My mate has one and it's a lovely device. As a Teenage Engineering stan I will pick one up at some point.
Elden Ring (PS5) - I've played a fair bit of it on PC with my youngest via the seamless coop mod (the only way to play it coop). As he's the sort of guy who finishes Sekiro 7 times on the hardest difficulty, just for lols, the dynamic was largely him one shotting bosses and tearing around the landscape at speed while I barely had a chance to understand any of the mechanics. So, I figured I quite liked it and I just wanted to pootle around the starting few areas at a slower pace for a bit, trying to understand what the fuck is going on. Unfortunately the native PS5 version is a mess, and runs at a random framerate that might be in the mid40s in Performance mode. But the PS4 version (Pro version) runs at a flawless 60 and looks roughly the same, so I'm using that instead. It's a very interesting game. I still don't understand any of it, but it is undeniably interesting.
Ghostwire Tokyo (PS5) - bit of a weird one. An impulse purchase on disk on the cheap. It's basically an FPS with Persona monsters set in Cyberpunk 2077 with fingers for guns. It's kind of weird, but the core combat loop of fingering a monster (lel) and then ripping its soul out (sounds like my ex! lel) is satisfying. It looks nice, but for some reason it has 6 graphics modes and about half of them make no sense. The story is… very Japanese. It's quite conventional in many ways, with a thick dollop of weird icing on it. I don't know - it seems fine?
The Quarry (PS5) - only just started this. It's a sort of janky horror QTE thing with uncanny valley rendered humans. It's OK, I have a limited tolerance for this sort of thing, with only the androidy game in the Heavy Rain series being one that I enjoyed (can't remember what it's called - not Beyond, the other one). But it does have a co-op mode, and isn't excruciatingly badly written or directed. A bit different I guess.
Also Valorant and Apex. My eldest has got into video production, so keeps making gameplay videos of us. The added stress of being videoed made me fuck up my first Ace in ages in Valorant. Being 46 and playing comp shooters is bad enough, let alone with the fact that every mistake is recorded for posterity and the lols.
Scan customer service to get their shit together. I ordered 2 similar things. One I need to RMA. It's reached almost farcical levels of interactions now where the order I want has been cancelled twice and then I've been double billed for the one I don't want. Their customer service is energetic but hopeless.
A new camper van. I miss my old one.
Shadow of the Colossus (PS5) - I forgot this was the remaster, and downloaded it on a whim. All looks very nice and runs at 60fps. Remarkable how ahead of its time it was, but still fucking disturbing. I downed the first big boi, felt sick and then questioned my gaming choices. So still working as intended.
Christmas - a shit enough year for me generally with losing my dad over weeks of awfulness. But I also haven't spoken to my partner since Christmas day over an argument (she did something mindbogglingly stupid and was called out for it) and one of my best mates and his partner of 5 years are clearly having huge relationship issues and I had to sit at a social event watching them tear each other to shreds. Tis the season to be jolly!
Weight! I was a "thought leader" at a big European conference a while back (I know) and when watching the videos back I noticed I was a fat thought leader, who really looked like he had spent the last 2 years largely sitting at a desk begging people for money (this is true). Since October I've lost 10kg, restarted running and the gym and have absolutely made huge strides to get ready for an ultra marathon next year. For the first time in town pre-Xmas a friend I hadn't seen for a while said I was looking trim and healthy which is always nice validation. Just another 10kg to go to get to race weight, but I am feeling hell of a lot better (and also have a wider trouser selection from my wardrobe).