Dead Cells

Started by wev


I figured I'd move the conversation on this away from the bargains thread, and again, thanks Mart!

I'm loving this as my other game alongside GT Sport and FFXII: The Zodiac Age, it's perfect for both dipping into and investing a decent session into.

It's basically a mash up of two genres that I've wanted to love but can't quite click: Metroidvania and the "Souls" template (although I do love Dark Souls and Dark Souls 2 I've never gotten very far into them), the areas I've explored so far (the first two :lol: ) are short enough not to becoming too annoying but there does feel like there's enough branches from them to mean that you're not dreading having to run through them after dying. I've not reached a point that suggests there's any Dark Souls like checkpoint though.



There's not a checkpoint (that I know of) - every run you start afresh from the jail cell, though there are a few ways you can carry some measure of progress over.

I went away for a couple of weeks when I was still playing a lot, and now think that I took a break at a bad time (game-wise), as some of the most obvious and immediately gratifying progression the game has to offer early on was over for me immediately beforehand, as I'd just finished unlocking all of the character abilities. I'm left now just needing to keep unlocking stuff (and hopefully finishing the bugger some day), which hasn't offered quite the same incentive to return, though I fully expect to be properly drawn in again at some point.

It's a brilliant game though, I think; an instant (cult) classic which reached or exceeded all my expectations, despite the fact I'd been waiting for the PS4 release for about a year. it may not be for everyone, but it's certainly for me.



Is there anything specific that I should be doing? My play throughs are generally, clear the first area (although not been quick enough to get to that timed gate yet, once I was out by 9 seconds! But it's not normally between 1 and 2 minutes) spend my Cells, pick the mutation (?) That allows me to die and be revived then get some of the way through the second area before dying and losing the cells that is gathered there. It seems to me that you can't pick up any equipment you had when you died? So it's more about unlocking the "random sword" etc for the jail at the start and making sure you deliver blueprints?



The timed gate is nice, but not at all necessary (I’ve only opened 2-3 ever, and even then I was only once actually going for it). You might be better off playing a little more cautiously and maximising your cells/making sure you get a bit further, rather than rushing through, as the further through you get the more you’ll get too.

Otherwise it’s pretty much standard suggestions for a roguelite - experiment, unlock, explore, improve - with the additional need to find and then implement your other abilities.



I'd love to play this one day. If ever I get an opportunity.

Does it have to be on a console or do you dabble in PC?



We'll get a DM going, you can be on my Steam Family list and play it through that. If you want.

I think that officially means we'll be married though.



The weapon unlock seems like it's the only bit of the game that isn't explained all that well. When I started playing I was unlocking stuff as soon as I could, prioritised the random starting bow/sword/shield and then kept going from there. Now I've unlocked loads of things but don't necessarily think some of them were worthwhile. Get the feeling that now I've got an idea of the weapons I prefer it'd be possible to start over and streamline the unlocks to make the available pool more reliable.



I quite like this, much to my surprise. Normally I hate roguelikes (the whole "die repeatedly to slowly unlock stuff that might randomly drop to give you a chance of actually getting somewhere one go in ten" approach really doesn't appeal much) but this is the best one I've played since Rogue Legacy. It's snappy and responsive and just fun to play.

I'm still hopeless at it though. Got past the first boss and got absolutely mullered on the section following, which I assume is probably only about 10% of the way through the game. Guess I'd better die a few hundred more times to unlock some more stuff.

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