966182e60aa0abcaddf8136a2fb72f79?s=156&d=identicon Brian Bloodaxe

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Posted in PWB July 2024

I found Crackdown 1 free on the Xbox store and I am absolutely hooked.

Posted in PWB July 2024

That does look gorgeous. Does it play as well as it looks?

Started RPG July/August

I'm in France just now and I'm taking a break from GMing so the closest if gotten to reading any RPGs recently is reading Kieron Gillen's Die comics and downloading a bunch of RuneQuest books from the current Humble Bundle

While I'm away my usual group are playing Blades in the Dark. They might still be playing that in a couple weeks when I get back, if so I'll probably join in.

Another friend is running the classic OSR megadungeon Stonehell, I'm hoping to join in for a few sessions.

Looking forward to getting back into Monster of the Week. Thinking of running The Valley of Flowers after that.

Posted in +1 Thread of Tabletop Roleplaying

Sounds great! In my experience kids veer suddenly and randomly between befriending everyone they meet and genocide.

There's some good adventures in The Manor which are light on combat.