 3,000 tokens. It's not the most obvious thing, but there's a total balance in red on the top right of the Token Shop section.



This has to be the biggest update by far. I like the idea of the token shop. I just hope you get given decent amount of tokens over time. I didn't know about a few nerfs in this updated. Two of them are in my deck too. I have to agree with it tho. Mysterio is now a power 4 rather than 5. This is fair. I was only using him for the 5 power with 2 cost. Destroyer is now 15 from 16. Only a little nerf but I don't mind it. Surprised Devil Dinosaur wasn't changed to a cost 6 though. 🤔

Finally hit 71 ranked! Been fighting around 65ish for a while now. It's pretty much the same deck I posted a few days ago. I switched Sabertooth for Mysterio, but wasn't sure it was working. Switched it back to Sabertooth now. 😂



It's quite cunning too because it means that the shop tab is now the first thing I check out whenever I load the game.



Got Thanos sitting in my card shop now for a cool 6000 tokens. Giving serious consideration to pinning him until I've got enough.

If the next Season Pass includes tokens (I'm sure it will), that will make it much more appealing. This has been a very good move on their part.



I'd like to know more about how many and how often tokens will appear before I start spending 'em. I had Luke Cage show up for me this morning but he'd have cost my entire balance and I'm not sure I've got enough to build a deck around him.

He's gone now, though, replaced with Doctor Doom - which might be worth the thousand-point asking price…



I had a card pinned, but I read the On Reveal effect wrong so I've ditched it. Nothing there I want now.

As for token availability, I got more today: opened a collector's cache and got a whopping 100 of them. FFS. When they said 'grind for tokens', they meant it. Guessing they'll be added to the season pass and rank track as well though?



Yeah, I've also gone from 3000 tokens to 3100 tokens today. Woohoo. Not sure whether to unpin Thanos now. By the time I've got enough to get him, I'll have passed up loads of other stuff that I might use just as much.

Got Agatha Harkness today. Tempted to just make a deck now and let it play itself.



Yeah, I've also gone from 3000 tokens to 3100 tokens today. Woohoo. Not sure whether to unpin Thanos now. By the time I've got enough to get him, I'll have passed up loads of other stuff that I might use just as much.

You'd almost think that by the time you've saved up enough, you'll have opened enough Collector's Caches to get him in the wild anyway. But hey ho.



Went on a massive losing streak, fell back to mid 50s. Fuck. Put me on a right downer, dunno what was happening but got outplayed every time. Bah.