Screenshots thread

Started by Mr Party Hat

Mr Party Hat

God of War's pretty innit.

And some more FF14 night sky (this will probably be a test of whether your monitor is too dark :P)

Horizon Zero Dawn

And one of the always lovely Ratchet and Clank



I haven't taken a huge number of Screenshots of Thieves recently, but I did get a couple on Galleon's Grave last night and stitch them together to make a wallpaper for my phone:



Levelling my Botanist in FFXIV, looks so fucking relaxing tbh. People say crafting and gathering in XIV is dull, repetitive and boring and it kinnnnda is but it's really chill and stress fee (also can make you rich).


Mr Party Hat

This game is 14 YEARS OLD. It has absolutely no right being this pretty.

Also, I'm playing this at 1080p in 60fps with no lag, via a video stream. Isn't technology brilliant.



I still wish it was more in the vein of Sega-blue skies and bright colours, but damn if Octopath Traveler can't look pretty stunning - that water in particular is great.



I'm relatively concerned how this appears to look like both me and Gar, if we were ten years younger and vaguely fashionable.



That particular picture doesn't have him looking especially Japanese… I think it's the angle.


Mr Party Hat

Yeah this expansion is split across two continents instead of the usual one. Horde gets a whole continent, Alliance gets the same. Each have their own (mahoosive) capital cities.

Once you hit 120 you start venturing over to the other faction's island and fucking shit up. Or, if you're me, hiding in bushes and hoping no-one spots you.



that's interesting. do you play as that character for a while? how much travelling would you say you do as them? Miles, maybe?



Just briefly, so far. There are a couple of sections where you play as different characters. You even get to be
Spoiler - click to showMJ
in one mission, which is cool. I don't know how many times it's going to happen, though, or if there's anyone else.



Mr 'Here's a pic of a Tortoise in this game I swear it's not just a real picture of a Turtle' Party Hat strikes again.



I was reading a post on another forum from someone who'd been through all the Yakuza games taking screenshots of the same location in each game to give a representation of how those streets had changed over a period of 20 years or more. Even so I hadn't appreciated until I saw those photos just how true to life the locations actually were.


Mr Party Hat

It is impressive. I can't really get my bearings in Shinjuku (or whatever they call it in Yakuza) because it's a bit of a crazy mess in real life too. But I've still found myself in a couple of shops thinking 'Jesus I was in here, I know where the counter is!'.

And as soon as I got to Osaka, I was able to just head to places by memory.



Going back to those Yakuza pics, can't you turn the mini-map off? So many games don't make good use of the consoles share functions



Some shots of my new Elite Dangerous space cab, NOM155 "Crazy Taxi".

The ship ID was supposed to be "1NOM155", which is Axel's licence plate, but it was one character too long to fit in the field.



Spent a little bit of time in the beta to see the lighting improvements coming in the next Elite update.

Not sure there's much visible difference without jumping between the versions - it's a little less saturated, there's more contrast in the skybox, etc - I've not yet made it down to the surface of any planets to see how it looks from ground level, though.



My Assassins' Creed Odyssey screenshots are 50% beautiful landscapes, 50% giant cocks. Here's one of each for your enjoyment.



Bouncing around an ancient Guardian site in Elite Dangerous

Dramatic angle on my Alliance Chieftain

A medical installation in Cubeo - you might be able to spot my ship hanging onto the tower, Millennium Falcon-style, at the top right.



New ship day in the Elite beta, so of course I had to jump right in over lunch and blow all my funds on the Mamba. (The beta branch is a few weeks behind, so it's my pre-taxi balance).

It is ridiculous fun. I spent a few minutes dodging around the station with flight assist off – I never fly without assist; even with a stick it's black magic – and although it's not got the most responsive turning circle (which probably helped with FAO), it's very nippy in a straight line, even with out-of-the-box 5A thrusters and no effort made to strip the rest down.

I realise that everyone and their mum will be flying one of these when the update hits production, but I definitely need to add one to my fleet.



At the urging of a friend, I've been playing some Sea of Thieves again, the last couple of evenings.

Still looks stunning.



The Elite beta has made it into the live game, and boy does it look nice. I've been doing some proper exploration for the first time in a long while - the new mechanics make a huge difference, changing the experience from kind of a slog to a compulsive, just-one-more-jump drip-feed.

I found a star with rings:

Then I flew into the rings for a while.

Kinda wish I'd brought a Pulse Wave Analyser, though I'd probably then be annoyed that I didn't have any other mining equipment to go along with it.

I'm heading back to the bubble now to sell off the data, hopefully get my name on a couple of things, and then I'll be unlocking and ranking up another engineer to increase the efficiency of my surface scanner before I head back out.



This was up on BAFTA last week, so I have the PS4 version now (the Commander one?). I'm guessing this is more fun than No Man's Sky? Because that didn't do it for me at all, despite being really pretty.



Yeah. no - Elite's very bare-bones as well, in terms of directed content. Perhaps even more so, since NMS got its last couple of updates with "story" stuff.

It's more straightforward at least, in some ways; you won't spend hours fixing up your first ship before you can fly it, and crafting is extremely limited, but 95% of your time will be spent in space, and planetary landings are currently limited to planets without atmosphere, so it's not got a patch on No Man's Sky's visuals.

And it's a very slow grind to get anywhere in Elite. I've got a billion credits now, which took a month or so of flying the same three-system loop over and over and over. If you enjoy the moment-to-moment process of flying (which I do) it's fine, but most of the progress you make will be in the form of menu notification when you turn in a mission or bounty vouchers, rather than achieving stuff in the world.



Some nice views of the fog from tonight's Sea of Thieves shennanigans:

Thanks to the Gilded Voyages available over the holidays, I finally earned enough to buy the Scurvy Bilge Rat hull I've been pining after. Just the sails to go…

This is a shot I grabbed during a Megalodon showdown - the names (and lighting on the Meg) kinda spoil it a little, but I like the lighting on the pirates.

And finally, this is what I referred to as our crew's Delaware moment, turning in a bunch of chests we stole (back) from a sloop crew who double-crossed us on an island where we both had chests to dig up.

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