RPG January/February '25

Started by aniki



Although I've been through the PDFs a few times and have two campaigns going with the system, I've mostly just been leafing through the physical books for Land of Eem, now that my backer rewards have arrived. The Sandbox book is taking up most of my attention, as I read around the parts of the map where the parties are currently to see what else I can throw at them.

I'm also trying to prep for the next stage of the Dragonbane campaign, which means I've got to read through the frankly atrocious official adventure book and figure out how to glue it all together in a way that fits with what's happened so far.


Nothing, as per. :sob:


I've got a Land of Eem game that took over from my Avatar Legends campaign when that wrapped up, which is going pretty well. I suspect I'll need to push the players into keeping their own notes more, as there are a lot of moving parts in the sandbox and I'd like them to have their own priorities instead of relying on my session writeups. That's even less likely for the on-again-off-again game I've started for the kid and one of his friends, but they're challenging my GMing style in plenty of new ways – mostly by throwing each others' characters under the bus at the first sign of a displeased authority figure. I'm going to have to instil in them the important principle "don't be a grass".

The Dragonbane game is approaching its end; there are still a few loose ends for the party to tie up before they move on the final boss, but they're close enough now that I've read through that dungeon and decided I need to completely redo it myself. I've got some notes for the different areas and now I need to decide how much of it I want to map out for them.



Mostly just a whole lot The One Ring. There's an elf-heavy supplement coming soon, and I've been going through the preorder/preview PDF for that. I'm quite keen to run this, even just using the pre-published adventures/landmarks. I've just about resigned myself to the fact that I'll probably have to do it online rather than in-person, too, since I only know one person IRL who's interested enough (and close enough) to get to an actual table.

My Descent Into Avernus game still hasn't descended into Avernus yet, but we survived what looked for all the world like an imminent TPK, and are continuing to investigate devil cults in Baldur's Gate. I kinda miss my rabbit wizard, but the psionic goblin rogue that replaced her after her untimely end is apparently cunning enough that I'm still the brains of the operation, and nobody (in-character) has worked out he's secretly a Dragon Cultist (yet).

Nothing for a while now; scheduling for D&D has been a real pain since about halfway through November. Hoping to get back behind the screen this weekend, though, so I need to remind myself what the hell is happening in that game…


Brian Bloodaxe

Tide World of Mani - I just bought this It's an adventure for mothership. It's but Joel Hines who also wrote Desert Moon of Karth, which was one of the best games I have ever run.

DragonBane - Looks like I might be helping run a "D&D" group for some local kids/teens. I think DragonBane would be an easier game for them to pick up and run than 5e so I've been having a read though. Aniki's comments above about the adventure book though have been noted.

Triange Agency - The book is a lot of fun to read, I am not yet convinced that I want to play the game. It's a bit more cartoony than I was expecting.

Nothing currently but my group are keen to run The One Ring and more Liminal Horror either of which I would be happy to play. Before that though…

I am actually running again for the first time in a while. I just started running Reach of the Roach God using WhiteHack, second session is tonight. PCs are a demon demon-trader with demon minions, a village wise woman who looks like the girl who crawls out of TVs in the ring movies and who can partially transform into wet horses, and a tea brewer. I love it, you just say to players, this is your chance to play that character you've always wanted to which didn't fit in any other game. They we get awesom shit like this.



Aniki's comments above about the [Dragonbane] adventure book though have been noted.

I'll second them, too - the Secret of the Dragon Emperor "campaign" is really a loosely-grouped set of one-shots, all by different writers, with no meaningful narrative connection or through-line.

Spoiler - click to showMost of the plot, such as it is, involves collecting relics in order to obtain a magic sword-macguffin that can both defeat and release the looming villain - which means that the smartest thing to do is actually for the party to get the sword, and then just… leave, because the bad guy literally has no means of escape unless you bring the thing to him.

If I ever run it again, I'd have to put in a lot of work to flesh out the various factions and their conflicts/motiviations, because as it is the whole thing feels like about 80% afterthought.

I don't know if the second adventure book (Path of Glory) is any better?



I don't know if the second adventure book (Path of Glory) is any better?

It's a bit familiar – find hidden keys and defeat a servant of Sathmog. One of the dungeons is a re-run of the barrow from the Misty Vale. I can provide a cough preview cough version if you want.

There seem to be a lot of assumptions made in the official material about how the players will approach a situation and even what character options they'll have available; there's often little guidance for non-combat approaches (like easily-accessible information on an NPC's specific motives and goals beyond "they're in this faction"), which is frustrating when combat can be so risky.


Brian Bloodaxe

It is a rewrite old classic campaign. Sounds like it could have done with a little more updating.