Upgrade incoming

Started by aniki


I've got a local Soc installation running the latest version of the base forum software, which includes fixes for things like the videos-in-spoilers weirdness (for anyone interested in the technical details, it's no longer a custom fork - this will put us back on the mainline of the gem, meaning future upgrades for officially-implemented functionality should be much quicker and smoother).

Everything looks to be working as expected, but I'm not going to deploy it right now, because:

  1. it's midnight
  2. there's a reasonable chance something will get borked in the process (probably f–king spoilers), and
  3. letting people know ahead of time, even with the limited userbase, feels like it's worth doing considering the way the last place ended.

So it'll probably be tomorrow (Monday October 1st), around lunch UK time that the upgrade happens. If all goes well nobody will notice anything.



This isn't going to happen after all - noticed a couple of other things I'd implemented in the custom fork that I'll have to re-apply in the main one before I can actually do this, but it's going to take some time to get right.



One of the features you've implemented, the unread counters on the messageboards index page, is in v0.16.0. I come here to lurk and read about games. I'll be happy to help if you need anything.



Have you seen my recent PRs? I assume PM notifications are working and you simply haven't had the time to reply, but posting here just in case they're not.



Yeah, sorry - I've just not set aside the time to go through them properly. Hoping to get to it over Christmas.



This is weird - I'm seeing a not-secure notice next to the address bar for this site. That expected?



Yeah, that's a change in Chrome - they've started adding that to every site that's not loading over HTTPS. Since that requires money (I'd need to buy a certificate and upgrade the server plan), and there's nothing security-sensitive on here anyway (I hope you're all using unique passwords!) it seems like overkill.



We had a little bit of downtime this evening that was exacerbated by my premature attempt to upgrade the Heroku stack underpinning the forum; I've had to upgrade Ruby to get it to boot up again, so if you spot anything untoward, let me know.

Also worth noting that we're approaching the database limit on the free Heroku postgres plan – currently we are at 92% capacity – so at some point very soon I'm going to have to take the Soc offline to upgrade the database.

I'll try to give you all some warning before then.



Cheers. Nice work, etc.

I didn't notice a goddamn thing because I'm mostly looking after a baby / too tired to fucking read, but thanks for all your efforts in making it sure it does work when I can find my way on here.



There was an outage last night so I assume aniki has been tinkering. Looks the same on my phone but haven’t tried it on a desktop today.