My bad! I thought Nintendo had the final say, I'll send you the tip of my pinky in the post.
That makes this make even less sense to me though, though given how much it sold I guess we can just safely say 'they knew it would sell' , also an awkward stance to make having bought it. 
Resident Evil 3 (remake)
This got overlooked a bit on release - I can't think why - maybe people weren't in the mood for stories about deadly pandemics killing millions of people in April 2020 for some reason?
It's really good though. It got criticised for being short - and it is, like the original - but it's relentlessly action-packed all the way through, and these days I'd often rather have a taut, replayable 6-hour game than a padded-out, flabby 20-hour game. Most of what's been taken from the original RE3 has been completely reimagined, and there's more action and less puzzle-solving than there is in the recent RE2 remake. I think I preferred this one.
That perfect to hear. I just picked this up from the Microsoft store for like £8. Really looking forward to this, and I like the sound of it being a little different from the Resident Evil 2 remake with it being more faster.
The Pedestrian
Kirby and the Forgotten Land
Nobody Saves The World
Still nothing (?!)
Weird West
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge
Batman: Arkham Asylum
Tap! Dig! MyMuseum
Escape Academy
The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe
Toem - Bought in the eShop sale for €6 and change. Lovely little photo taking puzzle adventure that doesn't outstay its welcome but is packed with hidden stuff to find. Annoyingly, there doesn't seem to be a way to view the achievement list on Switch, even though it has loads of hidden achievements? Huh. But I did everything on the main game list, so I think we'll call that done.
Resident Evil 3 Remake -6/10
By the end I thought this was a pretty decent game with quite a few things I didn't like. For me who loved the second remake. This falls way off compared to that, but there's still a lot of fun to be had. Like the hospital location was brilliant. It just felt better paced than the rest of the game. The city was far too messy to be going back and forth for key Items. Im not sure if I'm asking for too much but after playing Evil Within 2 with the open city hubs, this could of used a bit of that. The other locations you visit aren't too great either. I just can't stop comparing this to the mansion or the police station and all the mysteries that came with them as you progress. Also nemesis was a big pain throughout. He gets really boring halfway through and I can't say I enjoyed the repetitive boss fights as well. A lot of the issues I have are me issues though, and the gameplay is solid. Characters are great so I can see others really liking this.
The PS1 Resi 3 is still a very playable Resi game but it was also a bit pants tbh, so they didn't have a great base to build on. There is Nemesis' random jump scares that were easily the best part of the game but Mr X in the Resi 2 Remake somewhat stole that idea anyway.
Ah, I hope you don't feel you wasted eight quid on my recommendation there Beany.
I still really liked it. The RE2 remake left me a bit cold (they completely butchered the dual-character mechanic from the original, like they couldn't even be bothered, and I found being chased by Mr X constantly more annoying than suspenseful) so the more linear action-packed approach in RE3 worked for me and I preferred the way they used the Nemesis mostly for set-pieces. I agree that the hospital was the highlight although it was also fun seeing the police station again at a slightly different point in proceedings.
I should probably revisit the RE2 remake now though, it may be that I'm more in the mood for it after playing the third.
Ah, I hope you don't feel you wasted eight quid on my recommendation there Beany.
Oh hell no. I think I come across overly negative in that post. I still enjoyed it, and I try and rate games harshly. For me, a 6 out of 10 is still decent and worth playing. It's been on my backlog for a while now and after seeing your post I checked it on the store for a really good discount. I've completed all the Resident Evil remakes now. So I'm more than ready for Resident Evil 4 remake.
For me, a 6 out of 10 is still decent and worth playing.
This is the correct opinion for all scoring. 
Gorgeously-presented, beautifully-written game that's like nothing else I've ever played. You can tell the developers were really passionate about this and whoever green-lit this resolutely uncommercial project deserves all the kudos. It's a wonderful little thing, this, and I hope you all get around to playing it.
