World of Final Warcraft Scrolls of the Rings

Started by Mr Party Hat

Mr Party Hat

Essences are a different thing, for upgrading (none Legendary) weapons that have 'Empty Slots'. Apparently they're a level 100+ thing, so you won't really need the low-level essences.

Here's what it'll look like if you do have a weapon with Empty Slots:

One other thing (that you may already know): you can reforge at every level ending in -1 and -6. So 56, 61, 66 etc. No idea why, seems arbritrary. There are forgemasters all through Moria, no need to travel to a hub. So you can keep checking whether it's time to reforge, if you like. Reforging at 56 is no different to reforging at 58, so just do it as soon as you can.

Although to be totally honest, the actual world quests are fairly easy, so there's no need to min-max your weapon. It feels like more of an end-game raid thing.



That's really helpful, thanks for that.

LOTRO is pretty easy, it adds to the whole comfort gaming feel of the thing although I think the game used to be a lot harder in the early days. Certainly there was a lot more forced group content whereas nowadays you can do all the story instances solo (I would never have made to the end of the first volume if I had to do all those instances as part of a group). There are a lot of multiplayer instances and raids in the game still but I think they're now all optional and joined through the instance finder.

They did patch in the Landscape Difficulty feature though, there's someone in most of the starting areas that will allow you to increase the difficulty of the entire game and there are a whole bunch of titles you can get if you set that early enough and play through the whole thing like that.


Mr Party Hat

Blizzard are giving away 7 days of free WoW game time this week, so I hopped back on. (It's been about five years.) A few differences I noticed between WoW and LotRO, in 2023:

  • The technical side of WoW is years ahead. It's got all the latest bells and whistles, the engine has been tweaked constantly and it still looks like a brand-new game. The art helps too, which has to be some of the best in the business.
  • The amount of general guff in Warcraft is a little overwhelming these days. I logged back into my old character and I honestly had no idea where to start; I spent half an hour reading tutorial menus about the new features then gave up. I imagine for new players this is all introduced gradually, and is much more intuitive, but holy crap it bombards returning players.
  • WoW is SO much more modern and flexible with its quests and general gameplay – and I'm not convinced that's any better than LotRO's approach. When I first loaded in the game said to me "oh hey, you've been away for a while, which expansion would you like to play? We'll make sure the levels and rewards match, don't worry". I selected an expansion and was transported straight there, into the intro quest. It's the sort of player convenience LotRO wouldn't dream of, but then, that's probably because…
  • WoW's story is a load of old bobbins. It doesn't really matter whether you play Shadowlands before Lich King, because who actually understands and appreciates what's happening in either of those games? LotRO has tied itself completely to an existing, well-loved narrative, so it's sort of stuck being exactly what it is, forever. And there's something to be said for that level of narrative integrity, especially when your story is genuinely enjoyable.

They both do entirely different things, and I love both. I'm going to stick with LotRO hopefully until the level cap (I have a verrrrry quiet client at work right now, can you tell?) but I'll definitely revisit WoW again.


Mr Party Hat

LOTRO's difficulty setting has recently gone live (it was test servers only for a while), and it makes such a difference.

I'm not one for difficult games, but LOTRO's single-player questing is a little too easy. The difficulty system has ten levels of toughness, and 3/10 is my sweet spot. With the click of a button, combat becomes interesting. Entire systems that I never had to think about suddenly become relevant, and there's a genuine sense of progression. New gear matters, new skills are exciting again.

If you're still playing, Gar, I'd recommend experimeting with it!


Mr Party Hat

If anyone else has played WoW in the past (feltmonkey?) I'd recommend checking out the new expansion, which is the most fun I think I've ever had in a WoW expansion.

It focuses on the dragons, and most importantly lets you ride your own dragon which is about a million times more fun than a normal flying mount. They have dragon races, which are more exciting than a game about right-clicking on wolves has any right to be. Plus, they just introduced dragon-riding on to the old continents too, so you can fly around Kalimdor etc at breakneck speeds (in specific races).

It's alll rather fun.


Mr Party Hat

WoW hasn't paused for breath in over a year now, and the fun keeps on coming. This week they're starting Pandaria Remix, brand new servers where you can play one of the expansions (Mists of Pandaria) remixed with lots of fun new stuff. Levelling is sped up, so you can hit the level cap in this one expansion.

Then once you're done, you can transfer over to a normal server and play the new expansion with your max-level character.

I think it's a great idea that will get people exploring a wealth of old (but still brilliant) content. Dungeons, raids, world quests… just a load of great stuff that had been largely forgotten.



Goodbye Endwalker, the expansion I played least of them all because I don't raid anymore and there wasn't much for me to do, but I still have some great memories, like doing a very important raid on Xmas day with some friends I met when ARR launched, friends I've now met in real life, that's the important thing and why this is my favourite FF game. (if not game)


If you played FFIV you probably know where this is

This expansion has the coolest 24 man raid by far, a massive step up from the Nier raid in Shadowbringers which I hated. Though, the Dawntrail 24 man is the FFXI one so that SHOULD be theb est and none of my non XI playing ass friends will know why, fuck em'. :)

Very lore importnant location, but also pretty

The 8 man raid tier, FFII reference. It was alriiiight.

