Resident Evil 2 remake

Started by Garwoofoo


The best Resident Evil game gets a remake after more than 20 years.

There's a "one-shot" demo of this up now on PS4, Xbone and PC. You get 30 minutes to play through a section of the police station but once your time is up, that's it, no playing it any more. Which is a pretty shit idea for a demo but it gives you enough time to get a flavour of the game and what they've done with this.

It's basically Resi 2, with a Resi 4 style over-the-shoulder perspective. It's retained the slow pacing of the original game and it's all pretty atmospheric - it's not identical to the original by any means but it's got the same sort of puzzles and the zombies are tough enough to be a threat (and presumably ammo will be scarce too). It looks good, plays well and I didn't get anywhere near the end of the demo in my allotted 30 minutes.

Should be pretty great. Anyone else interested?



My little brother was enthusing about this yesterday, and the repeated references to Resi 4 are intriguing, so I might just have to give the demo a shot.

Horror really isn't my thing, though (I am much too susceptible), so I'm not sure how likely it is that I'll crack on the full game.



It’s much more of a horror game than Resi 4 ever was, though they share the same perspective. It’s definitely retained the atmosphere of the original.



Apparently, you can get round the 30min, one chance thing by downloading the demo onto your PS4 using an account that's set to have your console as its primary, then simply creating endless new offline accounts. Each time your time runs out, start over with a new account (and delete the previous one, obviously).

Fastest time to completion is currently 2mins 57secs. :smile:



I thought it was amazing how they remade Resident Evil 2 in a way that was so different to how Remake remade Resident Evil 1 and yet it's just as tense/faithful as that game was IMO, the flashlight and zombies breaking through the scenery isn't original, but it kept me on my toes during the demo as I navigated the carnage that befallen the nostalgic-tastic and yet super spruced up Raccoon City Police Station. I completed it earlier than expected, didn't get to

Spoiler - click to showmeet the Licker, assuming you even can in the demo? but I think I got the gist of the game…and I want it, like right now. You say the idea of a one-shot demo is a bad idea but I'm thirsty as fuck for this right now and if I could play the demo I probably wouldn't be as much, I think it's working exactly as intended on me.

Between this and Resident Evil 7 it makes me wonder why we had to go through Resi 5 and 6 at all? I'm sorry if that's a hot take.

Then they drop a nuclear hot trailer on you at the end that makes you want it even more, the only thing I'm going to need to come round to is how Claire looks but it's not awful or anything..



I suspect I’ll grab it, at some point at least - the first two RE games were the two I really loved, and 2 was my favourite - though I’m still strangely devoid of hype for this particular REmake.

I haven’t actually played an RE game at all since 5, so it seems to be a similar situation with RE as with AC, in that Gar and I both used to like them, then I gradually burnt out on them while he stuck around long enough to enjoy their respective new directions.



Gar and I both used to like them, then I gradually burnt out on them while he stuck around long enough to enjoy their respective new directions.

I still like the original fixed-perspective games (0-3, CV plus the remakes) the best - I'm less keen on the action trilogy (4-6). I know everyone loves 4 and it's a fun game but it's not really proper Resi as far as I'm concerned, and I don't get why people who like 4 aren't keen on 5 and 6, which were pretty much the same thing (5 was 4 with added co-op and racism, and 6 was just everything dialled up to max).

It's worth checking out 7 if you're out of the loop - it's first-person perspective but for most of its run it's actually classic Resi at heart, crazy medallion puzzles and all.



I played the demo last week. It is too scary for me to buy into the whole game. I just can't take this stuff any more. Liked the look of it though and it was kind of fun. Made it to the end in 24 minutes without dying which was a minor miracle after the savaging Leon took in the first corridor ("where's my waggle to shake off prompt!").
I was pretty sold on the one shot demo idea, it made me set aside the time to play and really focus on what was happening. Can't see what more I'd have got out of it aside from trying to kill more zombies if there'd been unlimited goes.



First price drop alert! £34.99 on PSN this weekend (and the same price on Amazon if you prefer physical). Tempting…



This really picks up once that massive bastard in the trenchcoat appears and starts chasing you round the station, doesn't it? Up till that point it was an engaging but fairly familiar remake. Now it's one of the scariest things I've ever played, I'm spending ages creeping through rooms listening to the sound of his footsteps as he stomps around trying to work out where I am. It's really very effective indeed.



I seem to remember reading an article (and possibly watching a video) that shows the mechanics of how he gets around when you can't see him. There's no teleportation involved, even though it can seem that way… he's restricted to the same map layout you are. Was quite an interesting thing to take in, especially since I won't play the game myself. :smile:



I think even before that ending the carnage in the station had mange glued to my seat, especially now Zombies are more threatening. But Mr X is definitely a game changer, especially if you hear him as you're sneaking past a Licker or simply chased into a room full of Zombies you didn't kill.



Well, that's Claire's scenario completed. I'm not going to post this in the Games Completed thread yet because I've still got Leon's half of the story to go, but this really is an impressive remake. Somehow, despite the enormous gulf in technology, and a completely different control scheme, they've managed to make this feel like how I remember the original. And I don't even know how they've done that. It's tough, too - a couple of times I was tempted to drop the difficulty down but I persevered and made it through to the end on Standard mode, just scraping a B Rating, so I'm pretty pleased with myself.

It has its issues. None of the game's environments are as good as the Police Station so, like the original, the first third of the game is still the best. And I'm really not keen on Claire's redesign: she's basically a completely different, and apparently much younger, person (although you could argue that she now looks more in line with the older version of the character in Revelations 2). But mostly that's just nit-picking, it's hard to see what more anyone could want from a remake of a PS1 game.