I could buy a book for less though. 
Well, with Chained Echoes being the game I'm playing at the moment before I move on to other games like High on Life and River City Girls 2 (my 2023 backlog has already begun 😅). I think it's likely I won't be completing any more games this year. It's been a great year for gaming for me though. Completed a lot of games on release which I'm sure I'll get into in a GOTY thread, but more importantly this year I crossed off so many games off my backlog too. Some of my highlights has to be the rebooted Tomb Raider ending up being one of my favorite series to date. Sunset Overdrive might be Insomniac best IP ever, and I'll be disappointed if Sony don't greenlight a new one. Sam Fisher is a badass. Dead space 1 and 2 still hold up. The Evil Within games might be better than the Resident Evil games. Want to wait for Resi4 remake though before I can completely say for sure, and Sonic Generations is timeless.
Didn't want to post the list over and over every time I completed a game, but I'll post it now with it being the end of the year.
Tomb Raider definitive edition 9.5/10
Rise of Tomb Raider 8.5/10
Shadow of Tomb Raider 9/10
Windjammers 2 6.5/10
No body saves the world 8.5/10
Evil within 8/10
Evil Within 2 8.5/10
MGS revengeance 7/10
Dead space 8/10
Dead space 2 7/10
Dead space 3 6.5/10
Crossfire X 2.5/10
Fable 7.5/10
Battletoads 5.5/10
Crazy Taxi 7/10
Sherrders 6/10
Tunic 7.5/10
Splinter cell conviction 5.5/10
Splinter cell blacklist 8/10
Resident village 7.5/10
Resident Evil 3 Remake 6/10
SSX 7/10
Ring of Pain 6.5/10
Slipstream 7/10
Sunset Overdrive 9.5/10
Trek to Yomi 6.5/10
Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion 6/10
Jurassic world evolution 2 7.5/10
Sonic generations 10/10
Sonic forces 4/10
Sonic Spinball 5.5/10
Sonic advance 6.5/10
Sonic advance 2 7/10
Sonic advance 3 6/10
Sonic Rush adventure 7.5/10
[Sonic Origins Collection]
Sonic 1 8.5/10
Sonic CD 6.5/10
Sonic 2 10/10
Sonic 3 and Knuckles 9/10
Sonic Brotherhood 3.5/10
Sonic Frontier 4.5/10
Disc Room 7/10
Ninja Turtles 8.5/10
Monster Train 8.5/10
Mad Max 8/10
Inside 7/10
Returnal 9/10
Midnight Fight express 7/10
Immortality 7/10
Tinykin 8/10
You suck at parking 7/10
Hellsinger 8.5/10
Cyberpunk 9/10
Prodeus 7.5/10
Plague tail requiem 7/10
signalis 7/10
legend of Tianding 7.5/10
GAAS games:
Yu-Gi-Oh MD 6.5/10
Rocket league sideswipe 8/10
Apex mobile 8/10
Multiversus 8.5/10
Marvel snap 9.5/10
Rumbleverse 7/10
Great idea, I'll do the same! I've actually got through more this year than I thought, though nowhere near as many as you. Here's my list:
Assassin's Creed: Valhalla - 7/10
Gorogoa - 6/10
Final Fantasy XIII - 8/10
The Gunk - 6/10
The Procession to Calvary - 8/10
Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy - 6/10
AI: The Somnium Files - 7/10
A Memoir Blue - 4/10
Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga - 6/10
Final Fantasy XIII-2 - 8/10
Halo 4 - 6/10
Fire Emblem: Three Houses - 9/10
Disc Room - 6/10
Kentucky Route Zero - 7/10
Citizen Sleeper - 8/10
PowerWash Simulator - 9/10
Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak - 10/10
Coffee Talk - 8/10
Tinykin - 7/10
Immortality - 10/10
Danganronpa V3 - 7/10
A Plague Tale: Requiem - 7/10
Resident Evil 3 (remake) - 8/10
Pentiment - 9/10
GAAS games:
The Lord of the Rings Online - 10/10
Marvel Snap - 9/10
Here's my tiddly list:
Immortality 10/10
Tunic 7/10
Slay the Spire 8/10
Escape Academy 9/10
Cube Escape/Rusty Lake (various) 8/10
I've played bits of lots of others I’ve enjoyed, but not seen them through - either due to lack of skill (Elden Ring) or lack of time (Persona 5, Xenoblade 3, Somnium Files, various others)
