To no-one's surprise Wizards have abandoned their plans for their dedicated D&D VTT. It's almost like building an easy to use 3D tool box which can recreate anything you experience in a game of D&D is an unachievable pipe-dream.
I quite enjoyed First Class and Days of Future Past.
Logan is basically essential though.
I've been playing Compile basically every other day since I bought it in October, it's easily my favorite game of last year. It's finally available again so if you have any interest in tightly designed two player card games (it's similar to Air, Land & Sea or Marvel Snap) you should get this.
re Orbital Blues: 8+ for tasks makes a lot more sense.
re 5e2: I think that's probably how it was supposed to be understood but it is so poorly written.
The core mechanic is 2d6+stat, 10+ passes, but you can get bonus dice by being clever. I think. It's the system used in Ben Milton's Maze Rats where the idea was you'll probably fail unless you set things up in the fiction to favor your PC. It's not a great system.