I've seen rumours several times over the years that the source code was lost or corrupted, so I'd guess the odds of a remaster are pretty slim. Which isn't to say they couldn't do an emulator-and-ROM bundle like Nintendo's recent Mario collection, but I feel like Sega would have done more with the IP if they cared.
I'm still holding out for a Panzer Dragoon Saga remaster/remake/sequel. Its battle system was brilliant, and like Skies' ship battles it's a miracle nobody's ripped it off.
Despite not feeling the hype at the concept of it when it was announced, reading up on it and hearing about it has led me to very excitedly buy The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles on PS4 today for the fairly generous sum of £30 (it's two games too).
If you never played the games before, this seems like a good time to jump on. It's set like 100 years before the Phoenix Wright series, so you'll know as much about the story and cast as people who have played the entire series, we're all new here. Despite this it's very representative of what the series is about: a coutroom based mystery solver where you cross examine and lock horns with a cast full of larger than life personalities (In the second game on DS there was a Prosecutor who brought a whip to court and regularly whipped everyone in court with it when she got annoyed), it's more anime than some super gritty legal drama (there is most definitely drama though!) but to this end I just want to say the 3D models and animations are fucking fantastic, I dunno when we went from 2D to 3D but the prosecutor's animations in the first trial alone have me sold on it!
I still have a lot to uncover, there's a detective/questioning part of these game outside of the Trials that is completely different to the gameplay IN the trials and I'm yet to beat the first trial yet. But so far the game looks great, has a great script and just feels like a super polished product that a lot of love went into bringing it over here finally. I see why it's been treated as a big deal for PW fans at least and that's the part of the hype that got me in the last minute.
Did I mention it's actually two games for £30? :o (It's not Mass Effect Collection levels of 'whoa' but still, I was expecting it to be full on £40+)
You bought it on PS4? Madness. I can't imagine playing one of these games on a TV.
Anyway, I got the collection too, on Switch, and it's great so far, a little more serious in tone than the Phoenix Wright games but still with some absolutely excruciating puns even in the very first case. It's fantastic to have one (well, two) of these games to play "new", it's been five long years since the last one and they're never quite the same on a replay.
The animations are great - the series went fully 3D with the fifth instalment on 3DS and they've really gone to town with what it allows them to do. If you haven't played the second Phoenix Wright trilogy (Apollo Justice, Dual Destinies, Spirit of Justice) then it's really worth getting them on 3DS, I think Spirit of Justice in particular might be the best one out of all the games. Hoping for a re-release of them all on Switch at some point, especially now they've proved they've got the engine up and running.
Still on Trial 1 but the first Trial suspect is great, what a nasty piece of work. :D
Spoiler - click to showknowing what she did to her victim, to see her wear that unsettling mask the entire time and condescendingly smirk behind it and belittle you and the rest of Japan really makes you want to see her crash and burn
Well that's the first trial done, surprisingly long and twisty for an opening case. Really enjoying the historical setting and the characters. Ryunosuke is more Apollo Justice than he is Phoenix Wright, but that's no bad thing.
The animation is absolutely on point, too. Ryunosuke standing there visibly quivering with his hand up. The subtle little signs you start to get when a witness's defences begin to break down, leading up to the inevitable full-on meltdown. The moment when, finally, you let rip with an "OBJECTION!" Just perfect. Really wanted the culprit in this case to get their come-uppance, as you say: what a nasty piece of work.
Speaking of the series traditional breakdowns Spoiler - click to show The bit where her Swan apparently awakens and starts having chicks everywhere really caught me off guard! While I'm here, the soldier who suddenly reveals the baby on his back made me laugh out loud too especially when at one point he and the baby make the same 'wtf' expression, absolutely every character in these games is so shameless with how much they clown up the courts, in the best possible way. Starting to wonder if this is why Edgeworth was so great, being stuck in this universe as the eternal straight man to these kind of hijinks
The subtle animations really are great eh? I like how Ryunosuke subtly gets more and more confident as you get into it, like when he does the Phoenix Wright desk slam he looks down at himself as if to say 'wait did I just do that?' and then he stops doing that altogether. Shoutout to the Prosecutors animation where he puts his hands together to sucker up to the witness too, I smiled every time he did that, it's so shamelessly spineless. (also respect, my guy's family been prosecuting for 100s of years too, not very good at it but respect! :p)
I think I've met the best character in the game already and I decided this 4 minutes in to his debut
(even if it's technically not original)
I really have missed this series.
It's gonna be a long old game, isn't it? The initial cases are usually pretty short but this one went on for ages. If they ramp up in length like Ace Attorney games typically do, we're looking at an epic playtime for ten cases spread across two full titles.
For comparison, Spirit of Justice (the last Phoenix Wright game) has my playtime recorded on the 3DS as over 60 hours not including the DLC, it was an absolute behemoth of a game with trials twisting and turning all over the place. The Great Ace Attorney games were made around the same sort of time so I'm kind of expecting them to be equally huge.
It is and I'm 100% here for it, really does feel a lot of effort went into this so I think we should be in for a ride. If anyone hasn't got this or played any of the series and the idea of fighting for justice whilst we're all living in an unjust world sounds appealing, this isn't going to make the world a better place but it might make you feel a little better. 
Herlock Sholmes is an absolute cretin in this but his Dance of Deduction, in which he spins around the room snapping his fingers and causing spotlights to appear out of nowhere as he makes confident pronouncements about the case that are all complete bullshit, is utterly amazing.
I really like him so far and I think it's specifically because he's not what I expected, his intro in Trial 2 made me think he'd be competent and his gadgets were cool as fuck but he's like you say a complete bullshitter, basically a bit of a moron…himbo even???
Given the dearth of chat about it, I'm guessing I am alone in the Halo Infinite tech test/preview thing?
So far, so Halo multiplayer, which is to say, very good. Just 4v4 Team Slayer vs. bots for this test, and only a couple of maps, but I like it. Admittedly, I might like it less against actual humans, given that I've been on the winning team in every match so far - the bots so far are a bit of a pushover, despite having a greater tendency to keep together and support each other than your average internet rando. They've increases the difficulty once already, though, so I expect my win-loss ratio to plummet significantly by the time the test ends on Monday.