Fingers crossed for a bit more time next year, I don't expect the skills to improve…
Borderlands 3
A Plague Tale: Innocence
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night
Call of the Sea
Elden Ring
Monster Hunter: Sunbreak
Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart
What Remains of Edith Finch
Stories Untold
I was going to expound on this further a week or two ago, when I actually finished it, but then my work’s web settings got in the way, and now I’ve finally remembered I’m typing on a phone, so here’s the abridged version…
It’s a slow burner, but once it finally gets going, Deathloop is the best marriage of AAA gaming and roguelite sensibilities I’ve seen. I still don’t know that it’s entirely successful in executing a couple of things, narratively or mechanically, and the pacing is obviously a bit off, particularly early on, but it can be forgiven for a lot of that, just for trying something new. Once it had its hooks into me I very much enjoyed it, and I’m sure there’s a lot more in there that I missed, and/or could’ve played around with a bit more.
Very, very good game; inventive, fun, and a worthy evolution of Arkane’s work on Dishonored.
Kuro no Kiseki
Pokemon Legends Arceus
To The Moon
Elden Ring
Death Stranding
Chrono Trigger
Advance Wars Dual Strike
Chrono Cross
Radical Dreamers
Panzer Dragoon Remake
Panzer Dragoon Zwei
Panzer Dragoon Orta
Panzer Dragoon Saga
NEO: The World Ends With You
SaGa Scarlet Grace: Ambitions
Dino Crisis 2
Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the World
AI: The Somnium Files
Advance Wars: Days of Ruin
Mega Man Battle Network
Mega Man ZX
Mega Man ZX Advent
Xenoblade Chronicles 3
Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Torna - The Golden Country
Xenosaga Episode 1: Der Wille zur Macht
Xenosaga Episode 2: Jenseits von Gut und Böse
Xenosaga Part 3: Also Sprach Zarathustra
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Bayonetta 3
Fear Effect 2
Pokemon Violet
Cyberpunk 2077
Despite playing this for 90 hours and mostly really enjoying a certain part of the gameplay…this is actually kinda' disappointing in a way I don't think you can patch. If I had to pinpoint a single reason I'd say that the story being absolutely terrible means you're left with what is essentially Borderlands with worse RPG/Combat mechanics in what feels like a cyberpunk toybox, a 'day in the life of V' sort of thing with a cast of characters you either do not give a shit about or don't get enough time to connect with and give a shit about.
Considering there are way, way too many sidequests in this game (Even Xenoblade 3 didn't feel this endless) most of them are extremely generic and only a few come close to feeling what is Witcher 3 level, usually the 'side stories' that involve mini questlines with characters. When I said 'cyberpunk toolbox' earlier I meant in how you can accept some sidequests that tell you do a thing and you can do a thing in any way you want even if it seems to break the game but is still fun because you jump through a window on the second floor from the streets and kill your target in 5 seconds before jumping back out again and it's all very 'wee i'm a cyborg!'. It's mainly this feeling, of eventually inching through this game's awful skill trees to something that finally feels like a cool cyborg that can see through walls and hack people's cyberbrains into shooting themselves in the head and the fun shooting combat that kind of carried the game hard for me despite it sounding like I'm really ripping it to shreds here.
