PWB July 22

Started by Brian Bloodaxe


I really loved XC1 on both Wii and 3DS but I never got around to playing XC2. The character design and general performance issues both put me off a bit, though I suspect I'd have enjoyed the game regardless.

I've been having a bit of a Switch revival lately so maybe I need to pick it up, or possibly just jump direct to XC3. Are they all standalone?



I don't know about XB3 yet but there's a link between XB1 and 2 that is pretty spoilery, but I dunno' how important it's going to be

EDIT -also the gacha system in XB2 can vary the experience quite a bit



Al in 'Still paying full price for Nintendo games despite the options available to him' shocker, more news at 11. :laughing:

Ooo are there options in the kwik-e-Mart for this…?



We published it, of course there are. :smile:

(although I'm at home now, so you've all missed out on launch weekend fun and will have to wait until Monday)





What a turn around for me. I've gone from "massively disappointed" to loving it. The more hours I put into it the more I enjoy it. Been hitting the lab with a few characters like Superman, Wonder Woman and now Harley Quinn. Superman seems strong and Wonder Woman seems pretty honest (maybe too honest in competitive play?). Really digging the Harley play style at the moment though. She's like a glass Cannon with how light she is. Can die pretty early, but has speed with decent combos. Also love the stage control she gets with the balloons bombs you can plant. With Evo around the corner, this is the game I'm most excited to watch. Hopefully we'll see some Rick and Morty gameplay or a new Character reveal. Also I was thinking, isn't Mortal Kombat WB? Would love to have Scorpion or something like that.


Halo Forge

A lot of early access footage has been popping up online and some of the levels looks insane. I've seen Doom, Silent Hill P.T and some older Halo maps. I think there targeting September to release it.



Also I was thinking, isn't Mortal Kombat WB? Would love to have Scorpion or something like that.

Yep, it is. Could make sense, that'd be good.



Additional PLAY:

Escape Academy - Started this up this morning to grab some quick achievements for the Xbox Rewards. As I expected, I really like it… very puzzle heavy, lots of logic stuff. Apparently it's better in co-op but since I haven't got round to playing it with my partner, I'll stick to solo. Another good 'Glad it's on Game Pass, wouldn't have bought it' effort.

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