Divinity: Original Sin 2

Started by Mr Party Hat

Mr Party Hat

This might not be worthy of its own thread, but some people swear blind it's one of the best RPGs of all time so it didn't feel right slipping it into the PWB.

It's certainly intimidating. I've only been playing for a couple of hours and I already feel like I've made a hundred wrong choices, and I have no clue what I'm supposed to be doing. But the writing is strong and it's all very pretty. They've also done a great job of transferring everything to a controller, speaking a someone who didn't play the PC original.



I've only been playing for a couple of hours and I already feel like I've made a hundred wrong choices, and I have no clue what I'm supposed to be doing.

That sounds like my experience with the first game. I was so bewildered by choice that I got brainfreeze and put it down.

They've also done a great job of transferring everything to a controller

What format are you playing, and how does it perform? I don't care about 1080p60, but PC ports to console can be chuggy, and this seems like the sort of game that might have skimped on optimisations.


Mr Party Hat

One X, and it runs at 4K 30fps from what I can tell.

One thing I will say for it, and it's been a while since I had this with another game – I can't wait to leave work to get stuck back in. It definitely gets under your skin.



This might not be worthy of its own thread, but some people swear blind it's one of the best RPGs of all time so it didn't feel right slipping it into the PWB.

A guy I work with has been saying exactly this. Maybe there's some truth in it? But then again, it's one of those things where I dunno if investing in it will actually result in me playing it. Hmm.



I didn’t like the first one at all. Slow, plodding and light on story. Felt like it was only really going to be fun in co-op (the combat system at least was pretty good). Maybe the second is better but I’m not really up for more of the same.



First was entertaining co-op, but at some point my son went on a massive art heist and killing spree and must've borked the game somewhere as we couldn't advance beyond a certain point.

Up until then it was excellent, borderline genius in bits in how it meshed the turn based SRPG aspect and the realtime stuff across a splitscreen.


Mr Party Hat

I'm loving this now. I'm about ten hours in and still on the first island. The plot is complete bobbins, but it's just so much fun to play. The freedom is a bit daunting, but once you realise how everything interacts it's borderline genius.

As a (tiny) example, I was struggling in a fight and decided to just chuck a wooden chest at someone, out of frustration. I picked it up, threw it, and it did some damage, but not enough to finish the enemy off. So I reloaded, filled the chest with lots of heavy crap, and threw it again. The extra weight squished the guy.

There are a million little systems like that, all working together, and when you unpick one you feel like a tactical genius.

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