The Vita Appreciation Thread

Started by Garwoofoo


It's been brought to my attention that pretty much all the PSP stuff is still on the Sony store, they've just removed the links to it so you can't search for it. Google gets you to it though and it's all still available for purchase.

Here it is, in all its glory, so if anyone wanted to buy any PSP games, I suggest you do it sooner rather than later.

Tactics Ogre is on there still so anyone who hasn't got that should really consider giving it a go.



Tactics Ogre is on there still

Today happens to be payday for me, so this is clearly a sign.



Most of them, but not all. Sony had a momentary lapse at one point and flicked a switch that made everything downloadable (hence why my Vita has Rock Band PSP on it despite that being marked as not compatible), but they shut that door pretty quickly.



ZHP Unlosing Ranger is on there, that's an excellent srpg/rogue like hybrid


Brian Bloodaxe

I recommend Burnout Dominator and Killzone Liberation. And Patapon. Although I guess you would have to find out if they run on a Vita.



Today happens to be payday for me, so this is clearly a sign.

Hope you got in quick. Those links are dead now. Sony's determination to prevent people giving them money knows no bounds, it seems.



Yeah, I'd already bought it by the time I posted that. I'm only three or four missions in, mostly thanks to tutorial fatigue.



damn, rip Persona 2

EDIT - never mind, it's on Vita's store, Vita with the save yet again.



Read that Sony will allow users to download any previous purchases via the platform once the stores close. I'm mainly swithering about buying a copy of Might and Magic Clash of Heroes before the store shuts. I played that game endlessly with my old flatmate in his PS3 and on the DS before that. Easily an all time favourie.

Went and looked at my PS3 downloads yesterday and, not for the first time I'm sure, was surprised by a TV show on my list.

I'm paranoid about PSN purchases because at one point I found that my PS4 wasn't set as the primary console on my account and someone was syphoning access to stuff (recently found out it had to do with GTA Online and the Russians). Anyway, on my list of PS3 downloads was a show called Powers. On the list it looks like I've bought the whole series but then only have access to the one episode Sony gave away for free. I think it was like that time Apple forced that U2 album on everyone except you had to be on ps+ and opt in to this one.



Read that Sony will allow users to download any previous purchases via the platform once the stores close.

There's a catch with cross-buy stuff though: if you have any cross-buy games but only downloaded, say, the PS3 version previously, you need to download the other version directly or you lose it when the store closes. Annoying.



What the hell?! That's completely insane. What if you've claimed the cross-buy games from PS+ but never directly downloaded either version?



This seems almost like a deliberate effort on Sony's part to undermine preservation. They're actively hostile not just to backwards compatibility, but also the old hardware itself.



What the hell?! That's completely insane. What if you've claimed the cross-buy games from PS+ but never directly downloaded either version?

You lose… both? If they're PS3 and Vita, I guess. Dunno, it's not clear.

From the email directly though:

If you have purchased a PS3/PS Vita cross-buy bundle and have only downloaded either the PS3 or PS Vita version, you will need to download the other version prior to the closure of PlayStation™Store on the relevant device.

You will still be able to re-download and play game titles you have claimed through PlayStation®Plus as long as you remain a member of the service



I do like the way that email from Sony has "PLAY HAS NO LIMITS" in big letters at the bottom.

Clearly, it does.



I guess this just finally tips my legit Vitas into now being converted to "homebrew" versions, as eventually happened with my PSPGo. Which is sad, but there you go.

I guess Sony had my money when they wanted it and I funded Vita development as long as I could. If they're willfully rendering the device as less accessible then I have less of a problem with hacking it.



I need to look into this too, I think. Just for future-proofing really. Sony clearly want to actively prevent me spending any money on Vita games, so I don't feel guilty about doing what I want with the things I've already paid for (or, indeed, pirating things I can no longer legally buy).



They’ve backtracked now. Vita and PS3 stores will remain open. PSP is closing as planned though.


big mean bunny

Anyone got a modded/hacked Vita? My local has a Slim in that I am considering trading some gear in for and getting just to do that too, interested in the PSP emulation and better memory sizes it seems to offer.


big mean bunny

Sorry that is what I meant. So you can out a micro sd into an adaptor that goes in the game slot. And keep more on it, Vita memory cards are even more expensive 2nd hand that they were new at the minute.



Anyone here know how I can get a very short PS+ membership code or trial to test something with? The shortest memberships now appear to be £30 for three months (I'm checking both CDKeys and Eneba), but I literally want to use it for a few days max. Weren't there 14-day trials before? I don't want to pay a lot of cash for a quick test…

EDIT: Fuck it, the PS app offers a month for £7, so done. Auto renew turned off immediately because I'm not a total idiot.

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