PWB March 2024

Started by Garwoofoo



Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth: this game is big. Almost unmanageably so, at times. It has a very long main plot, a huge new city to explore, and more minigames than the series has ever seen before. It has a full Pokemon-type game running underneath all of it, where you form teams from the enemies you've defeated and pit them against other "trainers". It has a full Animal Crossing-style mode as a side activity. Then at about the 35 hour mark, just as you're getting to grips with all of this, the game casually doubles in size. And then increases again later on. It's just nuts.

So, unsurprisingly, it has a few issues with pacing - it's very easy to ignore the main story for hours and hours, which somewhat undercuts the drama of the whole thing - but it also has some of the best character work the series has ever seen, it's genuinely laugh-out-loud funny, and the battle system's been significantly improved too. It's very, very good.

Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered: A few years late to this but it's really great. It just feels right for a Spider-Man game - the characters are on point, both traversal and combat are fun, and it's got a really nice sense of escalating threat as the villains ramp up in line with your own mastery of the (surprisingly complex) moveset. I've been playing on the Steam Deck and it works really well as a handheld game, with lots of bite-sized activities to do. Approaching the end now but I'll definitely be picking up the Miles Morales game to follow up with.


I'm casting envious eyes at Final Fantasy VII: Rebirth - I might replay the first one and hope that a PC conversion of the new one isn't too far off.

Diablo IV is on Game Pass this month, that'll be fun.

I'm sure I'll get Balatro at some point, it looks very much my sort of thing.


George Galloway just got elected, I think that's a sign to give up on the day and go back to bed.



We're still regularly setting sail in Sea of Thieves. It's nice to see the rep bars tick up again after a recent update, but that's not the reason - it's just a great game to hang out in and goof about being pirates.

Started FFVII Rebirth, and (foolishly?) opted not to skip the demo section when offered the option, so still not past the flashback that forms (most of?) Chapter 1. It's basically just more FFVII Remake, so far, but I'm looking forward to getting to the point where the open world stuff shows up. I do like the way they handle Spoiler - click to showSephiroth in the opening, fair he snaps - he's a really nice guy, who seems to genuinely care about (and be amused by) 16-year-old Cloud's desire to show off a bit.

Finally, I'm still picking away at Assassin's Creed Mirage. It's structurally a bit odd, with the traditional Ubisoft glut of side activities, but I'm trying to stick to the main plot at least until I feel like I've unlocked all the essential abilities.

Now that it's out on PS5, I'm definitely going to pick up Pentiment at some point, but I've told myself that I have to finish something before I buy anything else. Other than PS5 Sea of Thieves, of course, which I'm definitely going to get - if only so Sarah can play it on something that doesn't have to have all the graphical options set to Cursed.

Westminster. Just call the election already, and put an end to this limping shitshow. The Tories know they're not going to win, and stacking Ls against themselves with MP suspensions and getting dumpstered in by-elections won't change that. I really don't understand what Sunak's holding out for.



If you wanna see more Spoiler - click to shownice guy Sephiroth, Crisis Core delivers. Granted you might get a bit more than you bargained for. I'll probably get the remaster for it after this.

Also we've seen Nibelheim redone about 100 times at this point but it's always a really good scene, the more personal detail here is welcome too.



Agreed with Ninchilla that seeing the numbers going up in Sea of Thieves gives me purpose when playing again. Not that we wouldn't be playing anyway, but we've got more incentive to actually do things now, rather than focusing on commendations. Balatro is fabulous and will keep me hooked for a long time, I reckon. I also picked up the expansion pass for Splatoon 3 thanks to folk at work extolling the virtues of Side Order. Only played a tiny bit (which is how I discovered my analogue stick was screwed), but it definitely seems like my bag.

There's a physical version of Armello going into Kickstarter soon, so I'm really looking forward to that. It's the only thing I'm kickstarting this year, since I have several outstanding things from last year and I don't want to go overboard. That said, the Darkest Dungeon game I backed is in development hell thanks to Mythic Games being scumbags, so god knows if I'll actually get the rest of what I paid for (received the core game and one expansion, but still waiting on four more expansions that will supposedly come by the end of this year…).

Finally got round to playing Street Fighter 6 today and no sir, I don't like it. Just feels too chunky and a bit off, compared to something like Mortal Kombat 1, and the World Tour thing is god awful so I'm ditching it already. Also, I just spent over a grand on flights and accommodation for a trip back to the UK, so fuck that… everything's so damn expensive these days and there's not even a guarantee it'll go smoothly. If there are strikes when I'm flying out that cause my plane to be cancelled, I'll go fucking mental given Lufthansa already made me miss seeing my kids once.



