Ok, not gonna lie. I'm completely hooked (thanks a lot Mart 😅) but loving it. Thought it might be worth its own thread with it being a game as a service. Can completely see myself playing throughout the year with the ongoing updates.
After putting in a quiet a few hours the three stages with the random conditions makes this for me. I've played a lot of strategy card games and one of my biggest concerns I have with them is set plays. Decks that that play on autopilot because they combo so well together. Now with these three random stages it's really makes you think outside your go to deck strategy. It makes every match feels different. I feel like I've beaten decks with better cards than mine because I played better with good reads on them. Also they got me with the battle pass. I couldn't help it. 😅 Think I'm around tier 18 on the paid battle pass now. Like Mart said. I don't think this will be something I'll be doing every season but I'm happy to give them some money for now.
My deck isn't the greatest but I think it's doing well. Sitting around 34-36. Keep going up and down. My main deck at the moment is-
Mister Fantastic
Jessica Jones
Iron man
I'll say these are cards I'm finding the best in my desk so far.
-Nightcrawler is most of my favorite. Seems really useful for a lot of situations for just a 1 cost.
-Iron hart for just a 3 cost card has great damage as long as you have three other cards on the board.
-Mister Fantastic definitely one of my best cards. Like Iron Hart, cost 3 and and can do up to 6 damage while working around some stage conditions.
-Hulk as basic as you can get, but I've robbed a few games with his raw power on the last round.
I’ve won my first ten games - is this a feltmonkey Fortnite situation?
In fact, do you ever play real people or is it always AI? It never actually told me one way or the other.
Based on the terrible usernames, I'm trying to figure out if it's using real player decks registered in the system through an AI method - meaning if you win, the other player doesn't really take the loss of cubes - or if it's real people. Probably a mix of both, to ensure there's always someone to play against. I've had a couple of players use the remote message thing though, so those might have been real players? Maybe.
I keep tweaking my deck here and there when new cards pop up, but have a few that always seem to serve me well throughout:
- Hawkeye - guarantee of power increase if you play a card on the same place next turn, but that does lock you into a move somewhat.
- Medusa - double power if placed in the middle… good to just drop her there and leave it.
- Morph - almost always does the job because it copies a random card in the opponent's hand as early as turn 3… if they're holding high power ones for later turns, OOOOF.
- Gamora - high energy cost at 5, but the same power increasing ability as the other Guardians of the Galaxy for late game boosts. Can really turn the tide in a location, since you can more accurately predict where the opponent will play a card.
- Spider-Man - Use Nightcrawler, move him somewhere else and boom, a power 5 card at just one cost. Nice.
- Jessica Jones - delayed 8 power, always good while you play cards elsewhere next turn.
- Klaw - +4 power to the location you play it, plus another 6 to the location on the right. Sneaky!
There are others too, but I keep flitting about with adding 6 power cards or not. I've also tried hard with the whole 'destroy cards' thing but it's just not working for me… I never get the right draw to make it happen. Shame, that Carnage card I just got looks great but it only really works when you're forced to use cards you don't want by location effects like Rocks or power reducing ninjas.
I ran out of blue credits today. Yikes. No more upgrading for me. I dropped for the season pass, but those gold prices can fuck off.
I've lost one game, which I think puts me at the bottom of the Society table, but a lot of my opponents have made some very questionable late-game decisions, playing cards on zones they have no hope of winning rather than going for the marginal ones. Another point in favour of the "everyone's AI" theory, perhaps.
I've lost plenty, so don't worry. The important thing to remember, which a lot of players seem to have missed, is that retreating is perfectly acceptable, nay, encouraged if you're fucked. It keeps your cube losses to a minimum, and is the better part of valour. Maybe. 
I'm currently sitting at Season Pass 19, Collection Level 147 and Ranked Rewards 23 (Bronze). The latter bobs up and down as I win and lose… I honestly can't see me hitting 100 there by the end of the season, but that's fine. I would like that fancy Spider-Man card back though. Gah.
I bought the season pass. What a mug. I have no regrets.
(Actually, this could get expensive. At £8.99 the season pass is a bit out of impulse purchase territory - and it only lasts until November 7. If they're going to expect another nine quid every few weeks, I can see my current delight with this game fizzling out quite quickly).