What isn't a toolbox is Night City itself. Is it a well designed city in the sense it feels like an important part of the cyberpunk immersion (at a distance) jigsaw puzzle? Yes. Is there much more to it than that? Not really imo, there's no sidestuff to do that isn't map cleanup, there's no Gwent like minigame or Yakuza side stuff it's basically the biggest window dressing ever. As I said it's a well designed architecture but I remember the question marks in Witcher 3's mini map at least giving me a reason to dismount my horse every now and then, I don't even think this game has any random events to it or anything like that.
TL;DR - It's okay. Would have preferred less sandboxy sidequests that had nothing to do with anything and more main quests that kept pulling me into the game world.
Spoiler - click to showKilling off Jackie so early and depriving us of a potential regular character other than the main character that could serve as some sort of central anchor point or whatever was a bad idea imo
Kuro no Kiseki
Pokemon Legends Arceus
To The Moon
Elden Ring
Death Stranding
Chrono Trigger
Advance Wars Dual Strike
Chrono Cross
Radical Dreamers
Panzer Dragoon Remake
Panzer Dragoon Zwei
Panzer Dragoon Orta
Panzer Dragoon Saga
NEO: The World Ends With You
SaGa Scarlet Grace: Ambitions
Dino Crisis 2
Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the World
AI: The Somnium Files
Advance Wars: Days of Ruin
Mega Man Battle Network
Mega Man ZX
Mega Man ZX Advent
Xenoblade Chronicles 3
Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Torna - The Golden Country
Xenosaga Episode 1: Der Wille zur Macht
Xenosaga Episode 2: Jenseits von Gut und Böse
Xenosaga Part 3: Also Sprach Zarathustra
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Bayonetta 3
Fear Effect 2
Pokemon Violet
Advance Wars
The last game I beat in 2022 possibly being Advance Wars? Hell yeah! My opinion on this doesn't differ greatly from my opinions on Dual Strike or Days of Ruin, it's better in some ways and worse in others but it's still Advance Wars and that makes it at least a Top 10/5 GBA game (Unlike with AW:DS I don't want to say 'Best game on the console' so readily off the top off my head because the GBA is kinda' crazy and also AW2 is next…). It being the first game means it lacked the amount of units and COs and general features later games had and yet I felt this simplicity worked in the games favour, you get three COs of differing playstyles and that's your lot, it just works.
This and the fact that the COs you can't use from DS because…you're fighting them this time, means it's also probably the hardest AW game for me yet and I also think this worked in its favour, AW is fun for me because you get given a map and are basically told 'solve this problem, nerd' and AW1 is pretty grounded in how you go about that.
Very excited to play Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising, very not excited to fight Sturm again. I hope the final map in AW2 is a lot less annoying than the first games. :p
The last game I beat in 2022
No, surely you have time for another two or three?
Depends when Al's hibernation period starts, he gorges these games to give him the energy to sustain him through the winter.
Assassin's Creed Valhalla: Dawn of Ragnarok - turned out to be more fun than I was expecting. It has a very wonky start but soon settles into the same fun routine of icon-clearing and settlement-raiding as the main game. The self-contained story that this tells is actually one of the better parts of Valhalla overall and while I'm not the biggest fan of the series' recent tendency to make each game's final expansion based around fantasy/mythology, this is a lot better than the two Asgard sections in the base game. It's far from essential but as a stopgap before the next entry in the main series, this scratched an itch.
Narrator: Garwoofoo was never heard of again.
It Takes Two
I wrote this somewhere else recently so I'm just going to post it here:
It Takes Two is a wonderful, beautifully inventive game that for me is one of the best couch co-op games ever made and up there with platforming greats like Mario Galaxy and Astrobot. It's that good.
It's also saddled with the WORST story and characters I've ever seen in a game. I'd love to know who was responsible for taking this amazing platformer, perfect to play with kids, then making the lead characters two bitter, bickering adults going through a divorce. Cut-scenes go on forever, you're goaded throughout by a talking book that's basically a racist stereotype, and it's got a heartbreaking bit right in the middle that's so appallingly misjudged I can't believe it made it in.
