Crossplay in 2021 get in here Me And The Lads will carry you to glory in raids and you can experience the best shit.
I think that a lot of the comments about the word being kind of lifeless were extremely true of the 1.0 levels. Nessus, Earth, Titan and Io were pretty boring and I'm glad to see them gone (except Earth which is still around because apparently some people have an emotional attachment to the planet). The Dreaming City kind of solved that with the three week timeloop; every week, the Taken Corruption of the zone would increase, until at the end of week 3 all sorts of terrible shit was happening. Then it'd snap back. You could go in, solve mysteries and have things develop over the course of that three weeks.
Shadowkeep - the Moon stuff - really botched a lot of this; the expansion didn't nail the feeling of the living world at all, but the season pass content got it just right. The problem with that is that you buy the expansion, you don't get all the season pass content and everyone just kind of goes 'hang on a minute that seems pretty shit?' and those people were right. It was bad.
Beyond Light has been the exact opposite so far. Europa is a great environment with play that changes in parts of it on a weekly basis. Lost sectors change difficulty and offer different kinds of targeted loot. Debris rains from the sky over parts of it. You unlock different parts of the map as you gain more stasis powers. There are mysteries that are still being unlocked, triumphs that are gated behind weekly rotations, and everything's rolling along and changing. Weirdly, this season has been pretty Bum so far? The event brings back a character from the past but the actual event hasn't been great. It's a soloable boss hunt.
It's going to develop over the coming weeks; we're already seeing parts of maps change to show new locations for the event to trigger in. The exotic handcanon from this season is changing to become farmable with different rolls. Plus, it's Christmas time soon, and there's always weird stuff in the game for that.
The PVP is still the regular Bungie PVP; it's real good. There is one thing that you can reliably say about Destiny and that it feels real good to move, shoot and put bullets into badguys. Strikes have changed pretty sharply since 1.0. You can reliably expect to get through a strike in 10 minutes. A nightfall (a strike but with selectable difficulty) will at most take half an hour. Raids can take upwards of an hour, but should be less than 5.
Rolling a new character is fairly simple. You decide you want to make a dude. You pick your race (this is essentially meaningless but playing Exo at the moment is funny because we're getting into their backstory and fucking yikes) amd you pick your Class. You can pick any of the three classes. None of the classes really interact with each other in the old MMO standard but you want to pick Warlock because they get Massive Raid Buffs, easy self-healing, easy damage boosts, huge crowd control supers and the coolest jump (different classes have different jumps because ? ).
Then you see a cutscene. Then you wake up in the old cosmodrome. Stuff happens and the game tries to explain things to you. By the end of the game explaining things to you, you will have:
- Got a new gun
- Got a new piece of armor
- Got an exotic
- Been to the tower and met everyone useful there
- Run a patrol
- Run a public event
- Run a strike
- Done a few story missions
Brian is right, it is utterly bewildering but honestly if you have someone you can ask questions to you will probably do fine. Find a clan or something. Also, oh my god the websites that the community have made. Bungie decided they wanted to expose their entire API and the community were like 'fuck yeah ya did' and were like oh sweet you can log in here safely and see a list of recommended things to do or going to the vault in the tower is bad what if we just let you do everything there and more but in a website so you can do it at any point in the game? or whatever is going on in here?
game good but confusing 8/10