Happy April, fools.
Persona 5 Royal - now, I really like this. The characters are great. The story is great. The music is amazing. It has neither the slightly cringeworthy edginess of Persona 3, nor the underlying current of homophobia that marred 4.
But - it's very, very easy, isn't it? To the extent that it's basically playing itself. There are whole layers of stuff here that I'm not needing to engage with because I'm just steamrolling my way through with minimum effort. I'm not needing to pay any real attention to my Persona evolutions, I'm just evolving whatever I can and rolling with it. I never need to use support items. I can unga-bunga my way through most dungeons in a day or two. All the battles come down to using random attacks until I trigger an enemy's weakness, then hitting them with that until they die. I'm not even using the bonus Personas/items that the Royal edition gives you because they would unbalance things still further.
I mean, as a visual novel it's still superb; but I can't help feeling the balance is out of whack.
Far Cry 5 - peak open world nonsense that's just had a nice next-gen upgrade so it looks and runs really nicely on Series X now. I like this game's dedication to freeform chaos - your aim in each area is to raise Resistance Points, and you can do that however you like, whether that's story missions, side missions, collectibles or just wandering around blowing shit up. The setting (right-wing religious nutcases have taken over Montana) is significantly more subversive than any American company would dare come up with, and it's got a great soundtrack. Just really fun stuff.
The Lord of the Rings Online - glad to see a couple of folks here playing this, it's still the best MMO on the market for my money.
I am currently going through the Garwoofoo Street Fighter cycle, with the upcoming release of Street Fighter 6:
. ooh, that looks good
. watching videos of this is fun <== I AM CURRENTLY HERE
. I should buy this on release
. Now I remember, I'm not very good at these games
. It's the controller's fault!
. Oh, this expensive new controller isn't actually helping
. Still getting destroyed online and not really having any fun
. Oooh, DLC!
I'd quite like Resident Evil 4 Remake but not at full price so like most of my friends list it seems I am currently dipping back into the Resi 2 remake from a couple of years ago. Still great.
The new Remastered version of Cities Skylines on Xbox has a huge bug which means you can't save once your save file gets past 16.32 MB (which isn't that big). Over a month since release and it hasn't been fixed yet. Very poor show.
I'm really really angry with the Labour Party at the moment, who seem determined to occupy exactly the same right-of-centre ground as the Conservatives. This week alone they have thrown both migrants and transgender people under the bus, and appear to be enthusiastically supporting all the government's bullshit crackdowns on stuff too. They are rapidly becoming a party I can't see myself voting for, however much they think they are the only alternative. I don't actually want these goons in office.