Hitman: Hitting Men

Started by Ninchilla


They're sticking with the "guess who it is" theme for now, it seems.

I suppose that gives players returning from the first game less of an advantage, while still letting latecomers get some of the stuff they missed out on, which I appreciate.



Yeah, maybe. Though I think I'd be hard pressed to remember how to approach any of the non-mystery Elusive Targets, anyway (except the politician guy in Sapienza, who I was very close to Silent Assassinating until a lack of patience and an open toilet door led to my undoing).



So it looks like the Season Pass is in two parts (Expansion 1 and 2) and each of those expansions will consist of one Sniper Assassin map and one regular map, to be released at regular intervals. Plus some additional stuff (they've already released an item pack I believe). So this new map is the first part of the first part of the Season Pass.

All good but it still seems very expensive given the quantity of stuff in the base game and the regular updates. Paying more for a few additional maps than I paid for the entire game seems wrong. I'm tempted to get it just to show support for the developers (and the huge amount of fun I've had from the game) but part of me also expects it to be on a sale within days of me buying it. Did any of you other assassins pick this up?



I got a PSN voucher for my birthday, which took the cost down significantly. I paid full price for the base game, though.



Politician done, but fucked up and missed out on Silent Assassin because she saw me take out her bodyguard. Bah.



I thought the Politician was very easy - or maybe I lucked out - did it in under 5 minutes on my second attempt, Silent Assassin.

Spoiler - click to showSnuck round the back left hand corner of the house and put a single bullet in the gas heater on the balcony, where she stands to smoke. Halfway back to the boat there was a big BOOM and "Target Eliminated".

That's another suit for the collection (third Elusive Target completed). Agent 47's got more clothes than I do.



I just got impatient, which is always when I screw up in Hitman. Ah well, hopefully I'll do better with the Black Hat, and get the Winter Suit then - another suit I'll probably never bother with.



Woo-Hoo! That's Paris and all of its challenges completly finished off. Master difficulty was just a replay of the runs I had already done, just with a bit more camera dodging.
Really pleased with myself for completing SASO on Sapienza. Had to really sit and think about what approaches would work best, and how to string them together. Hopefully in a fortnight or so I'll be able to buy the full Hitman 2 pack.



The Gold edition includes the expansion pass (which is £33 on its own) for a tenner more than the non-Gold version, so I'd go for that one.



I've still not even looked at the sniper assassin map that came with the game. Was hoping for a more full-featured level, though…

Should really get back to this – I've only finished Mumbai once.



I guess so, yeah - but Themes seem to be new missions on reskins of existing maps, too? In any case, some of those in Hitman 2016 made pretty big changes, so I'm looking forward to seeing what they've come up with.



April content update is live, including a number of changes that will make Silent Assassin brutal going forward:

To earn the Silent Assassin rating in any mission, players will need to complete all objectives and exit the mission, without any of the following 7 events occurring:

  1. An NPC escalates to the Compromised state.
  2. An NPC escalates to the Suspicious state.
  3. An NPC catches Agent 47 trespassing.
  4. An NPC finds a dead or pacified body. (Accident kills and poision kills do not fail this event)
  5. Agent 47 is spotted performing an illegal or suspicious action through a camera by an NPC. (If there is no guard watching the camera feed, 47 will get recorded but can still earn the SA rating by destroying the evidence.)
  6. Getting recorded by a security camera and failing to destroy the evidence.
  7. Agent 47 kills a non-target.


3 is going to be my biggest hurdle - the number of times I bumble into a restricted area because I'm not sure if my current disguise is going to cut it…



Jesus H Christ!
The supicious states would kill it for me. Even on the walkthroughs on Youtube they dont meet this criteria.
Not yet got to grips with the H2 levels, though strangely enjoying the Vermont level.



Hitman 2 Gold Edition (game + expansion pass) is currently cheaper on PSN than the expansion pass on its own. Will they never put that thing on sale?



Big update on the 25th, which included two new missions on existing maps, and a new location - assuming you're a Season Pass owner, anyway.