The season ends in two weeks?! Ooooof. I'm barely touching Silver (30) in the ranked progression, what kind of maniac do you need to be to get to 100?!
It might default to this on newer phones, but in the settings you can toggle 60fps mode, which makes everything feel a lot smoother. It didn't seem to affect my battery life, but YMMV.
I still think it's fascinating that no-one really knows whether you're playing against real people or AI. I've had a look on the subreddit and there's no consensus. It's so unusual to launch a game like this and not detail it…
I played some games this morning on the bus into work against some vanilla named players (Adam, Ivy, etc). None responded to my emote messages. They all made terrible plays and I only had to retreat once when I realised I'd fucked up and couldn't win on turn 6. Felt very much like not real people. But then, maybe that's the hook? I went on a bit of a losing streak yesterday afternoon, so perhaps this is the game's way of keeping me interested with some easy wins.
If they want a tenner every few weeks for a new season pass, then that can get fucked. I like it a lot, but I'm not an idiot.
It might default to this on newer phones, but in the settings you can toggle 60fps mode, which makes everything feel a lot smoother. It didn't seem to affect my battery life, but YMMV.
It doesn't default, no. Just changed it and oh my god, that's so much faster and smoother. Thanks for the tip!
It might default to this on newer phones, but in the settings you can toggle 60fps mode, which makes everything feel a lot smoother. It didn't seem to affect my battery life, but YMMV.
Nice. My phone's pretty new and it had defaulted to 30 so I changed it and it makes an appreciable difference.
The best thing about this is the frequency with which it throws new cards at you. I don't think my deck has remained static for more than a game or two since I started. There's always something new to try. I do suspect these first few weeks are going to be the sweet spot though and, like Hearthstone, over time new players will quickly get stomped by players of longer standing (or with more money) who simply have better cards.
Are there better cards or just better strategies/synergies? I've got a buttload of cards right now, but none of them seem particularly overpowered or unbalanced. Every good thing appears to still have a downside if not used in the right circumstances. That will likely change in the future because they always fuck up, introduce new stuff that's broken and has to be nerfed. But so far, it seems… okay? The fact you can't buy better cards, only variations of existing ones, works for me. Even upgrading cards has no effect other than looking shinier…
Yeah, at the moment it's all fairly well balanced as far as I can see and the matchmaking works well in terms of matching you up against people who have more or less the same cards available as you.
Over time though people are going to start to want "better" cards rather than just "more" cards for the money they are stumping up each month, and that's where the power creep begins. Especially once they've been through everyone's favourite characters at least once.
Been playing a lot of this all day and it's really getting hard to win now. Going off today's playtime I'm completely convinced I'm going against people 9/10 times at rank 52 platinum. The plays the opponent is doing seem pretty forward thinking with some good reads. As for the battle pass I have some positive and negative feed back. Working through the battle pass seems fast. Setting on tier 30 at the moment out of the 50 to complete. As far as I'm aware it only has one card locked behind it (Mile Spiderman). The rest are icons, gold, upgrade points and different pictures of existing cards. I've pretty sure I read somewhere that the Mile Spiderman will come available with drops next season for people who didn't get the battle pass. Unfortunately this will be the last time I buy it though. I hate the fact that you can't pay for it with gold that you get from battle pass.
I've got two deck at the moment. One focus on "On reveal" and another for "On going" abilities. The on reveals deck is mainly made around Odin who replays all the on reveals again for that stage. Not a bad deck but needs a good last round to win. The on going deck is probably my strongest and more of the fun deck of the two. A few good combos are Squirrel Girl and Kazar. Squirrel Girl is only 1 cost and power that creates two copy's on the other stages. While Kazar buffs all cost 1 cards. That's pretty much the plan for the deck. Fill the board with lot of 1 cost cards and buff them. Seem to be working well.
Really hoping they add casual mode to invite your friends soon. If they do that this year. Could be my game of the year. Man, I'm so hyped for Marvel Midnight Sun now!
Currently on a massive losing streak. Not sure what I'm doing wrong. Bah.
I think Beany's right, there comes a point where it takes the training wheels off and starts pitching you against real people. That's when you start to lose regularly. I'm at that point myself, I think I need to start playing around with some of the mechanics a bit more and moving myself away from my comfortable but unambitious little deck that I've been using for most of the game.