Star Wars: Jedi Survivor. - What a difficult game to explain. It's amazing, but it's often infuriating. The game itself is an intoxicating mix of tough, exhilarating, souls-esque combat and surprisingly difficult 3D platforming. The combat suffers slightly from what seems to be input lag, which is death in a game this otherwise precise. I don't know if it is something to do with the PC port or just the way the game controls, but hitting a parry is too random. Even dodging is sometimes impossible to land. Your droid friend often ignores your requests for health stims. It means you often die to seemingly no fault of your own. I fixed this the old fashioned way - by dropping the difficulty down from normal to easy. At this level, the parry window is larger, so the window to hit it becomes doable, and the input lag is negated. It makes the game a much more enjoyable experience, while still being challenging. It feels like this should be the default difficulty, as it allows you to fight the still-tough enemies without feeling like the control issues are killing you more than the enemies.

I don't know if the game is designed to be a bit weird to control, but it is. If you go into a room full of earthenware pots, no matter how careful you try to be, those pots are getting stomped to smithereens. Cal lurches around, rubs his hands and face up against walls, catapults forward when you want him to stop, and takes extra jumps because you tried to correct for something a few seconds earlier. You try to jump a gap, but the input doesn't seem to register, so you press jump again, and he does a double jump right past your landing spot and into a ravine. This doesn't happen all the time, fortunately enough because there is a lot of very tricky platforming in the game. This is latter levels of Mario Odyssey stuff, combinations of moves such as jumps, flips, wall-running, flips to a different wall, air-dashes through forcefields, another flip and a wall-run, a flip back in the other direction then a grappling hook used to latch onto a rope before flipping off the rope, air-dashing forward and grabbing the edge of the next platform. I'm not exaggerating - this accurately describes a particular section I played last night. What's amazing is that none of this is done via Assassin's Creed style "parkour" where you hold one button to scale any building. You are fully in control of all of the moves, and it can be pretty unforgiving. If you reach the end of a sequence having hit all the moves, but are coming in slightly too low, tough luck - you're in that ravine. However, the game has a super-quick reset, generous checkpointing, and no real punishment for failure beyond losing a small amount of health, so it always remains fun and fair, and feels like a real achievement when you pull off a long sequence of moves and know that you did that rather than holding down one button and watching your avatar do it on their own.

The game's structure is fun, as it gives you a run-down bar as a base of operations, and various side-activities for you to do in the bar such as growing plants from seeds you find around the various worlds, or a strategy board game you can play with the varous regulars. I always like this sort of thing, how you can wander around having off-duty conversations with various characters, like in Mass Effect. Outside of the bar, the main planet of Koboh is an almost open world sized map. It even has Breath of the Wild shrines. They're REALLY reminiscent of BotW shrines though, in terms of what you have to do in them, and even the atmosphere of them. They're beyond a tribute, it's like someone said, "lets put BotW shrines in the game" and they did exactly that. Exactly that. There are also a few weird little sub-levels you can teleport to which give you a crushingly difficult bit of platforming to execute. There's an awful lot of stuff in this game. A lot of ideas, some of which could have done with being expanded further, although that might have stretched an already long game into the 50+ hours range.

I haven't mentioned the PC port. It's better than it was at launch, but it's a shit port. It's rare that the game loads properly first time. I've seen the crash report screen dozens of times. The game goes through an "optimisation" process every time it starts, which takes several minutes. At least when it does start, it runs well enough. The frame-rate is now rock solid. The game doesn't freeze or stutter. It does have fairly constant texture flashing though. You turn the camera and a few bits of the background flash white for an instant. I don't remember seeing this in other games, but in SW:JS it's pretty constant. Switching to other detail levels doesn't help, nor does turning the ray tracing on or off. It's a shame because otherwise it's a gorgeous game.

There's a 10/10 game in here, with best-in-class combat and platforming, and a great story and characters, but it's not been executed quite right, and I suspect it can't actually be fixed. It's still fantastic, but it's so close to being something really special.

Oh, and you sometimes find a new beard in a crate in the desert.

More retro handhelds.

My health in general. We had to call paramedics to my house last week. That was embarassing. Don't worry - I'm fine. It was just an Addisons Disease thing.



