PWB August: I Was Promised Zombies

Started by Garwoofoo


Since finishing TLoU2 I'd been at a bit of a loss, but then I started playing Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag again - and not the single-player, which I've rinsed, but the multiplayer.

My sister-in-law's fiance is a bit of a platinum fiend, and he's determined to get this one, despite the fact there are four(?) trophies that require multiplayer (two of which I never got around to, either, back when there were other people actually playing). So here we are, dueling one another across every game mode and grinding Wolf Pack for XP.

I forgot how much I loved multiplayer in this. I can see why it was speed - it's a very different beast to the main game, and (ideally) a slower, more considered affair than most blockbuster series' multiplayer modes. Manhunt was amazing back in the day with a couple of decent teams.

I was already level 39, but the other guy is only 6, or something, and the trophy is got level 55, so there's a ways to go. I just hope we don't have to grind too much beyond that to unlock all the weapons and skills…



@aniki did any of the Cold Steel games reference Crossbell going completely fucking apeshit. Because I'm near the end of this long road now, and it absolutely went fucking apeshit. Like anyone went 'Remember that time Crossbell declared independence and absolutely went fucking ape shit?'.

This last chapter is the biggest or joint biggest event to happen to the world of this series ever, only the Liberl Ark came close.

On another note, the music for the Kiseki series is fucking brilliant.



did any of the Cold Steel games reference Crossbell going completely fucking apeshit.

I think so? There's definitely something about independence and at some stage a giant glowing tree appears, but none of it ever really impacts the plot you're actually following, from what I recall.



Whoa, that's crazy, on my end. Crossbell froze all the accounts Erebonia had in the Crossbell bank account, declared full independence and the summoned three godly robots to fend off the Erebonian army.



I did it! I fucking did it!!! >_<

I beat Ao no Kiseki. I've done it, I've finished the road to Trails of Cold Steel

5 games in a row, 4 months or so, 364 hours of RPG. >_<

Best RPG series of all time tbh.



Ahhh. I saw that it brings you back to just before the final boss to allow you to collect any missing toads, etc. What does it add?

I’m now playing Baldurs Gate. May be my fourth version of this I’ve owned over the years - very definition of grinding - all the little side quests and random kobolds you need to get through to level up enough just to get the adventure going! I’m having fun.



Ahhh. I saw that it brings you back to just before the final boss to allow you to collect any missing toads, etc. What does it add?

Nothing exciting, but there are some treasures you can only get once you beat the game (the shop in toad town sells one, and there's one in the main plaza).



did any of the Cold Steel games reference Crossbell going completely fucking apeshit.

Can confirm that Trails of Cold Steel opens up during the events of Chapter 3 of Ao no Kiseki, where things start hitting the fan. Crazy that the Class VII kids there on the ground have no idea just how much trouble they are in since of course they can't know if they're not in Crossbell.. Even more nuts if they never find out how significant the 'giant glowing tree' is.

So, seems the first Cold Steel an Ao no Kiseki run alongside each other, that's cool. Seeing the Orchis Tower from far away was neat too. As for the game itself…I love it! The battle system seems to have made the jump to 3D fairly well and it's all pretty comfy so far.