Hitman: Hitting Men

Started by Ninchilla


It's okay, I redid it earlier, and beat your score. All's right with the world.

Also did SASO on the two bonus Sapienza episodes and Sniper Assassin on Landslide (The Icon doesn't have Sniper Assassin).

Explored more of the Isle of Sgàil, too, but still have exactly zero idea how to do it suit only.



That was… challenging. I don't think it's possible to shave more than another second or two off that run, though I get the impression from your post that you did it entirely differently from me.

Spoiler - click to showI chucked my run on YouTube, giving away my secrets. I think it went pretty smoothly; the only few seconds of downtime I had were waiting for NPCs to do their thing, rather than my own mistakes, so I'm pleased enough (although the Strandberg assassination right at the end was a bit sloppy).



Thought I'd found a quicker way to do it, but sadly not.

Spoiler - click to showStarting on the Lamp Store Rooftop makes getting a consulate keycard much quicker, but the extra time it takes to poison Zahdan's food (or more specifically, waking the waiter) now that it's not the first thing, means his loop takes about 10 seconds longer. You can actually get into the consulate and take out Strandberg before Zaydan even gets his dinner; I've ended up standing at an exit, waiting for the poison to kick in, for upwards of a minute, which is very frustrating while watching the clock.



Yeah, my approach was very different.

For starters, there's no score bonus for Suit Only, so fuck that noise.



Realised I hadn't recorded the run (on the off-chance anyone's interested in seeing it), so I did it again and shaved another 18 seconds off!


EDIT 2: Pretty sure I could take another few seconds off that if I was any bloody good at opening doors…



  1. It's in the Gameplay options menu;
  2. Compete Mission Stories: Colorado (the 3 highlighted Mission Stories after you finish the level).

A lot of the speedrun stuff is much easier with gear you unlock in later levels.



FFS, did a Suit Only run on Whittleton Creek, was never spotted, no bodies found and still didn’t get Silent Assassin. What on earth did I do wrong?



I've had a couple of runs that I swore were Silent Assassin-worthy, but checking the score screen I didn't get any points for "No detected kills". Don't know if it's a bug or what.



I've found that if a body is noticed during an accident kill, it doesn't count as found, but sometimes if it's found after the kill, it does.

Poison kills, in particular, seem unreliable on that count, but I've also dumped someone out a window, had a guard patrol past, and lose SA.



I only subdued one guard and made sure to dump him in a cupboard, so it wasn't that.

Spoiler - click to showI snuck into Janus's room and poisoned his mouthpiece using the frog, and sniped Cassidy from the treehouse when he was at the garden party. Clean kills, no other casualties, both times. I had a long period of "Searching" following the Cassidy kill but was careful not to get seen or spotted. I wonder if this is another bug to do with sniping?



…no. That's not a bug. Shooting someone in the face in public is not silent. That will have been seen, even if you yourself were not.

Short version: If the kill is witnessed, you don't get SA, even if you aren't spotted.

For what it's worth, I've only found one way to get Cassidy for Silent Assassin.

Spoiler - click to showGet the fumigator poison from the green shipping container, then wait for Cassidy to enter the house and gas the lot of them. While they're sedated, climb in and make with the neck-breaking. You do need to be careful with patrols, though, and taking a couple of guards out helps.



Oh. I’ve misunderstood that then.

I tried that Cassidy approach but it didn’t work - the guards didn’t all drop at the same time, so the first guard to get fumigated was spotted by the second one, just before he also went down.

I can Silent Assassin him by using emetic poison at the barbecue but it’s not doable as Suit Only as far as I can see.



Might be a matter of timing; the only time I messed it up was when I didn't take out a patrol, and he wandered back in from outside just after everyone else dropped.

You can allegedly get Cassidy back to the house by Spoiler - click to showstealing guns from the upstairs armory room; one of the guards up there will call him if they noting stuff missing, and summon him back to inspect it. I don't know if you can get him alone as a result of that.



Beat Ninchilla's General Precision contract thing, got the top score but cannot for the life of me figure out how to throw the general off something.



