Monster Hunter World and MHGU (and Dauntless I guess)

Started by Garwoofoo


Apparently it's fully cross play. I definetly played with someone who was on PC last night whilst I was on PS4



Ohhh, I can play with my PC pals too then! (If only World was too, it'd literally make it the ultimate game for me..)



Tried to play some Dauntless. Matchmaking's apparently fucked for now, so I wasn't able to get into a hunt. Wandered about the town, picked up glowing red daggers sticking out of buildings(?), changed my appearance, then got bored and logged back out.



This is a technical mess on PS4. I feel I've looked at loading and matchmaking screens longer than I've even played the game, it crashes and dc's a lot. It runs like absolute shit at worst, and at best it's still got frame issues, even just running around town.

Feels like a beta.

When I did play, I was enjoying it. But I dunno, might just wait for a patch or something.



They've had major matchmaking issues all day by the sounds of it. It does remind me though that on my vanilla PS4 the game would occasionally take a nosedive performance wise, but Ive no idea if that was due to networking issues, that I was streaming or the type of PS4 I was on.



Maybe it's the Dauntless effect but I've been back to MHGU over the last few evenings and it seems better populated than it did at launch. Or maybe everyone who bought it at launch imported their 3DS saves and jumped straight to G rank. Either way, there's a nice population now at low levels and plenty of folk hanging around helping out. Managed to get from HR3 to HR4 and did some 7* solo Village quests too, it's still such a great game and as ever I can't believe just how much of it there is.



I don't know how MH does it, but the most graduating thing I've found with Dauntless is that there's no obvious indicator of progress when fighting a behemoth.

Scars and stuff appear, sure, but there's no health bar, and none of the stuff I've fought had any kind of mechanism line phase progression to suggest that it's getting close to dead. Some enrage, but there's no apparent trigger; More than one has enraged multiple times during the fight, with no obvious association with vitality. And fights are long; often several minutes of chasing the beast as it dashes back and forth, or occasionally flees entirely, forcing you to try and find it all over again.

I'm less fond of the thing the more I play.



No healthbars in MH either, but it's similar to Dauntless. Monsters also wear and tear, but most of them will limp away at death's door, and they can even get tired and act more sluggish (A tired Tigrex will practically fall arse over tit charging out of breath) until' they have a rest to catch their breath and/or they kill the lesser herbivores/eat fruit scattered around the map to regain stamina, as of MHW there's a skull on the map when the Monster is near death so you can trap it to catch it.

I wanna' get back to this, I last fought a Shrike which was really cool looking but fuck if I wanna' put up with that shoddy performance again.



😂 the thread title! Dauntless can have its own one if people want? Just wasn't sure what the interest in it would be.

For now I'll post here.

It's clicked for me today, fought Shrike and he was a proper git with proper MH style gameplay where it was simple to tell what he would be doing next, I beat him (with ransoms) on a second attempt.

I've clicked with the axe, I love that you can just smack things with it or hold the attack button (either works, for different attacks) to charge it up. It's special is pretty cool too, you back off a bit, hit R1 (other shoulder buttons are available) to throw it then run at the beast and hit R1 again to get it to come back (like Mjolnir) and then do a big hit 😍



Yep, Axe is my favourite too. Can probably hit big numbers with the help of a Warpike user (Warpike wounds Monsters, with a glowing weakspot for all to see and hitting it does more damage).

I tried to play today, 5000th in queue, played something else.



I've spent all day playing Dauntless, I wasnt hugely enthused by it after my first play, then ( as I've already said) it begun to click, now (technical issues aside) I really ,properly like it.

It love Monster Hunter but this is definetly a Westernised version where things are streamlined and made more accessible. There's room for both approaches and I plan on continuing to play both. I bought the access pack (or whatever it's called) that gives you 1000 moonbucks and a few cosmetics and used that to buy the current BattleElite Pass, will be interested to see what challenges come from it as the current ones (which refresh on Thursday I believe) are definetly designed for new players like myself (do 250k of damage, defeat 10 behemoths with sword of chain blades, defeat 10 behemoths with frost weapons and defeat 10 terra behemoths). I'm hoping they mix it up a bit.

I also wonder if Epic could get the guys behind this and Fortnite to do some crossover events with skins and such?

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