Street Fighter 30th Anniversary - It has:
Street Fighter 1 (first time ever playing it and I can't think of a bigger gap in quality for two games than this and SF2, it's hilariously bad)
5 iterations of Street Fighter 2 (back in the day of no updates like SFV vanilla to Arcade Edition) WHATEVER it has SF2 Turbo, all that matters.
Street Fighter Alpha 2 and 3 (which is my jam)
All 3 Street Fighter 3 iterations. (I don't give a fuck about SF3 though)
Only SF2 Turbo, Alpha 3 and SF3 Third Strike are playable online.
Like I said, I tried a bit of SF3, the game everyone loves but I don't really care about the game tbh. I much prefer the style of Alpha 3, but it's SF2 Turo online where I've been getting my fun. It's an old game and yet it's still played today, why? Because it's really really fun, the classic zoing of Ryu, the uphill battle of getting up close against projectiles with Zangief, it's all here. Unlikel ater SF games, you don't really do 5 hit super art cancel combos, rounds can be done in a few throws, this game is all about fundamental understanding and this combined with short bursts of how fast the rounds are, makes it fun for me.
[b]Stormblood[b] - New patch came out and honestly, the new primal is fucking amazing. Music is top notch as always and I'm upto Kefka in the Savage difficulty raid.
Hyrule Warriors - All the stuff I didn't get to experience on the WiiU is great. I've been playing this on handheld mode which I'm told is pretty bad perfomance wise, but I didn't see anything wrong about it. As good as this game is, it's really just reminding me how fucking awesome the Switch is as a Console.
Monster Hunter World - They released another monster, after surprising us with the news, we got 'Lunastra' not long after (like less than a week?). If Gar is reading this, she's nothing like Teo, she's MUCH harder, more intense and has a different moveset. She canset the ground on fire and her version of the Super Nova is like a recurring damage type fireblast. Also if she pairs up with Teo, they do their Super Novas at the same fucking time! Istead of Turf War the game calls it 'Bonding', awww. :3
Monster Hunter Generations - ….but I fought a Gammoth in this, which is a fucking massive wooly mammoth. It was easy, but pretty cool. Tonight I think I fight soapy boi.
To go to Japan, this was one of my NY resolutions (as was going to the Gym, which I did and still do o/). Saving up for it, I'm definitely going to do it. I was even considering not buying food at work until I realised that was dumb. No one can stop me. >:(
My back is weak as fuck, it hurts quite bad at work sometimes.