Also, I'm kind of with Beany I think in that the season pass doesn't seem worth the rewards. I like having additional stuff to work toward but there are only about 3 cards in there, the rest is all cosmetics and stuff like credits and gold. If those cards are then going to go into the rotation after the season's ended then there's no way that's worth nine quid.
Agreed. I suspect this is the last season pass I buy here. And yes, I too need to start messing with my deck. Been breezing through to Silver 30 and now I'm getting pummelled, so clearly I'm doing something wrong.
I did see an in-game tip today saying that if you enhance a card up to Infinity level (!), it splits into two and you get a new version with an additional effect that you can then further upgrade. Not sure if by 'effect' it means an actual gameplay mechanic or just a pretty card thing (the only ones I have so far are Frame Break, 3D, Animated and Shiny Logo), so we'll see. Looks like there are two levels above the Legendary (Gold) status I have for a few cards, so that'll take a while.
What collection level are you at, Mart? Looks like 214 is the point you leave Pool 1 and start drawing new cards from Pool 2:
I've got a way to go yet (only at 96) but making good progress with the Spidey Pass.
This is fine, but I suspect my general aversion to deckbuilders will keep me from getting irreversibly hooked.
At the moment, I have two decks, but they both rely on some pretty heavy synergy, and I'm often at the mercy of the location effects.
What collection level are you at, Mart? Looks like 214 is the point you leave Pool 1 and start drawing new cards from Pool 2:
I've got a way to go yet (only at 96) but making good progress with the Spidey Pass.
I'm at 197, so not too far off. 214 does look to be the point the cards ramp up again (you get one every other step, not every third), BUT it's also the point at which you only get rewards every fourth level, not every second. OOOF.
Things have very much slowed down now, since credit rewards are running thin and I can't seem to surpass 31 on the victory track. I suspect I'll reach a point where I'm purely playing to complete missions to get those credit rewards, but not doing much else due to the obvious lack of ability I possess. Still enjoying it, still working synergies and having fun, definitely facing more real people as they're responding to emotes and pulling off some nasty late game plays. I'll stick with it, but I'm definitely done spending money on this.
Saw one of the alt cards for Morph, one of my go to cards. I need it.
Ah, nice. I'm not too far off for that pool 2. I tried to make a discard/destroy deck, but I couldn't get it to work with the cards I have. Thinking I might be able to create a "move" deck with cards like Mile Spiderman, Nightcrawler and Ion fist, but we'll see. 🤔
There's a few cards I think are good that could help in any kind of deck if you guys have them.
-Mr fantastic
-Blue Marvel
-Captain America
Thinking I might be able to create a "move" deck with cards like Mile Spiderman, Nightcrawler and Ion fist, but we'll see. 🤔
Don't forget cards like Heimdall and… er, one I forget but definitely think I have which can shunt entire blocks of cards left or right on reveal. Last turn stuff, but it can surprise the hell out of an opponent.
Ah nice one. Yeah just looked in my collection and I have him. Also a card called multiple man who created a copy of himself when moved. Just seen I have that Hulk Buster that attaches to a card and buffs them. Could be a good combo right there. 🤔
Also a card called multiple man who created a copy of himself when moved.
Saw that, I want it. 
Just seen I have that Hulk Buster that attaches to a card and buffs them. Could be a good combo right there. 🤔
It doesn't buff them, it just adds 4 power and frees up a card space because the card itself vanishes. I've used it but, honestly, unless there's an effect that's giving more energy to allow you multiple card plays in one go, it feels a bit like a wasted turn.
I might be confusing myself to be honest. I was thinking give the moving card the added 4 power like nightcrawler. Having a movable 5 power card could be useful considering you don't use points. Also if you use it on that multiple man or even wolverine you creating a new power 7 card instead of 3 power. The hulk Buster could be worth a bit of value. Im just not sure if it's legit strategy. 😅
I might be confusing myself to be honest. I was thinking give the moving card the added 4 power like nightcrawler. Having a movable 5 power card could be useful considering you don't use points.
Ahhhhhhh, now that could work!
Just got annihilated on the final turn by someone playing a card called The Infinaut with Power 20 (!). Jesus wept. It's in pool 2, and I'm there… hmm.
