So, who's excited for Infinity War this week?!
Yes, yes, I know, it's a bit gauche to buy into Disney's unstoppable hype juggernaut (not Star Wars, the other one), but I'm actually really looking forward to the overstuffed, inevitably messy culmination of the Marvel Cinematic Universe despite my attempts at staying aloof.
(I blame Chris Evans' beard.)
It's been a bumpy road, in places, but it's still kind of impressive that Feige et al have managed any sort of narrative cohesion across twenty different films over the last decade, especially as every other studio's attempt to do the same has crumbled almost immediately. Shared cinematic universes went from "that'll never work!" to "how do we do that?" in the space of a couple of years, and somehow Marvel's still the only one to pull it off with any success.
It can't just be because they were first, surely? DC's stable of characters is arguably more recognisable than Marvel's (certainly than it was at the beginning of this experiment), but WB made a severe miscalculation when they decided they wanted Zak Snyder to set the tone. Other Shared Cinematic Universes were just doomed to begin with - the Dark Universe of classic movie monsters never stood a chance.
But they keep trying! There's talk of an expanded Fast & Furious universe, Transformers and GI Joe crossing over into a Hasbro Cinematic Universe, and they've already started laying the groundwork for a Godzilla/Kong shared universe - though arguably there's already a template for that in the Toho Godzilla catalogue, and they're taking it slower than some of the other already-failed attempts.
Back to Infinity War, though - I've seen a couple of "first reactions!" headlines, presumably from the premiere, but I'm going to do everything in my power to go into the cinema without reading a review or seeing a Metacritic average. We're not seeing it 'til Friday afternoon, so midnight screening junkies will make Twitter a no-go from Thursday.
Anybody else got tickets booked, or are you all too burned-out on comic book movies to care?