Marvel Snap!

Started by BeanyFGC


Points mount up super quickly, it only takes five minutes of my day and then playing Xbox as I normally would. Better yet, the online MS store takes credit, which you can buy with reward points… I currently have enough for a new Design Lab controller, if I wanted.



They've added friend matches in the latest update – you generate a code for the match, give that to a friend and they can enter it on their side to join. Feels a bit clunky, but I guess it saves them having to implement full social functionality like friend lists and online status monitoring.

Both players start with 10 "health", and lose points based on the number of Cubes that you'd get in a normal match. You don't earn any booster or rank rewards for these games, though.



That's awesome. I haven't got the strongest decks at the moment but if you want some games let us know.

Got back into this the last few weeks and I really regret not getting silver surfer. He seems really good for multiple decks. I'm not sure if he's in one of the pools yet, but 6,000 credits is too much to buy from the shop. I think any cards in pool 4 or higher are unrealistic to get. They need to fix that, because it's hard to get excited for a season when you'll not be able to get most of the new cards.



Someone on Twitter posted this Apocalypse feeder monster which has been doing very well for me.

  • (1) Blade
  • (2) Morbius
  • (2) Swarm
  • (2) Colleen Wing
  • (3) Lockjaw
  • (3) Moon Knight
  • (3) Lady Sif
  • (3) Sword Master
  • (4) Dracula
  • (4) Hellcow
  • (6) Apocalypse
  • (6) America Chavez

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I'm not entirely convinced by America Chavez, but she is handy as a last-round option. I sometimes feel like she makes Dracula a riskier proposition if she's left in the hand with a high-power Apocalypse, but it's probably an okay trade-off.



America Chavez is awesome. She's one of them cards that's in a lot of my decks. It's the part that increases the odds picking up cards you need prior turn 6 that makes her great. The card itself I never use really, but it's there if you need it.

My son uninstalled the game and when I reinstalled it all my progress was gone. I didn't link my account like too, so hopefully I can get it back through email. 🤞 If I can't, that will be it for me. Put way too many hours into it, just to start again. It's a shame because I love Marvel Snaps.



Finally hit infinite rank! Not sure what to do now? I love this game, one of my favorite games ever but they need to speed up the progression for gaining cards. Adding new cards every month is very respectable, but its hard to be excited knowing you won't be playing with them because it's in pool 4/5. A few good improvements already but it needs more.



Not sure who still plays this but the new season has some really interesting new cards. The battle pass card is Nebula from Guardians of the Galaxy. A 1 cost and 1 power that gains plus two for every turn you opponent doesn't play a card at that location. Kinda focuses your opponent to play a location while you win the other two. Could work in a few decks and gives Sunspot a run for his money for one of the best cost 1 cards in the game. There's a few more that I think will change the meta up a bit too.



I've only run into one person playing Nebula so far (last season I didn't see any Hit Monkeys), so I don't know how big an impact the season cards are having now compared to how ubiquitous Silver Surfer was. (I don't remember seeing a ton of Modoks either.)


Mr Party Hat

How is the game coping with power creep? I haven't played since the first month, would I still be able to win matches through skill alone?



Probably? I'm using a deck that's mostly older cards, though I suspect having a wider pool to build your deck from probably makes it easier to put something together that synergises.

In my recent experience, it feels more like you're not really interacting with the other person's cards much, unless you're playing a specific kind of deck. Most of the time you're just trying to get your own pieces on the board before the match runs out of turns.



How is the game coping with power creep? I haven't played since the first month, would I still be able to win matches through skill alone?

I didn't play it awhile ago so I dropped to rank 40 but I climbed to Infinite (rank 130) last season, but using pool 1 and 2 cards only. I'll post the deck below if anyone is interested.

