Mr Party Hat
Essences are a different thing, for upgrading (none Legendary) weapons that have 'Empty Slots'. Apparently they're a level 100+ thing, so you won't really need the low-level essences.
Here's what it'll look like if you do have a weapon with Empty Slots:
One other thing (that you may already know): you can reforge at every level ending in -1 and -6. So 56, 61, 66 etc. No idea why, seems arbritrary. There are forgemasters all through Moria, no need to travel to a hub. So you can keep checking whether it's time to reforge, if you like. Reforging at 56 is no different to reforging at 58, so just do it as soon as you can.
Although to be totally honest, the actual world quests are fairly easy, so there's no need to min-max your weapon. It feels like more of an end-game raid thing.