Hahaha! 😂 The same thing happened to me. I was in shock for a few seconds. I had to read the card twice because I couldn't believe what I was reading. 😅 From now on if I see the opponent not play a card on turn 5, I'm playing around the idea that Tnfinaut is coming.
I made that "Move" deck and it's really fun deck. Not as strong as my main one with cost 1 cards getting boosted, but not too bad. I think it's missing just one or two cards to help the theme of the deck really get moving. I'm sure there's cards that I could be using but haven't thought to use them. I'll put it in spoilers if anyone wants to make it or improve it.
Spoiler - click to show (1) Iron Fist (1) Nightcrawler (2) Forge (2) Kraven (2) Multiple Man (2) Scarlet Witch (3) Doctor Strange (3) Hulkbuster (4) Miles Morales (5) Iron Man (6) Heimdall (6) Hulk
As fun as it is, it's harder to use than My main deck, but I'll post that in the spoiler too is anyone wants to try it. As long as you spread out the cards into the 3 stages it let's you choose which 2 out of the 3 stages you want to boost to win the game in the last 2 rounds.
Spoiler - click to show (1) Ant Man (1) Squirrel Girl (1) Korg (1) Nightcrawler (2) Angela (2) Scarlet Witch (3) Ironheart (3) Wolfsbane (3) Captain America (4) Ka-Zar (5) Blue Marvel (6) Onslaught
You can copy and paste the decks in the menu which is really useful.
I don't even have half those cards…
Currently having reasonable success by spamming low-cost cards in the early rounds then boosting them with Blue Marvel, Captain America and Ironheart, with an emergency Iron Man in case one location needs a last-minute boost and a Morph for unpredictable comedy value.
I feel like I should be doing something more exciting, moving and destroying cards (someone I played with earlier had a card that they discarded repeatedly and which got stronger every time they did) but I probably need a few more cards to really make it all hang together.
I actually managed to get a Tie in a match earlier – one Location each with the third tied, and equal points across the board.
I've had one tie as well. I've also had a weird dropout once where there was an error, and the opponent was playing cards far too quickly for it to be possible UNLESS it was an AI. Weird.
I don't even have half those cards…
Every player gets the same cards eventually, you just need to progress up the Collection ladder to unlock them. Which order you get them in is random, but there's nothing you can't get (yet).
I nearly broke the game.
Started a match and location 2 turned out to be the new Bar Sinister, where playing a card duplicates it until the location is full. At turn 3, I played Morph and copied one of the opponent's cards; it turned into Odin! Odin causes all ongoing effects to reactivate upon reveal. Great.
Odin activated Odin, Odin and Odin. Then the activated Odin activated Odin, Odin and Odin. The next activated Odin activated Odin, Odin and Odin. And… well, you can see where this goes.
The game took a full 90 seconds to resolve itself, and even then I think it only did it because there would otherwise be no end in sight. Oops. 
Looking forward to Beany's GOTY 2022 post in a few months
I nearly broke the game.
Started a match and location 2 turned out to be the new Bar Sinister, where playing a card duplicates it until the location is full. At turn 3, I played Morph and copied one of the opponent's cards; it turned into Odin! Odin causes all ongoing effects to reactivate upon reveal. Great.
I had a sequence of locations come up earlier that resulted in this absurdity:

Currently having reasonable success by spamming low-cost cards in the early rounds then boosting them with Blue Marvel, Captain America and Ironheart, with an emergency Iron Man in case one location needs a last-minute boost and a Morph for unpredictable comedy value.
Yeah, that's a good strategy I think. Squirrel Girl and Ka-zar sounds like it could help if you find them.
I nearly broke the game.
Started a match and location 2 turned out to be the new Bar Sinister, where playing a card duplicates it until the location is full. At turn 3, I played Morph and copied one of the opponent's cards; it turned into Odin! Odin causes all ongoing effects to reactivate upon reveal. Great.
Haha. Yeah, I never thought of that. That new Bar Sinister is a bit too much I think. It's so strong it can turn the game into who's got the best card to put on it wins. I hope they change it a little. I seen it a lot today too. I think they put it on more games today because it's the new?
Looking forward to Beany's GOTY 2022 post in a few months
Hoping Sonic Frontiers is better than it looks. Been waiting over 5 years for a new mainline Sonic game.
Hulk Buster on Bar Sinister, everything merges and you get a tonne of power but still have three slots free for other cards. Nice.
