The Bargains Thread

Started by aniki

aniki are running a 'Most Wanted' sale at the moment, where they've put 150 of the most-wishlisted games from their entire catalogue on sale until April 23rd.

And Steam have a BAFTA-themed thing running, with a bunch of nominees and winners at varying discounts.



It looks like a whole load of Japanese titles have been reduced in price quite heavily - maybe another themed sale that they haven't grouped together on the main page yet? Worth checking if there is anything you're looking out for.

Yakuza Zero is also discounted, for instance - any idea what the best starting point is if you've never played one of these games before?



Yakuza 0 is a prequel to the whole job lot. Yakuza 1 Kiwami is a remake of Y1. Either of those is a real solid starting point.



PSN is having an upcoming "Days of Play" sale starting on the 8th of June.

They're even including God of War in the thing, which seems soon. It's going from €69.99 to €49.99, which is about a 29% discount; that suggests it's only likely to drop to about £42 for the UK, but I'll definitely be keeping an eye out to see if other retailers match the drop to keep competitive.

EDIT: they're also running a truly bonkers contest to win a PS4 and £840 of PSN credit, which involves signing up and then unlocking at least one trophy every day for the full 11-day run.



I'm not sure if it's the ugliest console I've ever seen, but it's got to be a podium finish.


Brian Bloodaxe

I'm not sure if it's the ugliest console I've ever seen, but it's got to be a podium finish.

Now there's a thread that needs starting.



There are more wood-panelled consoles from the 80s than I probably remember, but industrial design was not a major consideration in any industry in those days so I think we can probably cut them a little slack.

I always had a soft spot for the Q, though - who doesn't want a games machine that looks like it's from the hifi separates part of Richer Sounds?

Maybe all the truly disgusting consoles are limited editions? There were some pretty horrible Dreamcasts, too.



Jesus Christ, that looks like someone let a five-year-old loose with a collection of dentist stickers.



A lot of the old "ugly" consoles were from a time where everything was brown and beige and angular; they've got an excuse. The Q looks like a shitty amateur casemod. #fiteme



Days of Play has started.

Not much is cheaper than it's been in other sales, bar God of War's first discount down to £39.99; Horizon Zero Dawn is reduced to £14.24 if you have PlayStation Plus (or £22.74 for the GOTY version). Shadow of the Colossus is under £15, too, and Assassin's Creed Origins' Hidden Ones DLC is down to £4.99 (which means that with Curse of the Pharaohs already separately discounted to £9.59, you can get both expansions significantly cheaper than the Season Pass, even though it, too, is on "sale" at £24.99).



Burnout Paradise for £12 is very tempting, but the only other thing jumping out at me is Monster Hunter World - though £32.99 is a little farther outside impulse range than I'd like.



I've been through the entire list and, miraculously, come out the other side not having bought a thing. That said, it's mainly because anything I would have wanted is already marked Purchased, so there is that. God of War's not discounted enough to tempt me, given that I won't get to it for ages and have enough to play already, and the season passes for South Park and Horizon (well, expansion in the latter case) don't appeal at those prices.

I think I'm going to survive this one unscathed, folk.

That said, I am doing the 'trophy a day' thing for the competition… that's effort, right?



Yeah, I'm attempting that one, too. Easy ones are scarce, but there are a few PS+ games I haven't played that are bound to have tutorial trophies, right?




I've got so many games I've not even started, there's going to be tonnes of ones I can get for only playing the first hour or so. I think.

I really haven't thought this through.



Thing is, I have* to get it digitally - I share my account with a friend, so I never buy boxed because otherwise she doesn't get the benefit as well. Wouldn't be fair if I did that. I'll just wait until it's even cheaper… not like I'm in a rush or anything.

  • not HAVE to, but you know…


For some unknown reason, Call of Duty: Black Ops III was added as a 'bonus' PS+ title this month. I really don't want it. But it's free, so of course I've grabbed it, never to be played. Said it was a limited time thing though and, weirdly, there's no option to add it to your library upon purchase - you have to download it. So, licenses revoked when the offer expires? No idea. Possibly.

Still, if free CoD is your thing, it's there if you want it.



Hey, I downloaded it! Then deleted it, because it's 45GB that I could use for something else. I'll literally never play it. Hell, I can barely play the stuff I DO have on my PS4.



Sony have announced a new £16 budget range of PS4 games starting from July 18th.

The first bunch of games in Playstation Hits are

  • Bloodborne
  • Driveclub
  • inFamous Second Son
  • Killzone Shadow Fall
  • The Last of Us Remastered
  • LittleBigPlanet 3
  • Ratchet & Clank
  • Uncharted 4: A Thief's End
  • Need For Speed
  • Need For Speed Rivals
  • EA Sports UFC 2
  • Yakuza Zero
  • Earth Defense 4.1: The Shadow of New Despair
  • Project Cars
  • Dragon Ball Xenoverse
  • Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends Complete Edition
  • Watch_Dogs
  • Assassin's Creed 4 Black Flag
  • Rayman Legends
  • Mortal Kombat X
  • Batman Arkham Knight
  • Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor
  • Street Fighter 5


Worth noting that they've currently got a Games Under £12 sale running that includes Yakuza Zero, so if you wanted that in particular, get it now rather than waiting for it to enter their budget range (??).


Mr Party Hat

Extra money-saving tip – don't buy Yakuza 0. You save yourself 12 quid and a few hours of bemused boredom.



That current games under £12 sale is pretty good. I nearly bought the Valkyria remaster and Mad Max last night.

Spotted that the Earth Defence Force going into the 15.99 deal is also 8.99 in this sale.



amused that MPH hates such a well loved game so much. (and I'm probably his only ally in that hahahah)



He's registered, but hasn't logged on for over a week. Still posting his offensively great miniatures painting on Instagram, though.


Mr Party Hat

Maybe we should stop liking his annoyingly good Instagram until he comes back. Let's deprive him of affection.



PSN have an EA flash sale on at the moment. Most of it is Sims rubbish, but there's also a Battlefield 1/Titanfall 2 bundle for £17, and Burnout Paradise for £12.



Very large Summer sale over on PSN right now, with 475 different things discounted. A lot of it's the same stuff you always see, but I'm sure someone's going to find a bargain in there. Personally, I came away with my wallet intact… but then, I did just pre-order Dead Cells, Guacamelee 2 and the final season of Telltale's Walking Dead, so that's enough for now.

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