You can equip them in the inventory. See there's a dotted square? Click that. Each one does… something. Though without the relevant manual pages, you won't know what until you try them out.
You're putting your big fox coins down the wells, right?
This, I'm curious about as I can't think what that might be. Everything I've collected has been accessible in some way.
They look like playing cards? I've picked up a few of them, but haven't noticed them anywhere.
There's a page in the instructions about them I think. No explanation mind…
I'm enjoying bumbling about in it. I've gone full invincible now, after dying loads to a big guy on a bridge that I have now worked out I can't actually damage (yet, presumably). Finished east forest, found the quarry by accident but can't progress. Can't figure out how to get further west, which is where I need to go I think. Got a sword but no shield, no teleport, no other tools at all yet… Suspect I'm missing something somewhere that'll open things up. If I had more time, I think I'd be enjoying this quite a lot, but struggling to engage with its obtuseness in smaller bits. I'll stick with it for now as I really want to like it. I might end up looking up a few things, which I don't want to do, but think progressing alone is out of reach for me as things are.
Teleporting is something you have right from the start… you just don't realise it (until you get the manual page that alludes to it). 
Spoiler - click to showWhat happens if you stand still and hold down the A Button? And what do you think those yellow square panels might be for?
Ah top man thank you, that'll help. I'd figured out the yellow bits, but not the other.
I played for a bit more. Needed to check a walkthrough for the West Garden to figure out that I could Spoiler - click to showwade through some of the water but I have the Spoiler - click to showmagic knife, fire staff, and hookshot thing now; those, and being able to teleport, seem to have opened up a bunch of options.
They definitely do, both in terms of combat, survival and exploration.
Where I'm at now, the game has actually removed some options… I thought I'd be able to explore, but a bunch of bridges have vanished and I've been funneled down a specific path. First time the game's done that. It's fine though, as I'm sure I'll get the option to backtrack… there are still too many things I haven't explored/picked up which are clearly in view.
Spoiler - click to showDidn't really see the twist coming, but then I guess it's also kind of obvious… I liked it though.
I was musing whether Tunic should have its own thread - for posterity/continuity once this PWB is historical, if nothing else - but given our usual conversational leanings in these parts, it'd probably turn into some entirely unrelated Forza chat or something within a page and a half.
Probably worth setting up a new thread, like you say all this chat will be lost in a PWB thread before long.
I don't think there's an easy way to move the Tunic-related messages from here to another thread though.
That's my fault, I should have set one up once I realised I'd be in this for the long haul. We should have one, really.
So are we just gonna talk about how setting up a Tunic thread is a good idea, or…
So been really ill with covid and then had a couple of days off which I used purely for gaming, where I was too ill for work but at least well enough for that (although my concentration has been shot)
During it I've
Gotten much further on Halo Infinite and played some Multiplayer again
Tried out Back for Blood - Which I liked despite playing it solo and therefore having the issue that the AI you have can't trigger or do anything truly helpful to you
Played loads of State of Decay 2 - I find this game oddly soothing.
I've also played tons of Mario Party with my little one, who found tons of YT videos that are just compilations of Marty Party mini games, and when I finally looked at what she was watching was like 'hey, we have one of them'. At least in the context of what we are doing, it's actually really good. Think I will grab the Superstars one too as we don't have that.
Shout if you're looking for a digital code for slightly less.
Marty Party
Ha, an unintentionally, but hilarious gaff.