Painted men

Started by feltmonkey


The other day I painted a lizard man. He was made of 4 different models that I kitbashed together.

That's him on the left, and his original version on the right. I only have a phone camera so I can't realllllly take a good picture but I am very proud of him. He has a space marine power fist, the head is a transplant, the neck gourget is a shoulder-cuff from another space marine. He has a tail and a bit of a crystal sticking out of his head that's part of a gundam beam saber from a gunpla kit.

I like him, but I absolutely fucked the silver highlights and the ancient-brass/electric burn on the fingertips just isn't very good.

I am thinkin' of getting some aquarium gravel and basing him a bit better but I like him. The headfrill is great and has a much nicer blue-to-red fade in real life.



Custom painted men today, tomorrow Luscan makes a custom Gunpla from three separate Master Grades. Clever stuff, man.



I didn't see that, Luscan. That's cool!

I recently painted The Umpire of Mankind for Siege. This is a custom mini - I didn't do the converting and sculpting, as that is not a skill I have. I just get the green stuff sculpting material stuck to my hands.

I had to freehand that Imperial Eagle onto the cloak, round the folds. I had to use actual maths to figure out how to position and paint it right.



Astonishingly good. It's getting to the point we're running out of superlatives for felt though. We may need to let the Daily Mail break him down with a miniature related sex scandal.



Two things in life are true: feltmonkey will always be better than you at painting miniatures and playing high level competitive Fortnite.