Get a metal one, I dunno if I'd recommend the 405M, need to test the battery more and stuff but my God I love it (flashing it to GammaOS was a wee bit more involved than if like, but whatever). It being metal makes my other ones feel like a toy 😭.

There's also the the RP2S Metal which miiiight be a more quality product but I prefer the aspect ratio of the 405M, which I'm using to play FF7, again. At the same time as Rebirth. Guess I'm getting in the playthrough early this time, so I can finish Rebirth and shit on the ending before some dickhead tells me to 'just play FF7', well….I am, so there.

Rebirth is really good so far, they have super improved the combat and everything else is as top notch as it was in Remake. Not sure what to say about the big open map so far though, I mean it's clearly filled with more stuff than OG's was but I didn't really find anything interesting.



Star Wars: Jedi Survivor. - What a difficult game to explain.

I really loved Jedi Survivor, it was probably my GOTY 2023, but it was a janky technical mess even on console. The "performance" mode swung wildly between different frame rates and resolutions to the point of being incredibly distracting. In the end I played through the whole thing at 30fps which wouldn't have been my choice but it was very playable once you got used to it and it looked gorgeous. I think they've fixed the performance mode now, but I haven't been back to check.

It's a great game though and it really nails the atmosphere of Star Wars, better than the recent TV series do in many ways. I didn't have the control issues you're describing, really, though my parry timing is for shit and I did have to knock the difficulty level down to Easy for a couple of boss fights. There are a couple of set-pieces later in the game which are ridiculously impressive. It's just a good game.

My health in general. We had to call paramedics to my house last week. That was embarassing. Don't worry - I'm fine. It was just an Addisons Disease thing.

Glad you're OK - stay safe.




Final Fantasy VII (PS1) - This is getting dangerously close to 'comfort food' for me as of late, I dunno if I've ever felt like a full on RPG like that before but I feel like I could play this as many times as I can without getting bored now. I was having a bad week and playing this also made me feel better too, I've got a PC playthrough lined up using a new mod that remodels the whole combat so everyone has innate abilities, Materia greatly affects stats and so on and so forth. When all is said and done I should probably move FF7 to prob just outside my big 3 (Tactics, XIV and XI)

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - If Alastor mentions FFXVI, the guards have been ordered to shoot him

Hello, I hated Remake's ending so while that did dampen my enthusiasm a little bit I'd be lying if I said I wasn't super excited still, this doesn't mean I think the story is going to be as good though. So far, yeah this is pretty excellent and there've been a few improvements to Remake that make this more fun to play, combat wasn't bad in Remake at all but here the Synergy Abilities and improved aerial combat make it way more fun now.

The biggest step up is probably the world map, at first I was like 'this is empty as SHIT' then I played for a while and unlocked the sidequests and the Ubisoft Towers and I got so much side stuff to do that I haven't even progressed the Main Story at all…not sure how I feel about this. The only progression I've done is of what I believe to be the demo content (I didn't play it, and I'm so glad now) which if I'm being honest came very close to feeling like like an AAA version of the events of Nibelheim with you walking from scene to scene (with added Piano), although the part where shits hit the fan was pretty good (way creepier in OG though, which was less brutal than this).




The characters…they're good right? And the way they have a dynamic and talk to each other outside of Kalm. No reason in particular I'm saying this btw. Also, Tifa and Aerith eh, very talkative…what? Final Fantasy VIII sucks, the only thing worse would be by counts doubling it so it was consults accountant twice as bad, eh!????

Can't wait to beat the game and get called boring again because I think the ending sucks balls though, big shame. Does really jog your noggin though, shit ending to a good game or an okay ending to a completely generic story??? I am of course, talking about Ys: Memories of Celceta obviously.

Dragon Quest 5 - Playing through three generations of a family in this is really cool, what gets old is getting lost really easily.

You know, I love Persona games and I do want Persona 3 Reload eventually, but when it comes down to it it's still a game I've played before, so while I will play it it's definitely going behind Baldur's Gate 3 on the list for now. I won't lie, Persona 5 is one of my fave RPGs of all time but I had a choice and that choice was Granblue Fantasy: Relink or '90 hours of S-links and Personas. Again' and honestly I nearly put 100 hours into Relink so I think I made a right choice.

Not really a bin but I'm definitely doing the bare minimum on Genshin Impact and Honkai Star Rail right now, imagine playing either game when FF7 Rebirth is right there. :o



What's your favorite of the Final Fantasy Tactics games, Al?