Just watched aniki's Marrakesh run through, and I have a question:
Spoiler - click to showHow the hell does waking up the waiter kill Zeydan?



Spoiler - click to showHe brings a tray of food (which I poison just after waking him) to the military compound, which Zeydan (eventually) eats. He has a couple of lines of dialogue about it, if you follow him after waking him up.



Also I just wanna say that it's kinda bullshit that a Suit Only run doesn't give you a point bonus.



Connected up my old PS3 for the first time in ages today and was very surprised to see that I have Hitman: Blood Money on there. It must have been given away on Plus at some point. So I guess that I don't need to buy the remaster after all in order to try it out - given that it's rumoured to be £44.99 that's something of a relief.



Yeah, a few of them were on Plus; Hitman Absolution in May 2013, and the Hitman HD Collection (Hitman 2, Contracts, and Blood Money) in December 2014.



Tried an initial "quick" run on Bangkok, just to give aniki something to aim for, and had a couple of goes trying (in vain) to work out something reliable for Colorado. My best is still only 8' 31", though. Weeeeeeeeak. :pensive:

Come at me, hit-bros!



Decided to just crack on with the levels, unlock some stuff and revisit Marrakesh later.

My mastery level in Bangkok seems to be increasing glacially, though - barely scraped to 13 tonight. I've done the SASO run at least, thanks to Ninchilla's cake advice - and reminding myself to be patient, it's not always a speedrun.



Finally managed full mastery on Whittleton Creek last night with a tense but fun Silent Assassin run.

Isle of Sgail is dripping with atmosphere but my god it's a warren. And an incredibly hostile one too - I can't seem to go anywhere, in any disguise, with any degree of freedom. I'm sure it'll open up with time.



Yeah. They added a couple in Hitman 2016 as time went on; one was for the Vampire Magician outfit in Paris, and I think there was one for the scarecrow in Colorado?



It might have been introduced in an October, but it was a permanent thing with no timed component, and no specific targets or map changes.



Tried an initial "quick" run on Bangkok, just to give aniki something to aim for

I didn't notice this when you originally posted it, but then I spent an entire day thinking about it and this evening I came up with this:

Spoilers for Hitman's Bangkok level, obviously.

I also finally scraped to a level 20 Mastery thanks to a slightly cheaty Sniper Assassin run that netted me the Classics challenges as well, and had a quick browse around Colorado, which looks dreadfully complicated. I managed to kill three of the four targets on my third run at it, but two of them were taken down in a desperate gun battle that also killed Agent 47, so swings and roundabouts.

I've done two of the three Mission Stories I need for the keycard scammer though, so I'm calling it a win.



At the time of writing, this run is the 21st-highest score on the global leaderboards for Club 27 in Hitman 2. (I don't know how many people are on the list, but I'm unreasonably pleased to be that close to the top of it anyway, even if I think getting caught on that sofa on my way out cost me a second.)

I'm not entirely sure it's legit, though. Despite getting Silent Assassin and the points for "No bodies found", Cross' corpse does get discovered - there's even a popup to indicate as much (at 2:08). I don't know, however, if unnoticed lethal poison assassinations don't count if the body is discovered afterwards. As far as anybody knows, he just had a heart attack, I suppose?



I didn't record it (because I don't want to give away my secrets, and also I forgot), but I'll offer this: I don't start where you do; I kill Jordan in a different place; and I kill Morgan in a different way.

EDIT: None of it is that crazy, throw-a-bomb-and-kill-them-through-a-wall bullshit that most speedrun videos seem to employ, though. I swear it's legit.



Sgail is very hard. It’s SO big and SO hostile and a lot of it looks pretty much the same, I’m spending my entire time lost and I’m getting shot at constantly. I’ve managed to get at one of the twins but have no clue on the second at all.

All my Hitman level attempts start off with “oh, I don’t like this level as much as the last one” and end up with me absolutely loving it, though, so I’m sure I’ll get the hang of it. Eventually.