RPG June

Started by Brian Bloodaxe

Brian Bloodaxe

I just read through all of Dark Streets & Darker Secrets. It is a game with a terrible name and a slightly messy system but it has a fantastic selection of generators at the back for creating places, people and plots. I also had a flick through Solar Blades & Cosmic Spells which is the same system but for space fantasy/Star Wars type shenanigans. It comes with something like 150 pages of random tables for generate content on twenty different star systems. I could run either of these sessions for a long time!

Next up is Monster of the Week and Band of Blades. I'm hoping to try both out sometime soon.

I'm trying to convince a friend to run Delta Green's Impossible Landscapes for me. Not having much success there though.

I might take a break from 13th Age at some point to play a little Mausritter.

I'm still running the same three games although everyone seems often busy, occasionally ill and always tired. Still, the games have been good when we get going.

13th Age has been excellent recently. The group have run into an enormous living megadungeon and they haven't a clue what's going on or why this place is so weird.

Traveller should be running tomorrow after a long break for exams. We are about to move from picaresque jumping around the map to actual scenarios with stuff like bad guys and consequences.

Troika/Acid Death Fantasy Is about half way through. The group have a goal and a whole mess of trouble to deal with. I love the ADF setting, I don't think I actually enjoy running the Troika system though. Next time I'll hack in something else I think.



13th Age … an enormous living megadungeon

The Stone Thief, or something custom?