#1 Ant-Man

#2 Elektra

#3 Iron Fist

#4 Nightcrawler

#5 Rocket Raccoon

#6 Blade

#7 Misty knight

#8 Korg

#9 Angela

#10 Bishop

#11 Kazar

#12 Blue Marvel

Doesn't look anything great and you'd think killmonger would destroy this deck, but it doesn't effect it at all. The most important part of this deck is how you play it. It sounds crazy but it works really well. You don't play any cost 1 cards until turn 6 with a few exceptions like locations needing you to for something. You only play cost 2 cards or higher between turn 2-5 to get them on the board ready for the final turn. Best case scenario is being able to play Kazar and Blue Marvel on turn 4 and 5 but it's not a must. Having one is still strong and you can still win without any of them, although it's harder. Bishop is a great card that's good enough to replace one of them two because you'll likely be able to play 6 cards on the final turn. So he's likely to gain 6 or more power by the end. Angela is Angela. Still really strong in most decks. Considering you'll be filling the board with cards. It should be easy to make her a cost 2 with 6 power. You can be a little cheeky with cards like Nightcrawler, Iron Fist to move them away from her location to gain xtra 2 power. As for most of the cost 1 cards, you could use whatever you want to be honest. The higher the power the better but remember you'll likely not gain anything from the ability because you'll be playing them on the final turn. As for stuff like killmonger. 99% of the time you'll be going second because you've not played much cards so your score will be low. I would recommend keeping, Ant-Man, Elektra, Iron Fist, Rocket Raccoon (underrated card, on turn 6 it's pretty easy to know where your opponent will play a card, so it's likely a 4 power), and Blade. Im sure you'll find better cost 1 cards from the other pools but I was sticking to pool 1 and 2 so I had Misty knight and Korg. There's decks it can't win against so a good retreat is needed. I was going against pool 4 and 5 cards though. On the up side it's really good for snaps since your opponent will see you passing a lot of turns.

It's gotten a lot better like you get more than just 100 tokens when you win them from the collection pool prize. I've been getting around 300-600ish. The token shop is split into 3 different sections. Two are a rotating pool 4-5 and pool 3 cards. The third is one of the new cards from that season that will stay for a week or so. Also you get a free pool 3 card from the shop per season. It's still feels too slow but it's a lot better.



One of the new season cards is still in the weekly shop for 6,000 tokens called Iron Lad. A 4 cost and 6 power that gains the ability of the next card in your deck. Brilliant card in so many ways. This card can slot into just about any deck you want and still be really strong regardless of what pool your in. Taking effects like Iron Man making him a 4 cost 12 of the bat is great while doubling other cards at that location. White Tiger, Black Panther and even if you pick up an effect like Ice Man or Korg it's still decent with it's cost and power. Finally hit infinite with him in a Patriot deck. Just gives you an extra shot at picking up Patriot or even having two of them on the board. 6,000 tokens might seem like a lot but I'll definitely say buy this card if possible. One of the most useful cards in all kinds of decks.



Finally High Evolutionary is available in the token shop for this week's new card for the season and he doesn't disappoint. I'll even say he's the best new card they've ever added. He's a lot more than a single good or bad card. He's kinda similar to Thanos and Patriot where he creates a whole new deck archetype. The amount of different High Evolutionary decks will be interesting to see and adding future cards to the mix too. Definitely recommend buying him from the shop if you have the tokens or at least pin him. He's a 4 cost and 4 power and his ability triggers at the start of the match similar to Thanos. "Give all none abilities cards abilities". So right of the bat, you gain 6 new cards considering 6/7 none ability cards are pool 1 and 2 with Wasp being the only one in pool 3.

Wasp 0 cost, 1 power
On reveal: Inflict 2 random enemy cards here with -1 power

Misty knight 1 cost, 2 power
When you end a turn with unspent energy give another friendly card +1 power.

Shocker 2 cost, 3 power
On reveal: Give the leftmost card I. You hand -1 cost.

Cyclops 3 cost, 4 power
When you end you turn with unspent energy give 2 random enemies here -1 power.

The Thing 4 cost, 6 power
On reveal: Afflict a random enemy here with -1 power. Repeat this twice more.

Abomination 5 cost, 9 power
Cost 1 less for each enemy card in play that's afflicted with negative energy.

Hulk 6 cost, 12 power
Ongoing: +2 power for each turn you ended with unspent energy.

There's different ways you could play these cards. I think over time it'll be better to make a hybrid deck with just 2 or 3 of these cards. At the moment I've just been using them all and it feels so fun. Having cards like Cyclops, and Hulk being playable again is awesome. Only downside to High Evolutionary is picking him up. You don't really want to play him being 4 cost, 4 power.