It's October so I want to fuck my shit up!

Anyone going to play a horror game this month? I've already got the first Silent Hill game lined up on PS1 but that won't last me the month. I'd like to play Silent Hill 2 but I don't think I can without more effort than should be required for this. Are they any good ones I might be missing? Something along the lines of Alien Isolation or is that the best one? at least out the 'FPV' survival 'you can't fight back' horror games which I love.
If you do play through the Silent Hills, make sure you play Silent Hill 3.
Also if you can find it, Project Zero is great.
I couldn't finish Dead Space because it creeped me out too much. The asteroid shooting section also isn't as bad as everyone made out.
Have you got PS+ Al? The Amnesia Collection was on that a few months ago, wasn't it?
I've been considering that, a Resident Evil game or three, and Soma as the nights have started to draw in…
Resident Evil 7 in VR is legitimately terrifying.
How about SOMA? Creepy as hell game with a great story. And it has the mechanic that if you look in the direction of a monster they will detect you and start to move towards you.
I played most of the game with my character in the corner staring at a wall whilst I rocked in my chair weeping.
Majora's Mask.
Perfect halloween game. Not too scary (halloween isn't scary). Suitably spooky. Pretty camp. Involves dressing up.
How about SOMA? Creepy as hell game with a great story. And it has the mechanic that if you look in the direction of a monster they will detect you and start to move towards you.
So they're the sci-fi equivalent of the ghosts from Mario?
If you do play through the Silent Hills, make sure you play Silent Hill 3.
Is this your favourite one? I have no idea if I'll even make it to the second game but I'll see. I made it to the Primary School in SH1 last night and I can't believe a game like this exists on the PS1. Has the looks and controls of a PS1 game but the horror….psychology? The sheer relenting dread feels like it comes from way ahead of its time.
Is Dead Rising valid? It's not scary but it's got Zombies and I don't care what anyone says its a brilliant, brilliant game.
My favourite is the first one. But everyone used to talk up Silent Hill 2 as being the best in the series, while I thought 3 was better. The three make an excellent trilogy anyway.
I see it as:
SH1: Scariest, weakest story element
SH2: Least scary, strongest story element as almost everything you do see relates to James (FTR, the Maria side story almost gave me a fucking heart attack)
SH3: Somewhere in between the two. The Theme Park section is
. I liked Claudia and Leonard.
And yep, heard of SOMA apparently being good. If it's what I'm thinking of anyway, all FPV horror games I've played are scary as fuck, if I had VR I'd have played Resident Evil 7 with it 100%, can only imagine how terrifying the section where Jack hunts you down in the house is with it. This all reminds me of the first Outlast which is is one of the scariest games I'd played back in the day, I often compare it to Resi 7 because it's a lot scarier but it's a worse overall 'game'.
(Maybe I should boot up PT, being that I still have it on my PS….)
And yeah, I do have PS+ JDub but I think they might have slipped me by because I'm stupid.I'm going to throw in 'System Shock 2' in here because it was legitimately scary and I want the Feltmonkey clout.
On Resi VR I didn't even make it in to the house. Just seeing a shadow out the corner of my eye made it a straight up nope for me.
Yes Jdub, they basically are. However I don't think Mario would have been as successful as a family classic if these fuckers were gobbling up Yoshi.
Made it to 'Alternate' Primary School. I'd say this is baby steps but I seem to recall on a previous iteration of Society telling Brian I did the whole game in 5 hours or so, so technically I'm a 5th of the way through, wee.
Sadly, the gap between that playthrough and the previous one was probably shorter and the details were fresher in mym ind then they are now, so this might take longer. When I'm off work I feel I could do it in two to three nights if I wanted to though. Also, god damn this game is, relatively speaking, way harder than Silent Hill 2 or at the very least these lunging knee high monsters are more aggressive than any SH2 monster, I'm actually having to use my Gun! :o
I'm really enjoying this playthrough but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't looking forward to trying something new.
Those monsters in the school are probably the hardest in the game.
Question: Does Silent Hill 1 count as psychological horror? Or do we only count SH2 onwards as such? Also, what game was the first to do this type of horror, I mean I can't think of many other horror series where the setting and monsters themselves were more than just 'spooky place, spooky monsters'?
I was going to say Outlast, but I see you've already played that. If you want something that's classic horror, a good story, but not too mentally scarring, Until Dawn is terrific fun. For something completely different, you could try Stories Untold, which is (kind of) a text adventure on Steam.
About to start Until Dawn right now, thank you PS+ for giving me so many games I literally buried them out of sight out of mind. Shame this is the only horror I think I forgot I had. As for Outlast, I have so many good memories of that, shame the sequel is apparently pants?
I truly believe videogames as a medium is the best for horror, I can't remember the last time I've been scared watching a horror movie and I don't see how a movie could ever match the concept of a VR FPV horror game. Something about the fact that the horror isn't happening to you in a movie and deep down you know they'll succeed whereas in the game it is happening to you and you're not guaranteed to survive. Random thought but something I always think about around this time.
I wish other months were this fun, is October the best month tbh wtf?
November - the month where you can only play games where the main character has a moustache.
I always find Halo is much more fun if you imagine Master Chief looks like Hitler.
Nearly shat myself on that fucking VR horror roller coaster thing at the whispering bit.
Until Dawn: Rush of Blood? Yes, that's a very solid horror recommendation if you've got PSVR.
Speaking of which, I'm a few chapters in to Until Dawn and it's fucking amazing. Wasn't expecting it to feel so polished and well made.
It’s great, and it gets better as you go on.
Treat it like an interactive movie rather than a game, though: roll with your mistakes. People WILL die.
Well from what I see you don't have a choice anyway, not that I would have. I can't wait to look back and see what could have happened though, or maybe I'll replay this every year on October and do other stuff? I dunno but it's so, so good.
Finished Until Dawn, last chapter or two got pretty wild and I thought everything could have very well fallen apart but it didn't.
Spoiler - click to show Only Sam, Matt and Chris survived. Originally Mike survived and Sam died but I didn't move the fucking pad so I went back to fix that one death, I even let Jessica die still when replaying the Chapter. Sadly I didn't realise Sam was going to fucking flip the switch the second time as it only said 'Run' so Mike got fried and that one really hurt since it was the very last one…and I think Mike ended up being my favourite character. I think if Sam didn't die to the first round BS I'd have still fucked up (and felt salty about it but whatever) so I'll let that pass.
Overall I literally can't think of anything bad about this game, I have no issues with it at all off the top off my head. One thing I will say is, some characters got way more screentime than others, almost as if they didn't know what to do with them, but nothing really bad.
Doesn't this game make every other 'choose your own adventure' type game look like a joke?