I've only had one crack at the Bank yet, but I really like it - full of nooks and crannies and alternate areas, it feels something akin to Paris - there's a big public space as the entrance, but beyond that it's a real mesh of disguise-only areas, with the objectives under very high security. Looking forward to getting really stuck into it, but I think I'm a long ways off SASO.

I took out The Entertainer in Marrakesh (night) earlier, too, which unlocked my favourite suit in the base game. Annoyed to notice that I apparently missed one a couple of weeks ago - The Decievers, in Sapienza (though I already had the Italian Suit, so it's not really that big a deal).



I've still not finished Mumbai, and then I've got two other base game levels before I start on the DLC stuff.

I really need to find the time to get back to this.



Wow, I didn't realise you'd only done up to Mumbai yet. That's just Whittleton Creek and Sgàil left in the base game, though, right? Not that that isn't a monstrous amount of stuff still to come, mind.

Did the bank a couple more times, and I'm starting to learn my way round. Finished all the Mission Stories, but still no clue how to approach SASO.



Golden Handshake SASO down! The route I'd picked out from other runs worked pretty well, though there's clearly plenty of room for improvement.

Still haven't had a go at either of the new Santa Fortuna/Mumbai missions - didn't realise until this evening that I hadn't even "bought" them yet.



Yep. But as with all the Hitman DLC actually downloading stuff after you have purchased the pass was a bit confusing. It doesn't just download once you have bought the pass, and if you click on the new levels it takes you to the starter pack in the store. Best way I found was to go to Hitman2 on your playstation home screen, scroll down to playstation store, and from there view all DLC.



And why not? It's a hilarious meme that doesn't seriously break anything. The devs have a very dry sense of humour and it really shows. I like them more than ever having watched that video that MPH posted.



Out of all the levels I think The Bank is the one that took me the longest to get my first completion.
And The Heist mission story and then getting in to the vault was one of my favourite bits of the game.



I found completing it fairly straightforward: there are a couple of mission stories that lead you straight to the target and the vault is easy to access even if you go in guns blazing. Getting full mastery on it is another story though, I seem to be stuck on about 10 despite having done most of the challenges (including SA) and I’m struggling with a Master run because they’ve moved the keycard on which my entire strategy hinged.



I don't think I've bothered with a Master run of any level other than New Zealand yet. I tried Paris a couple of times, but it's really hard:sob:


big mean bunny

Did anyone here complete this? Nearly finished with the first Hitman that was DLC (no idea what that is actually called) and desperate for some more



I've managed several successful runs of all but one level (the tropical island), if that counts as "complete"?

I'm not sure anything comes quite to the high watermark of Paris, but it's still excellent - Mumbai is very good, as is the Bank, and I think Isle of Sgàil is probably better than I give it credit for, because it's just so bloody hard to get around.

I've done very little of the Sniper Challenge stuff, but I think Gar has a bit of experience there.

On the whole, it's really just more Hitman, so if that's what you want, I can recommend it wholeheartedly.

the first Hitman that was DLC

I think they called it the Legacy Pack, or something?



I’ve got full mastery I think on all the Hitman 2 levels apart from the DLC (fairly close with the Bank, haven’t even played the Island yet). And I’ve only dabbled in the Sniper mode, it’s a fun distraction I think but little more.

Overall though it’s just more of the same if you’ve played the first game, which means it’s very very good. I think H1 still has the best two levels overall in Paris and Hokkaido but the quality in H2 is probably more consistent, everything there is very good to great. And the amount of content is simply insane.

One of my games of the generation without a doubt.



Finally went back and played Haven Island. It's a bit generic, I think, lots of bits that remind me of other levels. But it's still fun of course. First time through never really gives you a feel for the level, but it's not immediately amazing like the Bank was.



The thing that really impressed me with it is the changing weather, though it does take ages to kick in and I'm not sue it affects anything beyond the aesthetic. I really ought to get on and actually finish the thing, though… still haven't managed all three targets, largely because I'm probably trying to be too clever for my first time through.