Too bad I cant get a picture of this before everything fucking died, it was beautiful

One of the new main hubs in EW, Radz-At-Han, and the new Elephant race I forget the name of….

Another dead world

And another, except this is kinda different…

Another FFIV reference but also, as hinted in the trailer we went to the fucking moon! D:

Kinda sad, wishing I played more but Dawntrail is upon us in a few days, so gotta look forward! 🫡


Mr Party Hat

The new WoW expansion is wonderful.

I've been banging the WoW drum for a little while now, but its resurgence has been incredible to see. They went from their most-hated expansions (two in a row) to two absolute bangers. The game is in such incredible shape now, and they've made some huge changes across the board. Skyriding (the new way to fly) is just a joy, and the War Within zones are some of the series' best. (Hallowfall is THE best, no question.)

Plus, War Within is the start of a years-long story arc, a first for WoW. So it's a great jumping on point.



Back to LOTRO on a post-Rings of Power wave of enthusiasm.

Actually it seriously enhances the experience. I'd left off a level or so into Moria and so getting to explore Khazad-Dum properly and now really understanding the story behind Eregion has made the whole thing even sweeter. The amount of detail that's been poured into this game and all its various quests and references never ceases to astound me.

Anyway, I've forgotten how to use Legendary Weapons again so off I go to the wiki. Ho-hum. Has there ever been a less intuitive system in a game? There's even a menu panel called Legendary Items that appears to show you nothing of note, with all the actual relevant stuff being accessed by dropping something onto something else in your inventory. It's utterly baffling.


Mr Party Hat

That window is from the old system, which they removed, but left the actual empty UI in the game. Because they're mental.

I'm level 85 now, getting towards the end of Rohan. I'm a good five or six expansions in, and at no point has it gotten more modern. You've got to admire how stubborn the general design of the game is. WoW is clearly the better game, but the storytelling in LotRO is much better. And although the individual zones of WoW are infinitely more impressive, Middle Earth here is such a cohesive (enormous) land mass. Even if it's creaking on an ancient engine.

I've got ten more levels to go, then I've run out of free content. Although subscribers get everything except the latest expansion included for their tenner a month, and I've already subbed a few times just to support the game.

They're clearly dragging their feet to avoid the Scouring of the Shire, and the end of the epic quest. The last two expansions have been full of palm trees, sand dunes and pirates, which must be the most niche corner of lore they could find.



They’ve given later expansions away free on multiple occasions. I’m pretty sure I’ve got everything up to and including Mordor from some anniversary event. Like you say though the sub isn’t extortionate and it gets you pretty much everything.

The new expansion is called Legacy of Morgoth, I don’t know exactly what it is but if they start doing First and Second Age stuff then they could string this thing out forever. I wonder what exactly they have the rights to.



MPH - are you moving across to the new LOTRO 64-bit servers? (Orcrist is the EU non-RP server so that'll be where most people end up I guess). The transfer process is technically "open" but so backlogged it's barely working for anyone, you might want to start looking into that if you haven't been keeping up to date lately. I'd expect Evernight to become a bit of a ghost town once everyone's moved across.


Mr Party Hat

Yeah I've checked 3 times this week, the transfer button is still MIA. They appear to have gone for the 'two bits of string and one very stressed server technician' approach.

I still play fairly regularly, I'm approaching level 90. Although Rohan has dragged. Two huge expansions, and it's all the same horsie nonsense. I'll be glad to get back on foot.

Annoyingly I missed the freebies on the 15th anniversary, although you can get most of the stuff through a VIP sub. Figure they've earned my money at this point. (Even if I did buy the bloody free game in 2007 grumble grumble.)


Mr Party Hat

I'm finally in. It's lovely, Middle Earth without the hitching.

And more importantly, because everyone has been smushed into 4 servers, everywhere is much more populated, so the world feels alive again.

Just don't read the world chat.



Did they email you when the transfer process was done?

I got through the world transfer dialogue boxes about three or four days ago and it said they would email me within 48 hours when the transfer process was complete. I haven't heard anything though and I'm scared to try and log on in case I break something.


Mr Party Hat

It's Spring Festival at the minute, and there's an excellent stag mount for 30 spring leaves (the festival currency). There's also a lovely quest chain that starts at Arn Bulrush, a quest giver in the Bree festival grounds, that I'd never done.

It's pure story, zero combat, but thoroughly recommended. Plus it gives you 18 spring leaves, so gets you most of the way towards that fancy mount.



I'm still waiting for the transfer email, so no access to my account at present.


Mr Party Hat

Things have settled down now I think. They've upped the capacity too, there are currently nearly 2000 people online on my server (Orcrist). That's a huge number, more than used to be on my WoW server at max capacity. Although, the game itself is obviously nowhere near as popular. WoW has dozens of servers.

I'm going to hit level 95 soon, and the end of the free content. I can't decide whether to sub, or buy quest packs. I'm leaning towards quest packs because I play quite slowly, and 5 levels equates to around £6. Then I can play at my own pace. Although the 'unlock everything' approach of VIP is tempting.

Not particularly looking forward to Mordor. From what I can tell, it's 25 levels of dark, boring, barren wasteland. Which fits with the story, of course, but I'm not sure it'll make for great gaming.



levels of dark, boring, barren

Sounds like going through Moria in that game. What a freaking dark, seemingly never ending grind that was.