I saw someone do something similar with Carnage, which destroys all but one copy of itself and buffs itself up in the process.
I love Bar Sinister. Everyone seems to just play Blue Marvel in there which is a good choice but booooring so I've made it my mission to try out as many other odd choices as I can. I stuck Yondu in there earlier and sniggered as he destroyed half my opponent's deck.
This genuinely is a GOTY 2022 contender, isn't it? The paid-for stuff is easily ignorable and everything else that's in there is generous, varied and consistently fun.
I saw someone do something similar with Carnage, which destroys all but one copy of itself and buffs itself up in the process.
I've tinkered with my mid-deck (fnarr) and am currently running a Bucky Barnes/Wolverine/Carnage trio that buffs the latter twice by killing the other two, moves Logan to a random location and turns Bucky into the Winter Soldier. Assuming I get the right pull, that is. Also got the Nightcrawler/Spidey combo going, with a couple of other treats too (Morph, Jessica Jones, Klaw). Threw Hulk Buster back in there too because, hell, why not?
I love when the opponent Snaps on the final turn, right before I drop a Hulk to steal the win.
I love when the opponent Snaps on the final turn, right before I drop a Hulk to steal the win.
That's quite the chat up line.
You guys must be playing this a LOT. I’ve played what feels like loads now, and I’ve only just completed the intro season pass.
One complaint, you don’t get cards fast enough. I’m at the point where I fully understand the mechanics and want to start building fun decks, but my collection level is only 50. So I’m having to play the same cards again, and again, and again.
I feel like Hearthstone launched with much more options for the player, right from the get-go.
Having said that, yeah this is great.
One complaint, you don’t get cards fast enough. I’m at the point where I fully understand the mechanics and want to start building fun decks, but my collection level is only 50. So I’m having to play the same cards again, and again, and again.
You get cards as quickly as you're going up the Collection ladder, and you do that by upgrading cards. Honestly, that process doesn't really slow down until you're at least level 200… I thought it was giving me new cards pretty quickly.
Are you just clinging onto your credits? Don't use the upgrades from the shop, that's too pricey. But the regular cycle of play > get boosters (whether you win or lose) > complete missions > earn more credits > upgrade goes by pretty quickly in the early game. Not sure what you're doing wrong here.
I must be seeing more real players now, because the number of retreating opponents I've had the last couple of days has rocketed up.
Snap (no pun intended). Lots more responses to emotes, lots more snapping right at the start (why?!?), lots more retreats. Oh, and lots more defeats. I just can't get by Lv32…
One complaint, you don’t get cards fast enough. I’m at the point where I fully understand the mechanics and want to start building fun decks, but my collection level is only 50. So I’m having to play the same cards again, and again, and again.
You get cards as quickly as you're going up the Collection ladder, and you do that by upgrading cards. Honestly, that process doesn't really slow down until you're at least level 200… I thought it was giving me new cards pretty quickly.
Are you just clinging onto your credits? Don't use the upgrades from the shop, that's too pricey. But the regular cycle of play > get boosters (whether you win or lose) > complete missions > earn more credits > upgrade goes by pretty quickly in the early game. Not sure what you're doing wrong here.
I’m upgrading every card, whenever an upgrade becomes available. I’m also making a point of playing with grey/common cards for a couple games to level them as quickly as possible.
But the synergies/combos that the game is promising just aren’t there yet. I have effects that trigger when I destroy cards, or move them, for example, but no way to do either of those things yet.
With Hearthstone you could, for example, go Full Murlock straight away. Marvel Snap seems to leave the training wheels on too long.
For the most part, the order you get the cards is randomised. You may just have been unlucky.
Stupid question, but I'm right in thinking that when you win, you're only going to get boosters for cards that are in the deck you used to win… right? Trying to save up to get my Morph or Gamora up to the next level (whatever it is beyond Legendary) so if it's right, I've got a better chance of getting those…
Stupid question, but I'm right in thinking that when you win, you're only going to get boosters for cards that are in the deck you used to win… right? Trying to save up to get my Morph or Gamora up to the next level (whatever it is beyond Legendary) so if it's right, I've got a better chance of getting those…
I think so, yes. Although you also get boosters for specific cards as part of the various reward tracks, so you can end up boosting cards you're not playing with too as a result of that.