Played through most of this on the weekend, about 15 hours in and about 4 hours left. I love it.
I think the reason the reviews have been a bit snotty is that its that rare thing these days. A mostly linear, story based game which isn't interested in adding loads of DLC, having a massive open world. Just a good, stealth, puzzle game with a bit of action thrown in.
The 1384 French setting without any fantasy elements felt refreshing for a game. Predominantly and escort game as you help your sick brother through the plague and rat infested streets. However, unlike some the escortee never gets frustrating or annoying (although he is as a five year old a little mawkish at times).
The scenery, particularly the autumnal woods, is much better than you would expect from an AA game. Puzzles are never particularly hard, but are enjoyable. The combat is satisfying when the sling connects with someones head.
The story is great, with the inquisition being an appropriately vile enemy. The swarms of rats occasionally made me a bit queezy and itchy.
This is an example of what a solid 8 out of 10 game can be - much more enjoyable than that.
OK, this is really really good.
Glad someone is jumping on the liking it train.
Like I said, its just a really good, linear action adventure game. And with some beautiful environments, and characters really grow on you.
Yep. This game has:
- incredible atmosphere
- amazing graphics (seriously, how does an AA game get to look this good?)
- a shitload of rats
- a child sidekick who's kind of endearing rather than someone you want to punt off a cliff
- French people you can chuck rocks at
- did I mention all the rats?
- a great soundtrack
It's great. Thanks for the recommendation Jimbob.
Completed this yesterday. As per the post above, it has a lot going for it and in particular it's one of the most atmospheric and graphically impressive games I've played for a long time.
Sadly I thought it got steadily worse as it progressed. What starts off as a kind of medieval walking simulator with light puzzle elements gets progressively bogged down with an over-complicated crafting system that has you building various types of ammunition to light torches, extinguish torches, attract rats, repel rats, blow up rats and so on. This impacts the game negatively in a few ways. Firstly it all becomes a lot more "gamey" - you are no longer immersing yourself in the atmospheric environments, you're scouring every corner for crap that you can use to build stuff with. Secondly it gives you "ammunition fear", a reluctance to actually use any of the stuff you've collected in case you need it more later, meaning you end up trying to get through the game in the most awkward way possible in order that you use up the fewest resources. Thirdly, it's just really frustrating in play, switching between different types of ammo on a radial menu as guards bear down on you constantly. The final level and boss fight were just aggravating and not enjoyable at all.
So, a bit of a shame overall. It's still a beautiful game with a strong cast and tons of atmosphere - maybe play the first couple of hours on GamePass and enjoy it for what it is.
This is great. I haven't gotten to the 'progressively worse' bit Gar mentions above (just passed the viaduct), but it's had me gripped to the telly for a couple of evenings now.
Although the idea of a 'final boss' sounds mental. It really doesn't seem like a game that should have a final boss.
It's a giant rat, made up of many, many rats all huddled together.
It's far sillier than that.
I will not throw rocks at the French.