Blade Runner RPG

Started by Brian Bloodaxe

Brian Bloodaxe

My first investigation in the Blade Runner RPG wrapped up last night, and I can honestly say that I am surprised it went so well. I just didn't think that Blade Runner would work with ~4 PCs and I didn't think I was up to the task of replicating the BR atmosphere at the table. Apparently I was wrong.

It was a super tense finale!

The PCs found the missing replicants, one of whom was an unwilling vigilante killer, the other was his girlfriend who had removed his traumatic memories of killing, but had kind of broken herself in the process. They were maybe dangerous, they were certainly victims.

The PCs hunted them down mercilessly and made sure they didn't have a chance to say anything which made doing their job difficult. It was very Blade Runner and super grim. But that wasn't the best bit…

Two of the cops went back to the surface to report in and get medical attention, leaving the other two cop PCs, Stankov (who hates replicants) and Kali (who is a replicant) at the scene. Stankov has spent the game making it clear that he doesn't want Kali around, although his stance has softened as she does well in her job. Just as they are starting to process what they have done, a homicide detective drifts in from above in his police spinner.

This detective had been blackmailing the replicant into murdering people. He wants Stankov to keep that detail out of reports so that he can carry on fixing miscarriages of justice. (All the murder victims were indeed very bad people). He wants Stankov to help keep the operation going. Make the city a better place.
Kali starts to speak, but the detective cuts her off, "Grown ups are talking." All the detective needs is for Stankov to retire Kali and be selective with the report.

Kali, and her player Zoe, is convinced she is about to die, trying to decide if she can escape, fight back, if she even should.

Stankov shoots the detective dead.

Everyone starts breathing again.

Later on Kali says to Stankov, "I really thought you were going to kill me."

He replies, "Well sure, you're a replicant, but that doesn't matter. You're a cop."



I was tempted by Blade Runner, but wasn’t sure I could pull off being the GM for the game.

How much of the investigating is down to the PC’s? Mine like to swing axes and hit things, so a move to a sci-fi setting hasn’t really gripped anyone else.



I'd love to play Blade Runner, but I don't think I'd be quite up to running it; I've always struggled a bit to run investigations, so an entire game structured around that framework is slightly terrifying.


Brian Bloodaxe

As I said up top, I had the same worries but it was fine.

I think the trick is to not think of it as an investigation. Just give players a complex situation and leave them to figure it out.

It is harder because the stuff you are making up has to fit, whereas in D&D or Star Wars pretty much anything goes.



I have Blade Runner and I really, really want to run it but I'm struggling to pick a fucking game and run it at the moment. How much of a pain in the arse is it to run?



It's a hell of a lot easier than Vampire. You'll be fine.

Why do these dice have origami animals on them what-


Brian Bloodaxe

I use normal dice. The official dice have pictures on because then FL can sell bespoke dice. Their icon choice is odd. And annoying since they use those icons through the book.