I reckon FFT Advance is my favorite, although I understand it is the most hated by the FFT community. There's something about the atmosphere that I like. I'm playing FFTA2 at the moment, and that's fun but doesn't have as compelling a story as FFTA in my opinion. It does have a lot more jobs of course. The War Of The Lion is great too, but has an impenetrable story and a crazy number of jobs. I will get round to playing it again soon though. The original FFT on Playstation is the only one I haven't played.



Isn't War of the Lions just a re-released/re-translated version of the original FFT? I don't think there's any reason at all to go back to that one any more.



War of the Lions is my favourite, but I've not played a lot of TA and I don't think I've ever touched TA2, one day!

Isn't War of the Lions just a re-released/re-translated version of the original FFT? I don't think there's any reason at all to go back to that one any more.

It is, the PSP version also added Luso from FFTA2 and a new job as well as like you said making the script more in line with the other Ivalice games like FFXII which I do know some people are split on ('Tis your birth and faith that wrong you, not I' vs 'Blame yourself. Or God' )

Also, there is significant slowdown on the PSP version when casting some spells and lack of chuuni style call outs when using them (""Destruction of nature, gather in flame! Fire!"). I don't about the latter but you can download a version that fixes the slowdown.


big mean bunny

Started Final Fantasy Core expecting it to be turn based and it's the live action stuff, previously I didn't like this but so far it's actually finally clicked me with and really enjoying it. Possibly due to having never played this when it was originally out.



Not a huge amount. Did shoutcast a Valorant tournament with my son where two teams of his friends treated it as deathly serious and it was tremendous fun. Really close games and a good bonding experience for everyone.
Still playing Prodeus, which I think is excellent. Dabbled in a few other things here and there on the PS5. It's such a shame Immortals of Aveum won't get a patch as its performance is terrible in bits (it's supposed to be 60fps, but lurches up and down like a dingy in the middle of the Atlantic).
Oh and also doing a bit of Diablo 4 here and there.
I also like the changes in the new Apex season, which retools the game from the ground up in a number of ways.

Want and Bin
This has been something of a brutal 2 years for me. As I have said before, it started when my dad died after a drug resistant infection put him in a coma and then leukaemia was triggered by it weeks later after a really bleak period in hospital. The black irony being that my company is working on an aerosolised anti-infective with the NHS and an RNAi cure for ALM with a Swiss collaborator.

Then, a year on, I had a massive bleed on the back of my brain, that probably should've killed me. I've recovered from it (its sort of played havoc with my vision and memory, but as I already had shit vision and a shit memory you wouldn't really know).

And this month I've split from my long term partner of 10 years (some of you will also know we got engaged in November). This is less dramatic - it just proved impossible to take a next step because of fundamental differences (mainly around money and her adult children). It's sad, but the right choice.

Its been quite a lot, on top of the stress of trying to run a company remotely (which is going fairly well, but as investor money flows in, their demands for performance and results steadily climbs too). And too many distractions means you can't stop press releases going out saying we're a Scottish dog development company.

I cannae believe we're helpin' the wee dugs in Inverness. JFK.

So, next month I'm moving to Carrickfergus in Northern Ireland! Although my company is in Belfast, I just couldn't find anywhere in the city that wasn't massively depressing. So, I'm moving from the Marina in Aberystwyth to…. the Marina in Carrickfergus (the Aberystwyth of Northern Ireland). It's about 11 miles to the North of Belfast. Small, fairly pleasant (if you fall under the Union Flag), and a nice cycle in. I'm not selling my flat here, or renting it, as I'll pop back from time to time, so if anyone wants a cheap holiday in West Wales give me a shout.


big mean bunny

A) Defo interested in flat hire off you in future, that sounds grand B) Yeah similarly it's rough to hear you've had such a tough time but great you are moving with the sea C) Not sure I've listed these in the order I should have. D) Interested in checking out Apex, been back in on Fortnite a lot lately and really enjoying being part of a "live community" - regardless of being a hermit in it.



[Whole load of life stuff]

Wow, cav. It sounds like you have a lot to get through. I knew about the blee on your brain because you'd already mentioned it on here, and your company of course… but the rest sounds like a lot to have got through.

More power to you. I hope you go from strength to strength,



More power to you. I hope you go from strength to strength,

Agreed. I knew some of what you'd been going through but not all. Hope the new start works out for you.


Mr Party Hat

Yeah best of luck with the new start cav, looks like an amazing place to explore. (Based on 5 minutes of Google Maps armchair tourism.)



