Pokemon Sword and Shield

Started by martTM



I think I'm in, though the return of random battles (if that's what it appears to be) is a bit crap, since Let's Go nailed it. Also, I really, REALLY hope they finally ditch using the bloody Game Boy audio style for the noises that each Pokemon make. The argument for keeping them before - that players had grown up with Pokemon sounding like that, so they should be the same for consistency - doesn't wash any more, since far more fans will have grown up with the cartoon where Pokemon basically say their name as a means of communication. No more awful midi voice effects please!

(This is obviously never going to happen, since Let's Go still had them in for everything but Pikachu and Eevee… how's THAT for consistency?!)

Also: Team Sobble fo' life, yo.


Mr Party Hat

And set in Britain (sort of). Between this and Horizon 4, those chalk hill figures are becoming videogame regulars.

The random battles can sod off, real shame they didn't use the Let's Go mechanic.



For those of us out of the Pokémon loop, what was the Let's Go mechanic?

You could see Pokemon wandering around, allowing you to either run around them to avoid a scrap or walk into them to initiate one. No more Final Fantasy-style wandering/whoosh/fight stuff, which has always been the Pokemon system of choice.

Then again, I guess the whole loop of 'gonna search these bushes until I happen across the Pokemon I actually want' which always bulks out the main Pokemon games would be broken if that was the case. Even so though… hmm.

Between this and Horizon 4, those chalk hill figures are becoming videogame regulars.

Which Pokemon has the giant penis again?



For those of us out of the Pokémon loop, what was the Let's Go mechanic?

You could see Pokemon wandering around, allowing you to either run around them to avoid a scrap or walk into them to initiate one. No more Final Fantasy-style wandering/whoosh/fight stuff, which has always been the Pokemon system of choice.

Then again, I guess the whole loop of 'gonna search these bushes until I happen across the Pokemon I actually want' which always bulks out the main Pokemon games would be broken if that was the case. Even so though… hmm.

Between this and Horizon 4, those chalk hill figures are becoming videogame regulars.

Which Pokemon has the giant penis again?

Which Final Fantasy hasn't done since about 2001 😉



The last FF I even cared about was IX, don't @ me. :smile:

You're forgiven, IX is the best one.


Mr Party Hat

The Internet seems to have made its mind up about this one. Sweet jesus. :flushed:

Looks good from the reviews, though. Anyone else picking it up? Or are we all a part of the hatemob?



I'm pretty indifferent to be honest, not because of anything the hate mob has come up with but just because the last couple of Pokemon games I've played (Ultra Moon and Let's Go) have been sooo sloooow. I'm sure they never used to be this bad back in the Game Boy days. This really just looks like more of the same.



It looks pretty nice, I like the first town. Importantly I think I already prefer the new Pokemon to Sun and Moon's.


Mr Party Hat

Yeah the new Pokemon are brilliant so far. By the time I'd caught 8 I already had to make a difficult decision about who to keep in my party, because I loved them all.

I don't have a bad word to say about this yet, even the music picked up (after an ear-grating first hour).



Same. I read the Eurogamer review and I don't think I'm far enough to hit their threshold of disappointment, but the loss of dungeons doesn't sound like the…worst thing? Maybe it'll eat away at me later.

I did a few of the Dynamax fights with a friend today which is like one of the new 'things' the game has introduced which are like boss fights or raids against a Giant Pokemon using a Giant Pokemon of your own and 3 friends, they've been really easy so far but given how competitive Pokemon is it was refreshing to help my friend for once. For my troubles I got some moves to teach my Pokemon and a chance to catch the Pokemon in question, which could be a Pokemon you haven't naturally met yet.

Another thing about this game so far is the Wild Field, another new addition to this game was pretty fucking huge and had SO many Pokemon to catch, I spent a very long time catching and fighting Pokemon there. There's also like, level 50 Machokes and shit walking around that go for you if you get too close. This is what I pictured the Safari Zone to be like way back on the Game Boy with Pokemon Red and Blue.

So far the only thing I don't like (besides the Pokedex, but on a first playthrough at least, before the endgame this is arguably not a big issue) is the enforced EXP Share. Maybe this is a controversial opinion to me but catching a Pokemon, and personally raising it was always part of the experience to me. Maybe I'm too hung up on the lad de da crap of the anime but you did tend to get at least a little invested in your Pokemon doing this IMO and now it's less 'raise your babies' and more 'the cold hand of science has optimized Pokemon growth'. And if anyone thinks that is silly all I'll say is the EXP Share has always been in this series but this is the first time it's been actively forced on you and I can't see why they seemingly don't trust players to be able to choose???

Also, Hop….is pretty irritating already, dude needs to calm the fuck down.

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