Brian Bloodaxe
Daggerheart play test - It looks functional, but not exciting. Reminds me of 13th Age in places. There is a lot of moving pieces in it and while none of them are particularly complicated I think they might want to trim it back slightly.
Monster of the Week/Cthulhu City/The Yellow King/Cthulhu Dark - I'm starting to prepare for my next big game.
One of my Blade Runner players took over GMing for a session. It was fun but a bit incongruent.
I played a session of Microscope. It was fine I guess. Not exactly exciting.
Blade Runner is almost done. Maybe three more sessions to go. I have an investigation to wrap up and then a finale. Still really pleased with it.
a state on the other had feels like it never really got started even after four sessions. The players are having fun I think but I'm not feeling it. The Blades system just isn't working for me. I'd love to return to the setting with a system I do like though.
My issues with the a state rules were thrown into stark clarity when I filled in for a couple weeks by running Into the Odd and Liminal Horror, but of which were fast, eventful, fun and effortless. So I think I'll be wrapping up a state shortly and running some OSR pirates or something.