Thanks! And yeah, I know I've shared bits and bobs about the chaos here over the years. But I was looking at it holistically the other day and after a period of calm after the horrors of my exit from France it has certainly been turbulent once again. But I'm lucky (I'm not dead, I have a job, my kids are doing OK at uni, I have the ability to make proactive choices and I still have a good relationship with my mum and stepmum to carry me through).

A year somewhere else (even if it is Norn Ireland) is probably just the ticket. Maybe longer, if I like it. If the company folds in 2 years then it'll be good to have job options in West Wales and Ireland (longer term I'd like to move to the Republic for easier access to the EU though - unless Dublin has burnt down by then).

Anyway…. videogames! Whoop!



I'm really sorry to read about you having a tough time, Cav. As you know, I was aware of some of it but not everything. It sounds horrendous, and it's really admirable that you still find time to help the small Scottish dogs.

I'm also really embarrased that in all the time you've lived in Aberystwyth I never managed to visit you once. That speaks volumes about how organised I am.



Wow, that’s… a lot. I think I’d seen bits and pieces here and on the socials, but wasn’t aware of the full breadth of it all. Having all that go on in such a short space of time must’ve been incredibly tough. Genuinely sorry to hear it, but fair play to you for coming through it, accentuating the positive to boot.

Hoping you’re on the up now cav, and wishing nothing but good luck for you, internet friend.



FF7 Rebirth is 78 hours and counting for me, even if we assume I'm dilly dallying (shilly shallying :pensive: ) if you do all content (and it's not BAD content) this has to be the longest non MMO game in the series right?



Have you got the World Map opened up to you yet? You'll see what I mean, just remember it's kinda optional though!

I also have been discussing this game with a friend who never played the original and it's weird, the remake has VASTLY improved character development in the sense that it's executed better, not that it doesn't exist in OG (although in cases like Yuffie, it kinda doesn't) and gameplay wise it's obviously way better but overall I still think I prefer the original, is it nostalgia or do I prefer no fluff? :thinking:

But it's interesting describing this stuff to someone who hasn't played it 'What do you mean Yuffie is optional?' and 'The Swamp in the original game isn't a dungeon it's a part of the world map you cross in 2 seconds???' and then trying to say you still think it's better lol.

This game really does make me feel like 7 has the best cast in the series overall, that's no small feat (although it was followed by the 8 cast so I guess the series really is a rollercoaster huh).



There's been a bit of world map, but I've just Spoiler - click to showfought the Turks in the Mythril Mine after getting sidetracked with Grasslands quests for ages

Something I'm finding - that I don't remember being a thing in Remake - is that fights seem very swing-y; trash mobs go down before I've built a second ATB half the time, but against bosses I'll feel like I'm making zero progress and getting my ass kicked - until suddenly I'm not, and then it's over really quickly. I usually don't even know what I've done to turn the tide, because the shorter fights are so short I haven't had time to learn the new movesets.



FF7 Rebirth is 78 hours and counting for me

100 hours now (although a friend did what I did in 80 soooo)

I think I can finally pin down why I prefer the PS1 version despite all the objectively massive upgrades and general polish to the remaster, maybe I'll go into it more when I finish it this week but basically, FFVII was as good as it was even without all that and for me it's a matter of pace. The Remake is good for like 'okay, let's take a CLOSER look at this theme, at this character' and that's all good but I got most of that in the original. I would say it's like a good companion to the game but…it's not even a remake it's like the Rebirth of Evangelion in that it's ultimately it's own thing, so you can prefer the 'remake' duo as a game for sure (I didn't even think that as of 'Remake' we had enough game to go on in that comparison too, but with 'Rebirth' I think it's fair to say you'll know which you prefer by now) but as a version of the events of Final Fantasy VII? Ultimately different. (For one Sephiroth is just a bit of a smug ghost prick in this game)


Mr Party Hat

I'm actually playing through FF7 for the first time at the moment. I've just left Midgar, so I've just finished Remake's portion of the story. I'm going to finish the original before I play Rebirth.

5 minutes after leaving Midgar (in Kalm), there's more exposition dump than throughout the previous 5 hours. I now know who Sephiroth is, what Materia is, Cloud's background… all stuff that would have made Remake less bewildering. They really didn't make that game with first-time players in mind, despite what they've said. I just thought Sephiroth was a generic JRPG emo god.

I'm surprised how good some of the writing is too, considering this is from 1997. There's the usual mysoginistic 90s bullshit, and they really need to stop saying retard. But that flasback scene in Kalm is genuinely funny, but still unsettling enough to suggest Something's Going On. Great stuff.



