Mass Effect Legendary Collection

Started by aniki


what I assume will be a mostly-brownish-green swamp/forest.

You're not wrong.

The key to Dragon Age is the characters - once (if) you get a core party you like, and start getting into their backstory stuff, it does get more interesting.

After Ostagar, you get to a town called Lothering, where you meet a couple more party members, and it opens up a lot after that - but you're still very much in prologue territory, unfortunately.



Also worth noting that every class in the game has a completely different opening, so you may just picked an especially brown one.



Also worth noting that every class in the game has a completely different opening, so you may just picked an especially brown one.

It was too hard to do multiple endings, so they did multiple beginnings instead…



I'm trying to work out what origin aniki picked based on his blurry brown description… dwarf commoner? That's the only one I remember going from slum to palace. Maybe city elf, though I remember the slum there being slightly more on the greener end of the brown spectrum, and can't recall if there's a palace involved…



I did Mage on my original playthrough, which is browner than a turd and forces you to play even more Fade than you have to in the rest of the game.



I thought mage at least had some purple interspersed to break things up a bit..?

Dalish is probably the least brown (even if you're really only trading it for a muddy green).



I've been playing games for an hour my entire life. Where's my parade?

Dragon Age I've tried starting a few times and found the brownness a bit off-putting and as aniki says it takes itself so seriously that it's hard to like. Another odd thing is the blood, which is ridiculously over the top. People can be having a general chat about the weather and look like an extra from Evil Dead 2.



The blood is ludicrous, but it is in most games tbh. Even the newer ass creeds are frankly embarrassing in that regard. I tend to think its for 13 year olds who want to laugh about it rather than any serious attempt at showing the impact of metal on flesh.



You can switch it off, though that might leave things a bit clean (by which I mean, reveal the horrible muddy (in more ways than one) base textures).



I'm trying to work out what origin aniki picked

I'm playing a female city elf rogue.

Spoiler - click to showYour arranged wedding is interrupted by the lord's drunken son, a bunch of women are carried off for… entertainment, and you hack your way out of the castle before being conscripted rather than jailed for the slaughter.


big mean bunny

Yeah I started but didn't finish that on my 2nd play, I did most of the starts. I must also say it was nice to post my original comment and return to this thread and see others who liked this game. Maybe it's 2009 pre dated my time on the Soc.