If they'd cut most of this guff out, and simply made it a "Honey I Shrunk the Parents" scenario - with the two characters co-operating throughout in order to get back to normal - it would have been a 10/10 all-time classic. As it is, it's hard to recommend without at least a few caveats.
It's also saddled with the WORST story and characters I've ever seen in a game. I'd love to know who was responsible for taking this amazing platformer, perfect to play with kids, then making the lead characters two bitter, bickering adults going through a divorce. Cut-scenes go on forever, you're goaded throughout by a talking book that's basically a racist stereotype, and it's got a heartbreaking bit right in the middle that's so appallingly misjudged I can't believe it made it in.
You've summed up exactly what I hated this game entirely. Couldn't get past how awful the characters and story were, how poorly judged some of the parts ended up. I finished it with my partner and hated it. I despise how they've almost made a mockery of some parts to the point of insanity for monetisation (you can buy a toy of the elephant and its ear comes off), and I'm absolutely bemused by how many awards and how much praise it got. I absolutely, positively hate this game and just thinking about it actually makes me angry.
The actual platforming was brilliant, though. It’s a really fun game to play despite all the bullshit. That makes it worse, somehow.
Kuro no Kiseki
Pokemon Legends Arceus
To The Moon
Elden Ring
Death Stranding
Chrono Trigger
Advance Wars Dual Strike
Chrono Cross
Radical Dreamers
Panzer Dragoon Remake
Panzer Dragoon Zwei
Panzer Dragoon Orta
Panzer Dragoon Saga
NEO: The World Ends With You
SaGa Scarlet Grace: Ambitions
Dino Crisis 2
Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the World
AI: The Somnium Files
Advance Wars: Days of Ruin
Mega Man Battle Network
Mega Man ZX
Mega Man ZX Advent
Xenoblade Chronicles 3
Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Torna - The Golden Country
Xenosaga Episode 1: Der Wille zur Macht
Xenosaga Episode 2: Jenseits von Gut und Böse
Xenosaga Part 3: Also Sprach Zarathustra
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Bayonetta 3
Fear Effect 2
Pokemon Violet
Halo Infinite
The most consistently good game in the series in my opinion, has everything that makes Halo good and no Flood, Prometheans, Wardens or any of that shit. I don't think there's a single part of this game I disliked and I don't think I can say that for any other game in the series. This comes with a 'tradeoff' that isn't really a tradeoff for me, we lack absolutely any unique level design throught the game, every outpost may as well be copy and paste, every story mission might as well be the same building (Can I still play the Halo CE 'It's alien architecture' card???) BUT because the open world lets you roll in to every encounter with whatever loadout you want (Big fan of taking a Tank to the 'Most Wanted' enemy target missions) it doesn't feel like your doing the same shit, and ofcourse, Halo gunplay is as satisfying as ever and it's at it's most organic here.
Imagine that with a friend, you both assault a Silo Base on Banshees, or one covers youfrom the air on a Banshee while you go in, he perches on a cliff and snipes people pinning you down? Man, I really want to co-op this on Legendary I think it might be the ultimate Halo Experience.
Add to this the multiplayer, which I know people have said is lacking but I could happily play it for a very long time, moreso than other FPS with more features at the moment because Halo combat is just that satisfying. It's why ultimately I feel like this is maybe my second or third favourite but in a way I think it's the best Halo game overall.
Slipping one last one under the wire…
The Pedestrian
Kirby and the Forgotten Land
Nobody Saves The World
Still nothing (?!)
Weird West
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge
Batman: Arkham Asylum
Tap! Dig! MyMuseum
Escape Academy
The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe
Inscryption - Not nearly as weird as I expected, but still pretty odd. Had to read up to make sure I'd definitely finished it (it keeps going when you think you're done), and that's that. Definitely a challenge.