The writing has always been great, I'm glad more people will finally realise one way or another. Also Sephiroth's creepy descent into madness is done great, as is the sequence in Shinra HQ where you wake up in jail to bloody red smears everywhere.



After a lot of Burnout 3: Takedown I tried some Burnout: Revenge last night and…I think I prefer it already? I dunno, kinda' torn because I thought the traffic checking feature where you can whack same lane traffic into other cars would make it less fun, too integral a thing to take out. It kinda is like that but also it's really fun so far to just focus on turning your rivals into scrap with less worries about last minute crossroad pileups. Tracks so far of my super limited play felt positive, with the first race offering ramps and multiple pillars to weave in and out as you drive through half finished construction, already distinct from 3. The Road Rage mode, which would be out of place in 3, is super fun here as well, as you just endlessly drive through streets and send cars flying everywhere.

Also this is probably the same feeling people got going from Burnout 2 to 3 when Takedowns were introduced, I'm going to go out on a limb and say Burnout 2 probably still holds up, which would make Burnour 2, 3 and 4 both all unique and kind of an impressive run of arcade racing games honestly. Paradise Remastered is on sale super super cheap on Steam so I'll be having that too!

Just wanna' say that the drifting in this series is 11/10, I don't want to compare it to Ridge Racer's yet but holy shit it's perfect.



Alpha Protocol is back, baby! On PC only, sadly, but hopefully this means the rights issues have been sorted out with the soundtrack and it'll show up on consoles again soon.


Dragon's Dogma 2 is out on Friday, but I feel like I'm still barely scratching the surface of Unicorn Overlord (which is excellent) so I don't think I can justify the asking price. Reviews are pretty good, though.



Play - Evil West

Not, sadly, a co-op game where you play as Fred and Rose West trying to lay patios against the clock. Instead this is a ludicrous Cowboys versus Vampires action-adventure that appears to have dropped in fully-formed from the Xbox 360 era. It's got skill trees, weapons upgrades, two-player co-op and you mostly just push forward and punch things. It's overwhelmingly, almost comically brown and completely linear. It has lavish pre-rendered cut-scenes that you'll want to skip almost immediately. Someone's spent ages lovingly writing loads of creature descriptions, flavour text and other lore and then someone else put them on the screen in a font so small it's all impossible to read. It's the kind of game you rarely get any more, it's surprisingly fun and it's perfect Game Pass fodder.



I was really excited when I saw this was coming in, but I played for about 30 minutes and uninstalled it. Unless I'm missing something, there's no way to lock onto enemies (is there?!) and I kept fumbling around trying to hit things that were moving in various directions. Maybe I was doing something wrong. Hmm.



I don’t think there’s a lock-on and the combat system is quite tricky, with a lot of crowd control required. However it opens up quite quickly, you get guns early on and the third level gives you a kind of electric whip thing you can use to pull in enemies or whizz around the battlefield. I’m still dying regularly but I’m having fun. It’s totally a 7/10 game but we all know they’re secretly the best.



Additional Play:
Helldivers II. I really liked the original Helldivers, and played the heck out of it with Sarah & my inlaws back in the day. I was initially skeptical of the move to a more traditional third-person view, but after seeing bits of a few streams (and getting the Helldivers theme stick in my head for two days straight) I pulled the trigger, and have spent a few hours over the last couple of evenings spreading MANAGED DEMOCRACY across the stars.

Where the first game had (I think?) a largely procedural back and forth on the Galactic War, Helldivers II famously has a "Game Master", one of the devs whose job it is to run the story, controlling the movement of enemy factions and using Major Orders to attack or defend key planets in the ongoing struggle. The upshot of this is a very invested community, though there has been some decent into arguments over where the best places to engage are.

(This isn't helped by the UI on the galactic map, which doesn't indicate which planets have supply lines to each other - so I ended up spending a bunch of time on the "wrong" planet because I didn't realise it wasn't connected to the one we're trying to unlock next.)

I've only played with randoms so far, mostly without voice comms, and had plenty of fun - it's marginally less chaotic than I renege the original being, but considerably more tense. Last night, however, I dropped into a game with a pair of players on chat, and it's transformative. Banter and call-outs, coordinating on objectives, the occasional apology for dropping a strategem on someone's head; and in one case, forgetting to warn the team that I'd just set the fuse on a small nuke.

It's great.